GitLab Pipeline Templates is a collection of shared GitLab jobs and pipelines aimed at simplifying the process of setting up and maintaining the continuous integration tasks. These templates include tasks to run build scripts, unit tests, and to publish artifacts.
It's important to understand that these templates use Semantic Versioning by branches in GitLab
to improve stability between changes. The format of these branch names is release/major.x.x
e.g., release/2.x.x
, release/3.x.x
, etc). If a major (incompatible API change) occurs then a new release/major.x.x
branch will be created.
Inside the root directory of your project, create a file named .gitlab-ci.yml
and copy the content from the section(s)
below that most closely match your needs. Multiple include statements can be combined to capture all the jobs that you
want to capture in your pipeline.
The standard gradle pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will build, test, and publish jars from a project utilizing the Build Support Plugin (BSP). By default, snapshots are published whenever a branch is merged into the "default" branch. Release jars are only created when a GitLab pipeline is manually triggered with the "RELEASE" environment variable defined (values described below) from a branch match the below DEV_OR_RELEASE_REGEX variable.
- Gradle Wrapper Configuration
- Test
- Publish Jar
- Fortify Security Scanning
- Publish Pages
- Quality Reporting
- Secrets Detection
- Secrets Detection
- Dependency Scanning
- Dependency Scanning
- License Scanning
- AsciiDoc
- Gitlab Release
Variable | Pre-Loaded** | Default Value | Description |
DEFAULT_IMAGE | âś“ | openjdk:11 | The base docker image used to run all included jobs. Jobs can also be further customized by specifying a different image for a specific job. |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Adds a prefix to the Docker images used to run the Gitlab jobs. Useful for when using non Dockerhub repositories. | ||
BASE_GRADLE_FLAGS | âś“ | -s --no-daemon -PnoMavenLocal --refresh-dependencies --console=plain (-PsafeTest) | Default Gradle flags that will be appended to all Gradle commands (Will include -PsafeTest when SAFE_TEST is set to "true") |
EXTRA_GRADLE_FLAGS | âś“ | Any extra gradle flags. | |
DEV_REGEX | âś“ | ^develop$ |^v3-develop$ |^v2-develop$ |
Branch(es) jobs will be run from when new commits are made. For example, if it's desired to run jobs from v2-develop and v3-develop branches, this variable can be set to '^v3-develop|$^v2-develop$' |
RELEASE_REGEX | âś“ | ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$|^release\/.+$ |
Release oriented jobs will be run based on this regex. |
Dev and release oriented jobs will be run based on this regex. |
SAFE_TEST | âś“ | false | Boolean on whether to run the build pipeline as a test before actually deploying, when set to "true" the build will not publish or deploy and artifacts. |
TASK_ARGUMENTS | Additional command line arguments and gradle tasks for this build. ex: "-Pforce -x updateReleaseVersion" These tasks will run on every job downstream. | ||
RELEASE | âś“ | The name that will be appended to release build artifacts. By default an release candidate will be created from this unless the value "final" is used. | |
GRADLE_TEST_FLAGS | âś“ | -s --no-daemon -PnoMavenLocal --refresh-dependencies --console=plain | Gradle flags that will be appended when running the Test Gradle task(s). |
QUALITY_CHECK_GRADLE_TASKS | âś“ | pmdMain violations -x build -x test | The gradle tasks used to run the Quality Check Gradle task(s). |
QUALITY_CHECK_DISABLED | âś“ | true | Boolean on whether to run the Quality Check Gitlab job(s). |
DEPENDENCY_LICENSE_SCANNING_DISABLED | âś“ | true | Boolean on whether to run the Dependency License Scan Gitlab job(s). |
SAST_DISABLED | âś“ | true | Boolean on whether to run the SAST Gitlab job(s). |
FORTIFY_SCANNING_DISABLED | âś“ | true | Boolean on whether to run the Fortify Gitlab job(s). |
ASCIIDOC_DISABLED | âś“ | true | Boolean on whether to run the AsciiDoc Gitlab job(s). |
ASCIIDOC_GRADLE_TASKS | âś“ | createDocsDistributionZip | The gradle tasks used to run the AsciiDoc Gradle task(s). |
** Denotes Gitlab Pipeline runner will have these variables present when manually building.
- remote:
The Gradle Android pipeline provides basic jobs for building Android APKs. When APKs are built with the Gitlab pipeline they are posted to a Slack channel.
