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move Instanitate to Definition.cacheable
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sequencer committed Apr 21, 2024
1 parent 5faf39a commit cb097f1
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Showing 2 changed files with 174 additions and 159 deletions.
158 changes: 4 additions & 154 deletions core/src/main/scala/chisel3/experimental/hierarchy/Instantiate.scala
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Expand Up @@ -2,17 +2,10 @@

package chisel3.experimental.hierarchy

import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}

import scala.collection.mutable

import chisel3._
import chisel3.experimental.{BaseModule, SourceInfo, UnlocatableSourceInfo}
import chisel3.reflect.DataMirror
import chisel3.reflect.DataMirror.internal.isSynthesizable
import chisel3.internal.Builder
import chisel3.experimental.BaseModule

import scala.language.experimental.macros

/** Create an [[Instance]] of a [[Module]]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,148 +38,5 @@ object Instantiate {
* @param con module construction, must be actual call to constructor (`new MyModule(...)`)
* @return constructed module `Instance`
def apply[A <: BaseModule](con: => A): Instance[A] = macro internal.impl[A]

// Data uses referential equality by default, but for looking up Data in the cache, we need to use
// structural equality for Data unbound types and literal values
// Note that this is somewhat incomplete because we can't handle the general case of user-defined
// types that contain Data.
// A more complete and robust solution would require either refining hashCode and equality on Data
// to have the desired behavior, or using a different Map implementation that uses typeclasses for
// equality and hashcode (eg. cats-collections-core's HashMap)
private class DataBox(private val d: Data) {

private def convertDataForHashing(data: Data): Any = data match {
// Using toString is a bit weird but it works
case elt: Element => elt.toString
case rec: Record =>
// Purely structural, actual class of Record isn't involved { case (name, data) => name -> convertDataForHashing(data) }
case vec: Vec[_] =>
// We could map on elements but that's a lot of duplicated work for a type
// Note that empty vecs of the same type will give same hash value, probably should be equal
// as well, but Vec.typeEquivalent checks sample_element so they will not be equal
("Vec", vec.size,

override def hashCode: Int = convertDataForHashing(d).hashCode

// If literals, check same types and equal
// If types, chck same types
// If bound, fall back to normal equality
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
that match {
case that: DataBox =>
// def because it's not needed by non-literal but is synthesizable check
def sameTypes = DataMirror.checkTypeEquivalence(this.d, that.d)
// Lits are synthesizable so must check them first
if (this.d.isLit) {
that.d.isLit &&
(this.d.litValue == that.d.litValue) &&
} else if (isSynthesizable(this.d)) {
} else {
// We have checked that this.d is not synthesizable but need to check that.d as well
sameTypes && !isSynthesizable(that.d)

case _ => false

// Recursively box all Data (by traversing Products and Iterables) in DataBoxes
private def boxAllData(a: Any): Any = a match {
case d: Data => new DataBox(d) // Must check this before Iterable because Vec is Iterable
// Must check before Product, because many Iterables are Products, but can still be equal, eg. List(1) == Vector(1)
case it: Iterable[_] =>
case p: Product => Vector(p.getClass) ++
case other => other

import chisel3.internal.BuilderContextCache
private case class CacheKey[A <: BaseModule](args: Any, tt: ru.WeakTypeTag[A])
extends BuilderContextCache.Key[Definition[A]]

/** This is not part of the public API, do not call directly! */
def _impl[K, A <: BaseModule: ru.WeakTypeTag](
args: K,
f: K => A
implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo
): Instance[A] = {
val tag = implicitly[ru.WeakTypeTag[A]]
// Include type of module in key since different modules could have the same arguments
val key = CacheKey(boxAllData(args), tag)
val defn = Builder.contextCache
key, {
// The definition needs to have no source locator because otherwise it will be unstably
// derived from the first invocation of Instantiate for the particular Module

private object internal {
// impl cannot be private, but it can be inside of a private object which hides it from the public
// API and ScalaDoc
def impl[A <: BaseModule: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(con: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._

def matchStructure(proto: List[List[Tree]], args: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]] = {
val it = args.iterator =>

