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This program converts the music tracks of the Acorn game Star Fighter 3000 from their original esoteric file format (understood only by the game's own music player) into standard Amiga ProTracker V1.1B song/module format. Most of the original features of the music can be replicated fairly accurately in ProTracker format.


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Star Fighter 3000 to ProTracker convertor

(C) Christopher Bazley, 2009

Version 0.08 (21 May 2024)

1 Introduction and Purpose

'Star Fighter 3000' is a three dimensional combat-dedicated flight action shooter which was first published in 1994 for 32-bit Acorn RISC OS computers. This program converts the music tracks from their original esoteric file format (understood only by the game's own music player) into standard Amiga ProTracker V1.1B song/module format. Most of the original features of the music can be replicated fairly accurately in ProTracker format.

The game's own music and sound effects player is a relocatable module named 'SFX_Handler'. For brevity, I have referred to it by that name throughout the remainder of this manual.

2 Requirements

The supplied executable file will only work on RISC OS machines. It has not been tested on any version of RISC OS earlier than 4, although it should also work on earlier versions provided that a 'SharedCLibrary' module is active. It is known to be compatible with 32 bit versions of RISC OS.

You will obviously require a copy of the game 'Star Fighter 3000' from which to rip the music. Until release 2.02 of the game, the sound sample data and music tracks were incorporated into 'SFX_Handler'. You need a version where this data is instead supplied in separate files. For example, they are included in the free upgrade patch to version 3.08:

Compressed music data files can be found inside the !Star3000 application, in the sub-directory named "Music". Raw sound sample data files suitable for used with this program are located in the sub-directory "Samples".

3 Quick Guide

Ensure that the !Star3000 application has been 'seen' by the Filer, so that the system variable Star3000$Dir has been set.

Hold down the Shift key and double-click on the !Star3000 application to open it. Copy the supplied 'index' file into the sub-directory that contains sound sample data files (as !Star3000.Samples.index). This file should require no modification because it has been tailored for the game (which configures 'SFX_Handler' using similar parameters).

Set the current selected directory to that containing the 'SF3KtoProT' program. On RISC OS 6, that can be done by opening the relevant directory display and choosing 'Set work directory' from the menu (or giving the directory display the input focus and then pressing F11).

Press Ctrl-F12 to open a task window and then invoke the music conversion program using the following command:

  *SF3KtoProT -v <Star3000$Dir>.Samples <Star3000$Dir>.Music.BonusLevel b/mod

This should convert the Star Fighter 3000 music file 'BonusLevel' into a ProTracker module, using sound samples taken from the 'Samples' directory inside the !Star3000 application and storing the output in a file named 'b/mod'. The '-v' switch enables verbose output, which shows what is happening during the conversion process.

By varying the third argument to the 'SF3KtoProT' program, any of the other files in the !Star3000.Music directory can also be converted to ProTracker format.

If the Filer has already 'seen' an application which claims file type &CC5 ('TeqMusic' - allocated to Krisalis) then you should simply be able to double-click on the output files in order to play the music. If that causes an error box saying "An application that loads a file of this type has not been found by the Filer" then you must explicitly load a tracker player such as DigitalCD or Digital Symphony, before dragging the output file to the player's iconbar icon.

4 Detailed guide

4.1 Command line syntax

  SF3KtoProT [switches] <samples-dir> [<input-file> [<output-file>]]
  SF3KtoProT -batch [switches] <samples-dir> <file1> [<file2> .. <fileN>]

Switches (names may be abbreviated):

  -allowsfx           Allow notes to be played using sound effect samples
  -batch              Process a batch of files (see above)
  -blankend           Append a blank pattern to the end of the song
  -channelglissando   Restrict glissando effects to the same channel
  -extraoctaves       Utilise non-standard ProTracker octaves 0 and 4
  -help               Display this text
  -indexfile <file>   Index file to use instead of looking in <samples-dir>
  -name <song-name>   Name to give the song (default is the input file name)
  -outfile <file>     Specify a name for the output file
  -raw                Input is uncompressed raw data
  -verbose or -debug  Emit debug output

4.2 Sound sample files

When invoking 'SF3KtoProT', you must specify the name of a directory containing the sound sample files to be incorporated in the output ProTracker module. Unlike ProTracker modules, SF3000 music files do not incorporate sound samples (which makes sense given that each piece uses a subset of the same instruments). Suitable sound samples are supplied with the game, inside the !Star3000.Samples directory.

