The goal of the app was to help skin product users make informed decisions before making a purchase by providing a clear overview of the ingredients in each product. To display this information, I imported the Chart.js JavaScript library and used it to create a bar chart that showed the total number of ingredients and highlighted those that were low risk, medium risk, or high risk.
This project includes a backend database that stores information about the product and its ingredients, as well as user sign-in data and reviews. The database allows for the creation, reading, updating, and deleting of all stored data.
Ruby on Rails
Render (for Deployment - visit: )
- Install NPM packages
$ npm install
- Next, run the Rails server in one terminal:
$ rails s
- To access the admin page:
visit: http://localhost:3000/admin
- Open another terminal and run the React server:
$ npm start --prefix client
*See/enter/edit/delete Reviews
*Signin or Create an account and stay signed in.
*Navigate to Admin page http://localhost:3000/admin and have access to add more products/ingredients, and manage users/reviews.