Here, I have created simple Address book to store and retrive the adderess data of addresses.
Keep your terminal inside "addressbook" directory
Create virtual environment
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
Install all required packages/libraries
- pip install -r requirements.txt
Start FastApi uvicorn server (I have created file inside the address dictionary)
- uvicorn address.main:app --reload
-> Now on http://localhost:8000/docs you will be able to see the swager for all api's
-> There are major app -address -user
-> Project include CRUD operation for the address app,
-> To retrieve the addresses that are within a given distance and location coordinates we can call "address/get-nearby-addresses" GET api (Note: "distance" parameter is considered in Kilometers, e.g : 50 stands for 50 kilometers)