This is a personal blog website that uses NextJS, Strapi, TypeScript, GraphQL, and other technologies. It has many good optimizations under the hood.
I use Strapi as a headless CMS and gather data via GraphQL.
For the client, I use NextJS and Apollo. Each deployment gets the newest data via GraphqQL. TypeScript types are generated during deployment. They are based on schema and queries.
For automatization, I use GitHub actions and Netlify deploy.
Strict policies allow deploying to prod
only from master
, and it's possible to push to
or merge PR only if tests are ✅ passing and everything is ok
with build/deploy
to Vercel.
- NextJS (website)
- TypeScript with automated types for data generation;
- Styled Components
- Apollo GraphQL
- Prettier / Husky / Git-hooks
- Eslint
- Lazy load images
- Jest
npm i
npm run dev
npm run test
👤 Pavel Klochkov, [email protected]
- Website:
- Twitter:
- Github:
- LinkedIn:
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
Copyright ©2024 Pavel Klochkov, [email protected].
This project is MIT licensed.