Because the sound sample files consist of raw data in 16 bit little-endian signed linear format, there is nowhere to keep meta data. Rather than hard- wiring the tuning value, repeat offset and type of each sample into the conversion program, it reads this data from an index file (the format of which is described in section 7.3). By default, it looks for an index file in the same directory as the sample files, but you can force it to look elsewhere by using the '-indexfile' switch. That may be useful if the game is on read-only media such as a CD-ROM.

4.3 Single file mode

Single file mode is the default mode of operation. Unlike batch mode, the input and output file names can be specified separately (or not at all). An output file name can be specified after the input file name, or, by means of the '-outfile' switch, before the name of the directory containing the sound samples.

If no input file is specified, input is read from 'stdin' (the standard input stream; keyboard unless redirected). If no output file is specified, output is written to 'stdout' (the standard output stream; screen unless redirected).

All of the following examples read input from a file named 'foo' and write output to a file named 'bar':

  *SF3KtoProT <Star3000$Dir>.Samples foo bar
  *SF3KtoProT -outfile bar <Star3000$Dir>.Samples foo
  *SF3KtoProT -outfile bar <Star3000$Dir>.Samples <foo
  *SF3KtoProT <Star3000$Dir>.Samples foo >bar
  *SF3KtoProT <Star3000$Dir>.Samples <foo >bar

Under UNIX-like operating systems, output can be piped directly into another program.

Convert a SF3000 music file named 'foo' into a compressed ProTracker module file named 'bar.gz':

  SF3KtoProT ~/star3000/samples foo | gzip > bar.gz

4.4 Batch processing mode

Batch processing is enabled by the switch '-batch'. In this mode, multiple files can be processed using a single command. The output is always saved to a file with a name derived from the input file's name, which means that programs cannot be chained using pipes. At least one file name must be specified.

Convert a SF3000 music file named 'foo' to a ProTracker module file named 'foo/mod':

  *SF3KtoProT -batch <Star3000$Dir>.Samples foo

Convert SF3000 music files named 'foo', 'bar' and 'baz' to ProTracker module files named 'foo/mod', 'bar/mod' and 'baz/mod':

  *SF3KtoProT -batch <Star3000$Dir>.Samples foo bar baz

4.5 Song names

SF3000 music files do not incorporate a song name.

By default, the name written in the ProTracker module is the leaf of the input file path (e.g. 'BonusLevel' if the input file path was '<Star3000$Dir>.Music.BonusLevel'). If input was read from the standard input stream then the default song name is instead 'Star Fighter 3000'.

If the switch '-name' is used then the following argument specifies an alternative song name, which is truncated to 19 characters if necessary.

4.6 Getting diagnostic information

If either of the switches '-verbose' and '-debug' is used then the program emits information about its internal operation on the standard output stream. However, this makes it slower and prevents output being piped to another program.

When debugging output is enabled, you must specify an output file name. This is to prevent the ProTracker module being sent to the standard output stream and becoming mixed up with the diagnostic information.

4.7 Sound effects

Early versions of the 'SFX_Handler' module automatically blocked sound effects whilst playing music. That distinction was made on the basis of the sample type; sample numbers 0 to 11 are classified as effects whereas 12 to 22 are classified as instruments (surprisingly, 'Radio' is included in the latter category).

This restriction was removed in version 2.10 of 'SFX_Handler' (distributed with release 2.02 of the game), because it didn't make any sense in the context of a configurable number of channels (only 4 of which are used for music). Doing so revealed hitherto inaudible parts of the 'Intro1' music

  • notes played using the 'Wind' and 'TextBeep' samples. The extra notes were stripped out prior to release 2.04 of the game, to restore the track's original ambience.

