This README accompanies the IEEE EuroS&P '23 paper "Anomaly-based Filtering of Application-Layer DDoS Against DNS Authoritatives". We publish the code to help reproducibility. We cannot disclose the raw DNS query data, due to the sensitive nature of DNS name lookups and the national data protection laws. Data sets to model different attackers based on the Mirai, Sality, and Open Resolver populations are available under Data Sources.
The repository contains two programs. There is a prototype, which ingests a NetFlow data file and computes an allowlist with traffic limitations per network range. Furthermore, the complete pipeline for reproducing the paper evaluation is included as well. The NetFlow data is aggregated and stored in a database to facilicate more extensive analysis. From this data we can compute our allowlists (Section 4.2). Based on the allowlist and the original traffic data, we simulate the impact our proposed filtering has on the benign and malicious traffic.
- Citations
- Required Software
- Allowlist Prototype
- Data Sources
- Importing Data and Processing It
- Contact Information
- License
If you make use of the code or data in this repository, please consider citing our conference paper. You can use this Bibtex entry, use the CITATION.cff file, or use the sidebar.
author = {Jonas Bushart and Christian Rossow},
month = jul,
year = {2023},
booktitle = {8th IEEE European Symposium on Security and Privacy},
title = {{Anomaly-based Filtering of Application-Layer DDoS Against DNS Authoritatives}},
url = {},
publisher = {{IEEE}}
We used the following tools for the project.
- Jupyter Lab
- Jupytext
- nfdump
- Rust (stable)
- Postgres 11+
- Python 3.10
The repository contains a prototype written in Python.
It depends on an existing nfdump
Install nfdump
either from source code or using your package manager.
Install the ddos-filtering
tool with pip.
pip3 install git+
usage: ddos-filtering [-h] [-c [CONFIG]] [-n NOW] [-o [OUTPUT]] FILES [FILES ...]
positional arguments:
FILES nfdump files to process
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-c [CONFIG], --config [CONFIG]
Path to the configuration file
-n NOW, --now NOW The current time as RFC3339 string.
-o [OUTPUT], --output [OUTPUT]
Path to write the allowlist as CSV. - for stdout.
The program needs one or multiple nfdump
NetFlow files, and the timestamp up to which point it should generate the allowlist.
The allowlist can be written to stdout by using --output -
or directly into a file with --output <filename>
More options for traffic filtering and parameter tweaking are available in the configuration file.
Together with the code used during evaluation, and the prototype, we further release the datasets on the simulated attackers. This includes the data for the Mirai-like botnet, the Sality botnet, and open resolver. All files are in the ./datasets folder.
The complete pipeline for reproducing the main evaluation of the paper is described here. It differs from the prototype in that it is more manual but allows for more flexibility in different analysis steps. We will visualize the steps using simple flowcharts and use this convention for the steps.
%%{init: { 'fontFamily': 'monospace' } }%%
flowchart TD
classDef normal font-family:sans-serif;
cmd>Commands to run]
step(Steps which require more interaction):::normal
data[(Data sources)]:::normal
%%{init: { 'fontFamily': 'monospace' } }%%
flowchart TD
classDef normal font-family:sans-serif;
nfdata[(NetFlow data in<br/>nfdump format)]:::normal
pgsetup(Create cctld database):::normal
pginit>psql cctld -f ./sql/postgres-schema.sql]
nfagg>"cargo run --bin netflow-aggregate -- NFFILES --output AGGREGATES traffic-volume --agg-interval=3600"]
nfimport>"cargo run --bin netflow-import -- 3600 LOCATION AGGREGATES"]
pgsetup --> pginit --> nfagg
nfdata -.- nfagg
nfagg -- per location --> nfagg
nfagg --> nfimport
nfimport -- per location --> nfimport
First, we need to set up a Postgres database.
We create a database called cctld
and grant the current user all permissions on it.
The basis schema is provided in the ./sql/postgres-schema.sql
Next, we aggregate and import our set of nfdump
NetFlow files.
We execute this step once per physical location.
All cargo
commands should be executed with --release
to achieve good performance.
We omit this flag from the flowcharts for brevity.
%%{init: { 'fontFamily': 'monospace' } }%%
flowchart TD
classDef normal font-family:sans-serif;
pretest>"psql cctld -f ./sql/pre-test-intervals.sql"]
allowlist>"psql cctld -f ./sql/allowlist.sql"]
trafficintervals>"psql cctld -f ./sql/traffic-intervals.sql"]
pretest --> allowlist & trafficintervals
allowlist -- per location --> allowlist
trafficintervals -- per location --> trafficintervals
Next we have a sequence of Postgres queries, which further aggregates the data into a usable format.
The pre-test-intervals.sql
script creates temporary aggregates used in the next steps.
computes the allowlist.
This step needs to be repeated once per location, but all locations can run in parallel.
computes the traffic occurring during different intervals.
This also needs to be repeated once per location.
%%{init: { 'fontFamily': 'monospace' } }%%
flowchart TD
classDef normal font-family:sans-serif;
attackerips[(Attacker IPs<br>and strength)]:::normal
catchment[(Full catchment<br>information)]:::normal
grid>"cargo run --bin param-grid-search -- --attacker-ips ATTACKER_IPS --catchment CATCHMENT"]
optimization>"cargo run --bin param-optimization -- --configuration CONFIGURATION EVAL_RESULTS"]
evasion>"cargo run --bin param-grid-search -- --attacker-ips ATTACKER_IPS --catchment CATCHMENT --evasion-ips 1337"]
evasioneval>"cargo run --bin param-evasion -- --configuration CONFIGURATION BASEDIR"]
attackerips & catchment -.- grid & evasion
grid --> optimization
grid -. eval_results_*.json .- optimization
optimization -. Best config .- evasion
evasion --> evasioneval
evasion -. eval_results_*.json .- evasioneval
With our populated database, we can now search for optimal algorithm parameters.
The parameters are set in the
file as constants.
You can update these to suit your needs.
Simulating a filtering run requires an attacker model.
This is specified by an external file, which lists the IP address of the attacker and how much traffic in relation to each other they can send.
This allows modelling an attacker with multiple attacking nodes of different strengths.
Additionally, a file describing the catchment of each location is necessary.
This describes for each IP range and each anycast IP address to which location the traffic is routed.
Multiple locations can be provided.
The output of param-grid-search
is then further processed by param-optimization
which can run a global optimization pass or day-forward-chaining.
Recreating the evasion simulation is possible with param-grid-search
by providing the --evasion-ips
arguments, which specifies how many of the attacker IPs are counted as having evaded detection.
These results are then processed by param-evasion
Please check the top of the files, and the help text of each program for more details.
The notebooks
folder contains the scripts we used to generate the plots for our paper.
The scripts consume the eval_results_*.json
files generated in the step above.
If further sources are needed, that is explained in the files.
Each *.py
file is a Jupyter notebook in the percent format.
Each cell is separated by # %%
You can use jupytext to convert it back into a *.ipynb
You can contact the authors using the following details. Further contact information is provided in the CITATION.cff file.
Jonas Bushart
mail: jonas . bushart [at] cispa . de (remove spaces)
Christian Rossow
mail: rossow [at] cispa . de (remove spaces)
The code and data is licensed under the BSD-3-Clause license. For details of the license check the provided LICENSE file.