A single-cell package for Functional Annotation + Gene Module Summarization.
Bowerbirds are famous for the elaborate and sometimes whimsical structures that males build to court females.
Picture credits: A satin bowerbird’s bower, decorated with blue objects. © Stefan Marks / Flickr
I'm not sure if this mating ritual is in anyway similar to my attempts to visualise pathway analyses and their association with celltype identities/states... who cares. It's just a name.
This is being rebuilt from the ground-up in a separate implemenation.
# because currently private, requires specifying personal github access token
devtools::install_github('clatworthylab/bowerbird', auth_token = "insert_your_personal_github_access_token")
# or clone this repo and do devtools::install('path/of/folder/to/bowerbird')
# download from msigdb website
gmt_file <- system.file("extdata", "h.all.v7.4.symbols.gmt", package = "bowerbird")
bwr <- bower(gmt_file) # this performs a read_geneset step internally, which accepts .gmt, .gmx, .csv, .tsv, .txt, or R objects as list or data.frame format.
bwr <- snn_graph(bwr)
bwr <- find_clusters(bwr)
bwr <- summarize_clusters(bwr)
# BOWER class
# number of genesets: 50
# genesets kNN Graph:
# IGRAPH 5c4d1b0 UNW- 50 124 --
# + attr: name (v/c), cluster (v/n), terms (v/c), labels (v/c), weight (e/n)
# + edges from 5c4d1b0 (vertex names):
# + ... omitted several edges
# number of geneset clusters: 10
A vignette is available at https://clatworthylab.github.io/bowerbird/articles/bowerbird_vignette.html
Example #1 Doing some manual editing of a predefined geneset.
# download from msigdb website
file <- system.file("extdata", "c5.go.bp.v7.4.symbols.gmt", package = "bowerbird")
# manualy read in to do some fine adjustments/filtering
geneset <- read_geneset(file) # reads in gene file manually
# do a bit of manual filtering
bwr <- bower(geneset)
bwr <- snn_graph(bwr)
bwr <- find_clusters(bwr)
bwr <- summarize_clusters(bwr)
Example #2 Extracting from msigdbr
GO <- data.frame(msigdbr::msigdbr(category = "C5", subcategory = "GO:BP"))
# convert to list
gs_list <- lapply(unique(genesets$gs_name), function(x) genesets[genesets$gs_name %in% x, "gene_symbol"])
names(gs_list) <- unique(genesets$gs_name)
bwr <- bower(gs_list)
bwr <- snn_graph(bwr)
bwr <- find_clusters(bwr)
bwr <- summarize_clusters(bwr)
# plot
plot_graph(bwr, colorby = 'cluster', node.size = 'geneset_size')
To do this, we would need either a single-cell object (SingleCellExperiment
or Seurat
), or a list containing differential gene testing results
# load a dummy dataset
# with single-cell methods:
## AUCell
bwr <- enrich_genesets(kidneyimmune, bwr, groupby = 'celltype', mode = 'AUCell')
## Seurat::AddModuleScore
bwr <- enrich_genesets(kidneyimmune, bwr, groupby = 'celltype', mode = 'Seurat')
## scanpy.tl.score_genes
bwr <- enrich_genesets(kidneyimmune, bwr, groupby = 'celltype', mode = 'scanpy')
# with fgsea on deg tables in a list
degs <- Seurat::FindAllMarkers(kidneyimmune)
degs <- split(degs, degs$cluster) # so in practice, there should be one DEG table per comparison in a list.
bwr <- enrich_genesets(degs, bwr, gene_symbol = 'gene', logfoldchanges = 'avg_log2FC', pvals = 'p_val')
# plot
celltypes <- levels(kidneyimmune) # celtypes stored as Idents in seurat object.
plot_list <- lapply(celltypes, function(ds){
g <- plot_graph(bwr, colorby = ds) + viridis::scale_color_viridis() + theme(plot.title = element_text(size = 8, face = "bold"))
cowplot::plot_grid(plotlist = plot_list, scale = 0.9)
# same function as above, just specifying core = TRUE.
bwr <- enrich_genesets(kidneyimmune, bwr, core = TRUE, groupby = 'celltype') # if mode is not specified, defaults to AUCell.
# output can also be plotted via ggraph as above but i'm using heatmap for convenience.
pheatmap::pheatmap(bwr@scores, cellheight = 20, cellwidth = 20)
# same for the gsea results.
bwr <- enrich_genesets(degs, bwr, core = TRUE, gene_symbol = 'gene', logfoldchanges = 'avg_logFC', pvals = 'p_val')
pheatmap::pheatmap(bwr@scores$padj, cellheight = 20, cellwidth = 20, color = viridis::viridis(50, direction = -1))