    The samples index file ('-indexfile' switch) specifies the type of each sample. The command line switch '-allowsfx' has been provided to allow inclusion in the output file of notes played using samples designated as sound effects. By default, such notes are stripped out. This option is only likely to be useful if you have access to music files from an older version of SF3000.

4.8 End of song

Like most tracker music players, 'SFX_Handler' stops abruptly upon reaching the last division of the pattern that was played at the final song position. It cuts off any notes that are still playing, instead of allowing the samples to finish playing (and perhaps repeat).

This policy means that notes triggered late in the final pattern won't actually be audible! For example, the final division of the last pattern of the 'GameOver' music contains commands to play the 'String' sample at low pitch on channels 0 and 2. These notes would round the tune off nicely, but they are never heard in the game.

If the command line switch '-blankend' is specified then an additional 'blank' pattern will be created in the output file and the play order modified so that this extra pattern is played last, thus allowing late notes to be heard. If the pattern played immediately beforehand contains glissando effects (not yet overridden by new notes on the same channel) then the so-called 'blank' pattern may actually contain Tone Portamento commands to ensure that these glissandos reach their target pitch.

4.9 Glissando effects

An idiosyncrasy of 'SFX_Handler' is that glissando effects are applied to all channels playing the sample mapped to the voice number specified by bits 16-19 of the channel data. In other words, if two channels are playing the same sample then a glissando effect for that sample number will cause their pitches to converge on a common value. The reason is that glissandos are implemented using the SFX_Pitch SWI, which doesn't take a channel number as a parameter (unlike SFX_Force, which is used to play notes).

The command line switch '-channelglissando' can be used to restrict glissando effects to the channel on which the command was issued. The difference between the two modes of conversion is most obvious with the 'Intro1' music, where the final high note played on channel 4 is either held or else slides towards the same target pitch as a note on channel 3.

In a ProTracker module, glissando effects must be explicitly continued by a series of Tone Portamento commands throughout their expected duration, whereas 'SFX_Handler' continues to update the pitch of a note automatically until its target pitch is reached or it is usurped by another note on the same channel. That makes conversion between the two formats more awkward.

Each Tone Portamento command incorporates a value to govern the pitch slide speed. Even the minimum speed of '1' is noticeably faster than the rate of change when playing music through the 'SFX_Handler' module. (In early versions of 'SFX_Handler', the increment in the phase accumulator pitch oscillator value was updated at the start of alternate buffer fills, which meant the slide speed was dependent upon the configured buffer size!)

Version 0.01 of this converter recognised a '-fastglissando' switch to output contiguous Tone Portmento commands instead of interleaving Tone Portamento commands with Normal Play commands. 'Fast' glissandos are now the only output mode supported. A bug in the versions of 'SFX_Handler' supplied with releases 2.02 to 3.08 (inclusive) meant that glissandos were slower than the original sound player with the default DMA buffer size.

4.10 ProTracker octave range

The standard ProTracker pitch range is 3 octaves, whereas Star Fighter 3000's music format allows a range of 8 octaves (because 3 bits of channel data are allocated for the octave number).

After applying the tuning values to the default set of SF3000 samples, it can be heard that octave numbers in a SF3000 music track are exactly one higher than in a ProTracker module. However, some of the tuning values are very large: 'String', 'BassHeavy', 'DrumHeavy' and 'HiHat' are tuned up by at least one octave and 'Piano' is tuned down by nearly a whole octave!

The following table shows the range of octave numbers actually used by each of the music tracks supplied with Star Fighter 3000:

Track name Untuned Min Untuned Max Tuned Min Tuned Max ProTracker Min ProTracker Max
BonusLevel 2 5 2 4 1 3
FlightDem1 2 4 2 4 1 3
FlightDem2 2 6 3 5 2 4*
GameOver 1 3 1 3 0* 2
GameStart 2 3 2 4 1 3
HighScore 2 5 2 5 1 4*
Intro1 1 4 1 4 0* 3
MissionCom 2 5 2 4 1 3
Toccatta 1 5 1 5 0* 4*
TopScore 1 6 1 5 0* 4*

It can be seen that 'GameOver', 'Intro1', 'Toccatta' and 'TopScore' contain notes which are too low to be represented within the standard ProTracker octave range 1 to 3. Conversely, 'FlightDem2', 'HighScore', 'Tocatta', and 'TopScore' contain notes that are too high - even after certain samples have been tuned down.

