Viceroy provides local testing for developers working with Compute@Edge. It allows you to run services written against the Compute@Edge APIs on your local development machine, and allows you to configure testing backends for your service to communicate with.
Viceroy is normally used through the Fastly CLI's fastly compute serve
command, where it is fully integrated into Compute@Edge workflows.
However, it is also a standalone open source tool with its own CLI and a
Rust library that can be embedded into your own testing infrastructure.
As mentioned above, most users of Compute@Edge should do local testing via the Fastly CLI, rather than working with Viceroy directly. Any CLI release of version 0.34 or above supports local testing, and the workflow is documented here.
To install Viceroy as a standalone tool, you'll need to first
install Rust if you haven't already.
Then run cargo install viceroy
, which will download and build the latest
Viceroy release.
Viceroy can be used as a Rust library. This is useful if you want to run integration tests in the same codebase. We provide a helper method handle_request
. Before you build or test your code, we recommend to set the release flag e.g. cargo test --release
otherwise, the execution will be very slow. This has to do with the Cranelift compiler, which is extremely slow when compiled in debug mode. Besides that, if you use Github Actions don't forget to setup a build cache for Rust. This will speed up your build times a lot.
NOTE: the Viceroy standalone CLI has a somewhat different interface from that of the Fastly CLI. Command-line options below describe the standalone Viceroy interface.
After installation, the viceroy
command should be available on your path. The
only required argument is the path to a compiled .wasm
blob, which can be
built by fastly compute build
. The Fastly CLI should put the blob at
. To test the service, you can run:
viceroy bin/main.wasm
This will start a local server (by default at:
), which can
be used to make requests to your Compute@Edge service locally. You can make requests
by using curl, or you can send a simple GET request by visiting
the URL in your web browser.
Viceroy can also be used as a test runner for running Rust unit tests for Compute@Edge applications in the following way:
- Ensure the
command is available in your path - Add the following to your project's
target = "wasm32-wasi"
runner = "viceroy run -C fastly.toml -- "
- Install cargo-nextest
- Write your tests that use the fastly crate. For example:
fn test_using_client_request() {
let client_req = fastly::Request::from_client();
assert_eq!(client_req.get_method(), Method::GET);
assert_eq!(client_req.get_path(), "/");
fn test_using_bodies() {
let mut body1 = fastly::Body::new();
body1.write_str("hello, ");
let mut body2 = fastly::Body::new();
let appended_str = body1.into_string();
assert_eq!(appended_str, "hello, Viceroy!");
fn test_a_handler_with_fastly_types() {
let req = fastly::Request::get("");
let resp = some_handler(req).expect("request succeeds");
assert_eq!(resp.get_content_type(), Some(TEXT_PLAIN_UTF_8));
assert_eq!(resp.into_body_str(), "hello, /Viceroy!");
- Run your tests with
cargo nextest run
% cargo nextest run
Compiling unit-tests-test v0.1.0
Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 1.16s
Starting 3 tests across 1 binaries
PASS [ 2.106s] unit-tests-test::bin/unit-tests-test tests::test_a_handler_with_fastly_types
PASS [ 2.225s] unit-tests-test::bin/unit-tests-test tests::test_using_bodies
PASS [ 2.223s] unit-tests-test::bin/unit-tests-test tests::test_using_client_request
Summary [ 2.230s] 3 tests run: 3 passed, 0 skipped
The reason that cargo-nextest
is needed rather than just cargo test
is to allow tests to keep executing if any other test fails. There is no way to recover from a panic in wasm, so test execution would halt as soon as the first test failure occurs. Because of this, we need each test to be executed in its own wasm instance and have the results aggregated to report overall success/failure. cargo-nextest handles that orchestration for us.
Since the Fastly CLI uses Viceroy under the hood, the two share documentation for
everything other than CLI differences. You can find general documentation for
local testing here, and documentation about configuring local testing
here. Documentation for Viceroy's CLI can be found via --help
The viceroy is a butterfly whose color and pattern mimics that of the monarch butterfly but is smaller in size.