// The arguments to the constructor have been flattened to a single tuple
// When there is more than 1 argument, we need to turn the flat tuple back into the multiple parameter lists,
// eg. (arg: (A, B, C, D)) becomes (arg._1)(arg._2, arg._3)(arg._4)
def untupleFuncArgsToConArgs(argss: List[List[Tree]], args: List[Tree], funcArg: Ident): List[List[Tree]] = {
var n = 0 { inner => { _ =>
n += 1
val term = TermName(s"_$n")

con match {
case q"new $tpname[..$tparams](...$argss)" =>
// We first flatten the [potentially] multiple parameter lists into a single tuple (size 0 and 1 are special)
val args = argss.flatten
val nargs = args.size

val funcArg = Ident(TermName("arg"))

// 0 and 1 arguments to the constructor are special (ie. there isn't a tuple)
val conArgs: List[List[Tree]] = nargs match {
case 0 => Nil
// Must match structure for case of only 1 implicit argument (ie. ()(arg))
case 1 => matchStructure(argss, List(funcArg))
case _ => untupleFuncArgsToConArgs(argss, args, funcArg)

// We can't quasi-quote this too early, needs to be splatted in the later context
// widen turns singleton type into nearest non-singleton type, eg. Int(3) => Int
val funcArgTypes =[Tree].tpe.widen)
val constructor = q"(($funcArg: (..$funcArgTypes)) => new $tpname[..$tparams](...$conArgs))"
val tup = q"(..$args)"
q"chisel3.experimental.hierarchy.Instantiate._impl[(..$funcArgTypes), $tpname]($tup, $constructor)"

case _ =>
val msg =
s"Argument to Instantiate(...) must be of form 'new <T <: chisel3.Module>(<arguments...>)'.\n" +
"Note that named arguments are currently not supported.\n" +
s"Got: '$con'"
c.error(con.pos, msg)
def apply[A <: BaseModule](con: => A): Instance[A] = Definition.cacheable(con).toInstance
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,16 +2,19 @@

package chisel3.experimental.hierarchy.core

import scala.language.experimental.macros
import chisel3._

import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, HashMap}
import chisel3.experimental.hierarchy.Instance
import chisel3.experimental.{BaseModule, SourceInfo, UnlocatableSourceInfo}
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.DefinitionTransform
import chisel3.internal.{Builder, DynamicContext}
import chisel3.internal.sourceinfo.{DefinitionTransform, DefinitionWrapTransform}
import chisel3.experimental.{BaseModule, SourceInfo}
import chisel3.reflect.DataMirror
import chisel3.reflect.DataMirror.internal.isSynthesizable
import firrtl.annotations.{IsModule, ModuleTarget, NoTargetAnnotation}

import scala.annotation.nowarn
import scala.language.experimental.macros
import scala.reflect.macros.blackbox.Context
import scala.reflect.runtime.{universe => ru}

/** User-facing Definition type.
* Represents a definition of an object of type `A` which are marked as @instantiable
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -121,6 +124,168 @@ object Definition extends SourceInfoDoc {

/** A construction method to build a Definition of a Module, use cache as much as possible.
* @param proto the Module being defined
* @return the input module as a Definition
def cacheable[T <: BaseModule with IsInstantiable](proto: => T): Definition[T] = macro internal.impl[T]

/** Create an [[Definition]] of a [[Module]]
* Acts as a nicer API wrapping [[Definition]] and [[Instance]].
* Used in a similar way to traditional module instantiation using `Module(...)`.
* {{{
* val inst0: Instance[MyModule] = Instantiate(new MyModule(arg1, arg2))
* // Note that you cannot pass arguments by name (this will not compile)
* val inst1 = Instantiate(new OtherModule(n = 3))
* // Instead, only pass arguments positionally
* val inst2 = Instantiate(new OtherModule(3))
* }}}
* ==Limitations==
* - The caching does not work for Modules that are inner classes. This is due to the fact that
* the WeakTypeTags for instances will be different and thus will not hit in the cache.
* - Passing parameters by name to module constructors is not supported.
* - User-defined types that wrap up Data will use the default Data equality and hashCode
* implementations which use referential equality, thus will not hit in the cache.