The default solution adopted by 'SF3KtoProT' is to pre-tune certain ProTracker samples to a higher or lower octave than the original audio data. Hence, the output file may contain several different samples generated from the same source (e.g. 'TopScore/mod' contains samples named 'BassLight-R0-O0' and 'BassLight-R0-O-1' - the latter specifically for low notes).

Andrew Scott gives a table of period values for a range of five octaves rather than the standard three. However, this comes with the caveat that octaves 0 and 4 are non-standard, unlike octaves 1 to 3. Some trackers may be unable to play notes which use those periods, or might even crash! However, Andre Timmermans's 'TimPlayer' module (for RISC OS) seems to cope.

The command line switch '-extraoctaves' has been provided to enable use of these non-standard period values in preference to generating alternative versions of samples pre-tuned to a higher or lower octave. (The conversion routine falls back to generating pre-tuned samples for notes that would be more than one octave outside the standard range.)

5 How it works

Firstly, the sample definitions are read from the index file. Every sound sample file named in the index is opened temporarily to determine its length (which relies on being able to seek the end of the input stream) and then closed again.

The SF3000 music track to be converted to ProTracker format is loaded into memory and then converted in two passes:

The purpose of the first pass is merely to determine which samples (and variants thereof) need to be included in the ProTracker module. Only commands to play notes are examined; glissandos are ignored, as are any notes played using samples designated as sound effects (unless '-allowsfx' was specified).

For each play note command, the sample's tuning value is converted to the nearest whole semitone and used to adjust the octave and note numbers. At this stage it becomes clear whether or not the final octave number will be within the standard ProTracker range (or extended range, if '-extraoctaves' was specified), and hence whether a version of the sample pre-tuned to a higher or lower octave will be required.

Because the ProTracker format does not provide any facility to loop a sample a specific number of times (unlike 'SFX_Handler'), a separate version of each sample will be needed for every distinct number of repeats.

If creation of a ProTracker sample with the required number of repeats and level of pre-tuning has not already been scheduled then a new entry is added to the list of ProTracker samples to be created. This list is later used to write the sample information table at the head of the output file.

The purpose of second pass is to transcode the pattern data from SF3000 to ProTracker module format.

To generate glissando effects, the transcode routine must keep track of which sample (if any) is believed to be playing on each channel, and the target pitch if a glissando is affecting that channel. This record is reset before transcoding each pattern - which isn't foolproof, but is the best that can be done given that patterns may be played in any order.

Each individual division of every pattern is also examined in two passes in order to ensure that glissando effects are applied consistently across all four channels (unless '-channelglissando' was specified):

The first pass discovers any glissando effects and updates the virtual channel state accordingly. The octave and note numbers which specify the target pitch are converted to their ProTracker equivalents using the same technique as before. However, this time the ProTracker sample has already been chosen for each channel and the transcode routine must compensate for the fact that different variants of the same basic sample (all affected by a glissando effect) may have been pre-tuned to different octaves. The final target octave for some channels may be outside the valid range, but nothing can be done except outputting a warning and substituting a nearer octave.

The second pass actually writes the appropriate ProTracker commands for the division being transcoded: a Tone Portamento or Normal Play command if there is no note play command in the SF3000 music data (or the sample number is undefined); otherwise a Set Volume command to play the specified note. In the former case, the virtual channels state is consulted to determine whether a glissando is in progress, and to ensure that only the first Tone Portamento command in the sequence specifies the sample number and target pitch.

Immediately after transcoding the pattern to be played last (as specified by the play order), a snapshot of the virtual channels state is taken to allow continuation of any glissando effects on the additional 'blank' pattern (if one is to be appended).

