simple college classes management app using Django. This app doesn't contain any templates it has all basic apis only.
Setup Guide
Create your virtual env first in Python3.
virtualenv -p python3 env
activate env clone the repository and install required packages.
source env/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
For a completely new database change DATABASE variable in the and perform migrations. Then start server.
python makemigrations
python migrate
python runserver
In this project I have created 3 apps
- classapp : stores all class related details. (models like subject, class etc.)
- staff : stores the class teacher related information (staff model)
- student : store details related to student (models like student and student_in_class etc.)
To Implement this I have created 3 permission levels:
- student : students can only see the data like class details, their class timings,etc. They can not create or edit any information of the table.
- staff : Staff can create classes and can add the student in the class.
- admin : All permissions with the access of Django admin.
Project APIs
- Rigister as a student or staff.
- Create class, Delete Class, Get class list.
- Add student in class, get all student class list and remove student form classs.
(I have shared the postman collection to test all apis.)