A small Python3 program that visualises Elementary Cellular Automaton
Please ensure you are using python3 as this program will not run using python2.
After cloning the repo navigate into the directory cd Elementary-Cellular-Automaton-Visualisation
The run the command python Elementary-Cellular-Automaton-Visualisation.py
You will be then greeted with a command line interface to setup the visualisation.
The program will ask for the ruleset that is to be used when creating the next generation of cells. A ruleset is an 8-bit binary value e.g. 01111110.
After this a pygame window will open displaying the simulated Automaton.
To exit the program simply press escape key when the simulation is complete.
By default the program will calculate 64 generations but this can be changed by altering the GENERATIONCOUNT
If the pygame window is too big or too small it can be scaled by changing the RESOLUTIONSCALE