Finally, the list of ProTracker samples awaiting creation is used to copy audio data from the relevant files into the output file. Because the format of the source data is 16 bit, whereas it is 8 bit in a ProTracker module, the least significant bytes are discarded (the first of each pair, because the data is little-endian).

If the number of repeats for a sample is greater than 0 and less than 15 then the audio data between the repeat offset and the end of the file will be duplicated the requisite number of times. It is expedient to treat 15 as 'loop forever', because that is the only kind of repeats supported by the ProTracker format, and this keeps the output file size reasonable.

Some of the ProTracker samples may need to be pre-tuned to a higher or lower octave than the original audio data. That is done crudely by doubling (or quadrupling) each sample value to lower the pitch by one (or two) octaves. Alternatively it skips one of every two (or three out of four) sample values to raise the pitch by one (or two) octaves.

6 File formats

6.1 Compression format

Until release 2.02 of Star Fighter 3000, the music tracks were incorporated directly into the 'SFX_Handler' module. In later releases, they were instead supplied as individual files containing the same data but encoded using Gordon Key's esoteric lossless compression algorithm (with file type &154).

The first 4 bytes of a compressed file give the expected size of the data when decompressed, as a 32 bit signed little-endian integer. Gordon Key's file decompression module 'FDComp', which is presumably normative, rejects input files where the top bit of the fourth byte is set (i.e. negative values).

Thereafter, the compressed data consists of tightly packed groups of 1, 8 or 9 bits without any padding between them or alignment with byte boundaries. A decompressor must deal with two main types of directive: The first (store a byte) consists of 1+8=9 bits and the second (copy previously-decompressed data) consists of 1+9+8=18 or 1+9+9=19 bits.

The type of each directive is determined by whether its first bit is set:

  1. The next 8 bits of the input file give a literal byte value (0-255) to be written at the current output position.

    When attempting to compress input that contains few repeating patterns, the output may actually be larger than the input because each byte value is encoded using 9 rather than 8 bits.

  2. The next 9 bits of the input file give an offset (0-511) within the data already decompressed, relative to a point 512 bytes behind the current output position.

    If the offset is greater than or equal to 256 (i.e. within the last 256 bytes written) then the next 8 bits give the number of bytes (0-255) to be copied to the current output position. Otherwise, the number of bytes (0-511) to be copied is encoded using 9 bits.

    If the read pointer is before the start of the output buffer then zeros should be written at the output position until it becomes valid again. This is a legitimate method of initialising areas of memory with zeros.

    It isn't possible to replicate the whole of the preceding 512 bytes in one operation.

The decompressors written by the Fourth Dimension and David O'Shea always copy at least 1 byte from the source offset, even if the compressed bitstream specified 0 as the number of bytes to be copied. A well-written compressor should not insert directives to copy 0 bytes and no instances are known in the wild. CBLibrary's new decompressor will treat directives to copy 0 bytes as invalid input.

6.2 Music data format

The table below shows the Star Fighter 3000 music data format, after the contents of the file have been decompressed:


Offset Data
+0 Tempo (metronome value in centiseconds, 0-255)
+1... Unused
+16... 16 byte table mapping voice numbers to sample numbers
+16 Sample number to use for voice 0
+17 Sample number to use for voice 1
+18 Sample number to use for voice 2 ...etc
+32 Number of patterns in file - 1
+36... Unused
+40... 64 byte play order for patterns (terminated by 255)
+104... Patterns data (see format below)
+104... 1024 bytes of data for pattern 0
+1128.. 1024 bytes of data for pattern 1
+2152.. 1024 bytes of data for pattern 2 ...etc

The value at offset +32 is supposedly a 32 bit word, and probably signed little-endian. However, there is no evidence to corroborate that because 'SFX_Handler' doesn't actually use this value. Patterns numbered higher than 254 would be inaccessible anyway because of the format of the play order.


