Linus is a virtual Linux AI aimed at helping Linux newcomers overcome the learning curve accompanied by switching to Linux such as learning the necessary commands and handling the errors that come up. Linus includes the ability to understand speech and execute commands presented by the user. It is also able to search common resource portals such as Google, Stackoverflow and GeeksforGeeks.
- Speech-to-Text
- Necessary Linux Commands
- Usage Monitor
- Stackoverflow and GeekforGeeks search
- Error and Exception Search
- Change working environment
- Firefox State History
- Dictionary and Weather
- Music Player
- File Sharing
- Google Search
- Alarm
- File Search
- General Knowledge
- Mood Analysis
- Clone the repository using:
git clone
- Install the dependencies given below
- Edit
- Run:
- Google Cloud Speech to Text
- requests
- googletrans
- jfoenix 8.0.7
- urlLib
- graphQlClient
- psycopg2
- lz4
- vaderSentiment
Feel free to file an issue if you come across any bugs
- Feel free to report issues and bugs. It will be helpful for future lauches of the application
- All suggestions are welcome
- Fork repository and contribute
Logo made with DesignEvo