// Recursively box all Data (by traversing Products and Iterables) in DataBoxes
private def boxAllData(a: Any): Any = a match {
case d: Data => new DataBox(d) // Must check this before Iterable because Vec is Iterable
// Must check before Product, because many Iterables are Products, but can still be equal, eg. List(1) == Vector(1)
case it: Iterable[_] =>
case p: Product => Vector(p.getClass) ++
case other => other

// Data uses referential equality by default, but for looking up Data in the cache, we need to use
// structural equality for Data unbound types and literal values
// Note that this is somewhat incomplete because we can't handle the general case of user-defined
// types that contain Data.
// A more complete and robust solution would require either refining hashCode and equality on Data
// to have the desired behavior, or using a different Map implementation that uses typeclasses for
// equality and hashcode (eg. cats-collections-core's HashMap)
private[chisel3] class DataBox(private val d: Data) {

private def convertDataForHashing(data: Data): Any = data match {
// Using toString is a bit weird but it works
case elt: Element => elt.toString
case rec: Record =>
// Purely structural, actual class of Record isn't involved { case (name, data) => name -> convertDataForHashing(data) }
case vec: Vec[_] =>
// We could map on elements but that's a lot of duplicated work for a type
// Note that empty vecs of the same type will give same hash value, probably should be equal
// as well, but Vec.typeEquivalent checks sample_element so they will not be equal
("Vec", vec.size,

override def hashCode: Int = convertDataForHashing(d).hashCode

// If literals, check same types and equal
// If types, chck same types
// If bound, fall back to normal equality
override def equals(that: Any): Boolean = {
that match {
case that: DataBox =>
// def because it's not needed by non-literal but is synthesizable check
def sameTypes = DataMirror.checkTypeEquivalence(this.d, that.d)
// Lits are synthesizable so must check them first
if (this.d.isLit) {
that.d.isLit &&
(this.d.litValue == that.d.litValue) &&
} else if (isSynthesizable(this.d)) {
} else {
// We have checked that this.d is not synthesizable but need to check that.d as well
sameTypes && !isSynthesizable(that.d)

case _ => false

import chisel3.internal.BuilderContextCache

// Include type of module in key since different modules could have the same arguments
private case class CacheKey[A <: BaseModule](args: Any, tt: ru.WeakTypeTag[A])
extends BuilderContextCache.Key[Definition[A]]

/** This is not part of the public API, do not call directly! */
def _impl[K, A <: BaseModule: ru.WeakTypeTag](args: K, f: K => A)(implicit sourceInfo: SourceInfo): Definition[A] =
CacheKey(boxAllData(args), implicitly[ru.WeakTypeTag[A]]),

private object internal {
// impl cannot be private, but it can be inside of a private object which hides it from the public
// API and ScalaDoc
def impl[A <: BaseModule: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(proto: c.Tree): c.Tree = {
import c.universe._

def matchStructure(proto: List[List[Tree]], args: List[Tree]): List[List[Tree]] = {
val it = args.iterator =>

// The arguments to the constructor have been flattened to a single tuple
// When there is more than 1 argument, we need to turn the flat tuple back into the multiple parameter lists,
// eg. (arg: (A, B, C, D)) becomes (arg._1)(arg._2, arg._3)(arg._4)
def untupleFuncArgsToConArgs(argss: List[List[Tree]], args: List[Tree], funcArg: Ident): List[List[Tree]] = {
var n = 0 { inner => { _ =>
n += 1
val term = TermName(s"_$n")

proto match {
case q"new $tpname[..$tparams](...$argss)" =>
// We first flatten the [potentially] multiple parameter lists into a single tuple (size 0 and 1 are special)
val args = argss.flatten
val nargs = args.size

val funcArg = Ident(TermName("arg"))

// 0 and 1 arguments to the constructor are special (ie. there isn't a tuple)
val protoArgs: List[List[Tree]] = nargs match {
case 0 => Nil
// Must match structure for case of only 1 implicit argument (ie. ()(arg))
case 1 => matchStructure(argss, List(funcArg))
case _ => untupleFuncArgsToConArgs(argss, args, funcArg)

// We can't quasi-quote this too early, needs to be splatted in the later context
// widen turns singleton type into nearest non-singleton type, eg. Int(3) => Int
val funcArgTypes =[Tree].tpe.widen)
val constructor = q"(($funcArg: (..$funcArgTypes)) => new $tpname[..$tparams](...$protoArgs))"
val tup = q"(..$args)"
q"chisel3.experimental.hierarchy.core.Definition._impl[(..$funcArgTypes), $tpname]($tup, $constructor)"

case _ =>
val msg =
s"Argument to Definition.cacheable(...) must be of form 'new <T <: chisel3.Module>(<arguments...>)'.\n" +
"Note that named arguments are currently not supported.\n" +
s"Got: '$proto'"
c.error(proto.pos, msg)

/** Stores a [[Definition]] that is imported so that its Instances can be
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