Offset Data
+0... 16 bytes of data for division 0
+16... 16 bytes of data for division 1
+32... 16 bytes of data for division 2
+1008.. 16 bytes of data for division 63


Offset Data
+0... Channel 1 data (0 for none)
+4... Channel 2 data (0 for none)
+8... Channel 3 data (0 for none)
+12... Channel 4 data (0 for none)

Channel data:

Offset Data
+0 Bits 0-3: Note number (in semitones, 0 to 11)
Bits 4-7: Unused
+1 Bits 0-3: Octave number (0 to 7)
Bits 4-7: Linear volume (0 to 15)
+2 Bits 0-3: Voice number (0 to 15)
Bits 4-7: Action (0 none, 1 play, or 2 glissando)
+3 Bits 0-3: Unused
Bits 4-7: Number of repeats (0 to 15)

The sample number to be used is looked up from the specified voice number using the voice table in the header.

If action > 1 then a glissando effect is triggered, sliding all instances of the specified sample towards the specified pitch. The volume and repeats parameters of such commands are ignored.

Otherwise a note is forced on the channel, using the specified sample, volume, pitch and repeats parameters.

6.3 Sound sample file

Until release 2.02 of Star Fighter 3000, all of the instruments and sound effects required by the game were incorporated directly into the 'SFX_Handler' module in mono 8 bit Archimedes VIDC format (similar to mu-law).

In later releases, the sound samples were instead supplied as individual files containing raw audio data in mono 16 bit little-endian signed linear format. This is better suited to the sound hardware in modern RISC OS machines and would make it possible to substitute equivalent sound samples with a greater dynamic range.

6.4 Sound samples index file

The set of sound samples to be used when transcoding music to ProTracker format is defined by an index file in plain ASCII text format. This file also defines items of metadata related to each sample.

Each line of text is either a comment (preceded by '#', which MUST be the first character on that line), a blank line (which consists of nothing but whitespace), or a sample definition (which may have leading and/or trailing whitespace). Sample definitions consist of a numeric ID to be assigned to the sample, the name of a file from which to read raw sample data, an offset from which to repeat the sample (for sustained notes), the type of sample (music or effect), and a tuning value to correct the pitch when playing music.

Sample numbers must lie within the range 0-255, because of the voice table format in a SF3000 music track. The range of sample numbers assigned by a sample index file needn't be contiguous, nor do the samples need to be defined to be ascending numeric order. Any sample numbers which are still undefined when transcoding music will merely cause warning messages. However, the sample index file parser does fault attempts to assign the same sample number more than once.

The repeat offset must be less than the length of the sample data, when both have been rounded down to the nearest even number (the ProTracker module format isn't capable of representing odd sample lengths). Remember that the repeat offset is the number of sample values to skip, whereas the file size is in bytes (each 16 bit sample occupies two bytes).

The sample type is represented by a single letter which may be either upper or lower case: "M" for music or "E" for effect. The significance of the sample type is explained in the section on sound effects.

The magnitude of the tuning value must be small enough that the calculation to convert it to ProTracker tuning units does not overflow a 'long' integer. On RISC OS, the largest value representable by a 'long' integer is one less than 2 to the power of 31, which means that tuning values must lie within the range -22369599, 22369599 (1048575 octaves).

The grammar of a samples index file is as follows (in Backus-Naur Form):

  <file>       ::= { <line> }*
  <line>       ::= <comment> | <noncomment>
  <comment>    ::= '#' { <comchar> }* <eol>
  <noncomment> ::= <whitespace>
                   [ <integer> <whitespace> <filename> <whitespace> <integer>
                     <whitespace> <type> <whitespace> <tuning> <whitespace> ]
  <filename>   ::= <fnchar> { <fnchar> }*
  <type>       ::= "E" | "e" | "M" | "m"
  <tuning>     ::= [ "-" ] <integer>
  <comchar>    ::= any character except <eol>
  <fnchar>     ::= any character except <eol> or <schar>
  <whitespace> ::= <schar> { <schar> }*
  <schar>      ::= " " | <tab> | <vtab> | <formfeed>
  <tab>        ::= character 9
  <eol>        ::= character 13
  <vtab>       ::= character 11
  <formfeed>   ::= character 12
  <integer>    ::= <digit> { <digit> }*
  <digit>      ::= "0" | "1" | "2" | "3" | "4" | "5" | "6" | "7" | "8" | "9"

Note that must also be a valid character for use in a file name on the host platform. On RISC OS, FileCore-based filing systems such as ADFS reserve the following characters for wildcards and other special uses: '*', '#', '$', '@', '^', '%' and ''.

7 Program history

0.01 (02 Jun 2009)

  • First public release.

0.02 (23 May 2010)

  • Removed support for the command line switch "-fastglissando" and increased the glissando speed from 1 to 2. The converter now always outputs contiguous Tone Portamento commands.

  • Specified the appropriate switches to prevent the Norcroft RISC OS ARM C compiler from generating unaligned memory accesses incompatible with ARM v6 and later (for Beagleboard).

  • Fixed a couple of warnings previously generated when compiling using GCC in Cygwin on Windows.

  • Created three wrappers to allow common implementations of most platform- specific functions to be shared between Windows, Unix and RISC OS by defining appropriate macro values. Hitherto, porting to a new platform required editing c.platform (which has been renamed as c.platformc).

  • Added hooks for debugging using Simon Bullen's fortified memory allocator.

  • Moved the read_int32le function definition from c.platform to c.decomp because the implementation is platform-agnostic.

  • Substituted anonymous enumerations for macro definitions of numeric constant values to avoid changing bypassing the language's syntax-checking.

  • Used the standard library function 'strerror' to add detail to file access error messages.

  • Used the standard library function 'isspace' for better recognition of lines consisting only of whitespace in a sound samples index file.

  • Removed list of dynamic dependencies from the supplied Makefile (can be regenerated by the C compiler).

0.03 (09 Jan 2011)

  • Replaced an integral implementation of Gordon Key's decompression algorithm with a dependency on release 40 of CBLibrary. There's no sense maintaining several versions in parallel.

  • Removed file paths from the preamble to many error messages. On RISC OS, the actual error message tends to include the file path, so it was needlessly repetitious. Path names are still shown when opening files in verbose mode.

  • Stopped unnecessary use of type aliases defined by <stdint.h> where 'long int' will do just as well.

0.04 (28 Jan 2011)

  • Linked against release 42 of CBLibrary, in which the speed of compression and error detection during decompression have been significantly improved.

  • The -help switch no longer displays the version number and copyright message (use -verbose for that).

0.05 (11 Dec 2016)

  • Lots of code refactoring to improve maintainability. The compressed SF3000 music data is now accessed via a buffered stream interface instead of being decompressed into memory in its entirety.

  • Changed the command-line syntax to allow the program to read from the standard input stream if no input file is specified instead of reporting an error. Previously, the sound samples directory name was specified after the input file name which prevented the latter from being optional.

  • The program now writes to the standard output stream if no output file is specified, instead of inventing an output file name.

  • Added a batch processing mode to allow multiple files to be processed with one invocation of the program. This is similar to the original behaviour if no output file name was specified.

  • Optimised multi-byte reads and writes where possible to use fread and fwrite instead of fgetc and fputc.

  • The supplied executable file was compiled with GCCSDK GCC 4.7.4 Release 2) instead of the Norcroft RISC OS ARM C compiler.

0.06 (07 Nov 2018)

  • Added an option to treat the input as uncompressed music data.

  • Adapted to use CBUtilLib, StreamLib and GKeyLib instead of the monolithic CBLibrary previously required. The is_switch function can be found in CBUtilLib therefore a local version of it was deleted.

  • The output file is now deleted if its type cannot be set.

  • The version string definition was moved to a header file for convenience.

0.07 (02 May 2020)

  • Failure to close the output stream is now detected and treated like any other error since data may have been lost.

0.08 (21 May 2024)

  • Added a new makefile for use on Linux.
  • Improved the file for Linux users.
  • Elimated a benign switch case fallthrough that caused a compiler warning.
  • Some code is now conditionally compiled only if the macro ACORN_C is defined.

8 Compiling the software

Source code is only supplied for the command-line program. To compile and link the code you will also require an ISO 9899:1999 standard 'C' library and four of my own libraries: CBDebugLib, CBUtilLib, StreamLib and GKeyLib. These are available separately from

The dependency on CBDebugLib isn't very strong: it can be eliminated by modifying the make file so that the macro USE_CBDEBUG is no longer predefined.

Three make files are supplied:

  1. 'Makefile' is intended for use with GNU Make and the GNU C Compiler on Linux.

  2. 'NMakefile' is intended for use with Acorn Make Utility (AMU) and the Norcroft C compiler supplied with the Acorn C/C++ Development Suite.

  3. 'GMakefile' is intended for use with GNU Make and the GNU C Compiler on RISC OS.

The APCS variant specified for the Norcroft compiler is 32 bit for compatibility with ARMv5 and fpe2 for compatibility with older versions of the floating point emulator. Generation of unaligned data loads/stores is disabled for compatibility with ARMv6. When building the code for release, it is linked with RISCOS Ltd's generic C library stubs ('StubsG').

The suffix rules generate output files with different suffixes (or in different subdirectories, if using the supplied make files on RISC OS), depending on the compiler options used to compile the source code:

o: Assertions and debugging output are disabled. The code is optimised for execution speed.

debug: Assertions and debugging output are enabled. The code includes symbolic debugging data (e.g. for use with DDT). The macro FORTIFY is pre-defined to enable Simon P. Bullen's fortified shell for memory allocations.

d: 'GMakefile' passes '-MMD' when invoking gcc so that dynamic dependencies are generated from the #include commands in each source file and output to a temporary file in the directory named 'd'. GNU Make cannot understand rules that contain RISC OS paths such as /C:Macros.h as prerequisites, so 'sed', a stream editor, is used to strip those rules when copying the temporary file to the final dependencies file.

The above suffixes must be specified in various system variables which control filename suffix translation on RISC OS, including at least UnixEnv$ar$sfix, UnixEnv$gcc$sfix and UnixEnv$make$sfix. Unfortunately GNU Make doesn't apply suffix rules to make object files in subdirectories referenced by path even if the directory name is in UnixEnv$make$sfix, which is why 'GMakefile' uses the built-in function addsuffix instead of addprefix to construct lists of the objects to be built (e.g. foo.o instead of

Before compiling the library for RISC OS, move the C source and header files with .c and .h suffixes into subdirectories named 'c' and 'h' and remove those suffixes from their names. You probably also need to create 'o', 'd' and 'debug' subdirectories for compiler output.

The only platform-specific code is the EXT_SEPARATOR and PATH_SEPARATOR macro definitions in misc.h. These must be defined according to the file name convention on the target platform (e.g. '.' and '\' for DOS or Windows).

9 Licence and Disclaimer

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the Licence, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public Licence for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public Licence along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

10 Credits

SF3KtoProT was designed and programmed by Christopher Bazley with additional ideas, testing and suggestions by Martin Bazley.

Credit goes to David O'Shea and Keith McKillop for working out the Fednet compression algorithm, although this program no longer incorporates code derived from the DeComp module that David wrote for the Stunt Racer 2000 track designer.

Most of my information on the Amiga ProTracker module format came from a document relating to Digital Symphony, a multi-tasking sound tracker editor for RISC OS which was marketed by Oregan Developments. That description is (C) 1992/1996 Bernard Jungen and Gil Damoiseaux (members of BASS). See (in sub-directory Docs/DSymPlay within the archive).

I gleaned additional information from Andrew Scott's Noisetracker/ Soundtracker/Protracker module format specification (with credit to Lars Hamre, Norman Lin, Mark Cox, Peter Hanning, Steinar Midtskogen, Marc Espie and Thomas Meyer). That document is available here:

The game Star Fighter 3000 is (C) FEDNET Software 1994, 1995. Sound & music for the game was by A. M. Perrins.

11 Contact details

Feel free to contact me with any bug reports, suggestions or anything else.

Email: mailto:[email protected]



This program converts the music tracks of the Acorn game Star Fighter 3000 from their original esoteric file format (understood only by the game's own music player) into standard Amiga ProTracker V1.1B song/module format. Most of the original features of the music can be replicated fairly accurately in ProTracker format.







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