Variable | Pre-Loaded** | Default Value | Description |
DEFAULT_IMAGE | âś“ | theimpulson/gitlab-ci-android | The base docker image used to run all included jobs. Jobs can also be further customized by specifying a different image for a specific job. |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Adds a prefix to the Docker images used to run the Gitlab jobs. Useful for when using non Dockerhub repositories. | ||
APK_SLACK_CHANNEL_ACCESS_TOKEN | âś“ | The Slack channel access token. | |
APK_SLACK_CHANNEL_ID | âś“ | The Slack channel access ID. | |
ARTIFACT_RELEASE_URL | âś“ | The Artifact URL to publish release apk/aars. | |
ARTIFACT_SNAPSHOT_URL | âś“ | The Artifact URL to publish snapshot apk/aars. | |
ARTIFACT_REPO_PASSWORD | âś“ | The password to publish snapshot apk/aars. | |
ARTIFACT_REPO_USERNAME | âś“ | The username to publish snapshot apk/aars. | |
DEPLOY_DEBUG_APK_SLACK_MESSAGE | âś“ | "Hello Team! Here is the latest debug APK from branch ${CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME}. It was triggered by: ${CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE}." | The Slack message to post in the APK channel for debug builds. |
DEPLOY_DEBUG_AAR_PATH | âś“ | app/build/outputs/aar |
The directory path to the debug AAR that can be space deliminated. |
DEPLOY_DEBUG_APK_PATH | âś“ | app/build/outputs/apk |
The directory path to the debug APK that can be space deliminated. |
DEPLOY_DEBUG_APK_NAMES | âś“ | "yourdebugapkname yourotherflavordebugapkname" | The names of the debug APKs. |
DEPLOY_RELEASE_APK_SLACK_MESSAGE | âś“ | "Hello Team! Here is the latest release APK triggered by tag: ${CI_COMMIT_TAG}" | The Slack message to post in the APK channel for release builds. |
DEPLOY_RELEASE_AAR_PATH | âś“ | app/build/outputs/aar |
The directory path to the release AAR. |
DEPLOY_RELEASE_APK_PATH | âś“ | app/build/outputs/apk |
The directory path to the release APK. |
DEPLOY_RELEASE_APK_NAMES | âś“ | "yourreleaseapkname yourotherflavorreleaseapkname" | The names of the release APKs that can be space deliminated. |
KEYSTORE_FILE | âś“ | The base64-encoded keystore file. To generate this file, after creating the .jks file from Android Studio, run the command `cat keystore.jks | |
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD | âś“ | The password used to sign and protect the integrity of the keystore file. | |
KEY_ALIAS | âś“ | An identifying name for the key. | |
KEY_PASSWORD | âś“ | Password for the key (this should be the same as the keystore password). | |
LINT_CHECK_DISABLED | âś“ | "false" | True to disable lint check. |
RELEASE | Determines what type of apk should be produced. Leave blank to produce a debug apk or anything, like 'true', to create a release apk. | ||
BUILD_TARGET | &check | Different for different jobs. For different flavored Android builds can put multiple build targets (i.e., BUILD_TARGET: "testFlavor1Debug testFlavor2Debug" ) |
Determines what type of apk should be produced. Leave blank to produce a debug apk or anything, like 'true', to create a release apk. |
COMBINE_CODE_COVERAGE_DISABLED | âś“ | "true" | Boolean on whether to run the combineCoverageReports Gitlab job. |
VISUALIZE_TEST_COVERAGE_DISABLED | âś“ | "true" | Boolean on whether to visualize the jacoco code coverage report. |
PROJECT_DIR | âś“ | ./ | Used to specify file paths in the combineCoverageReports and visualizeCombinedTestCoverage jobs. |
** Denotes Gitlab Pipeline runner will have these variables present when manually building.
- remote:
The Gradle ATAK Build Support Plugin (BSP) pipeline provides basic jobs for building ATAK APKs with the BSP. APKs are published by default whenever a branch is merged into the "default" branch.
Variable | Pre-Loaded** | Default Value | Description |
RELEASE | The name that will be appended to release build artifacts. By default an release candidate will be created from this unless the value "final" is used. | ||
EXTRA_GRADLE_FLAGS | Any extra gradle flags | ||
STANDARD_GRADLE_FLAGS | âś“ | -s --no-daemon -PnoMavenLocal --refresh-dependencies --console=plain | Default Gradle flags that will be appended to all Gradle commands |
DEV_REGEX | âś“ |
^develop$ |^v3-develop$ |^v2-develop$ |^main$
Branch(es) jobs will be run from when new commits are made. For example, if it's desired to run jobs from v2-develop and v3-develop branches, this variable can be set to '^v3-develop|$^v2-develop$'
RELEASE_REGEX | âś“ | ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$|^release\/.+$ |
Release oriented jobs will be run based on this regex. |
SUPPORT_REGEX | âś“ | ^[0-9]+\.[0-9]+$|^support\/.+$ |
Support oriented jobs will be run based on this regex. |
Dev, release, and support oriented jobs will be run based on this regex. |
DEFAULT_IMAGE | âś“ | theimpulson/gitlab-ci-android | The base docker image used to run all included jobs. Jobs can also be further customized by specifying a different image for a specific job. |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Adds a prefix to the Docker images used to run the Gitlab jobs. Useful for when using non Dockerhub repositories. | ||
REPORTS_ARTIFACT | âś“ | ${CI_PROJECT_DIR}/app/build/reports/tests/ | The test artifact on the build job, typically the unit test report |
LINT_CHECK_DISABLED | âś“ | "false" | True to disable lint check. |
** Denotes Gitlab Pipeline runner will have these variables present when manually building.
- remote:
The gradle Install4j pipeline provides basic jobs for building installers using the InstallerSupportPlugin. The default jobs provided allow projects to create both SNAPSHOT and RELEASE installers. SNAPSHOTS are published by default whenever a branch is merged into the "default" branch. Release installers are only created when a GitLab pipeline is manually triggered with the "RELEASE" environment variable defined (values described below) from a branch matching the DEV_OR_RELEASE_REGEX variable.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
DEFAULT_INSTALL4J_IMAGE | devsecops/install4j8:1.0.0-jdk11-slim-custom | The base docker image used to run all included jobs. Jobs can also be further customized by specifying a different image for a specific job. |
INSTALLER_ARTIFACT_PATH | build/installers | The path relative to the root of the project where the build artifacts can be found. |
INSTALLER_NAME | "installers" | The name of the installer artifacts that can be downloaded after the job completes |
INSTALLER_GRADLE_COMMANDS | makeAllInstallers makeAllBundles | Gradle commands that determine which installers should be built. If building a project with multiple installers, override this variable to build a specific installer instead of all installers. |
EXTRA_GRADLE_FLAGS | Any extra gradle flags | |
STANDARD_GRADLE_FLAGS | -s --no-daemon -PnoMavenLocal --refresh-dependencies --console=plain (-PsafeTest) | Default Gradle flags that will be appended to all Gradle commands |
INSTALL4J_VERSION | unix_8_0_11 | The version of Install4J used to build the installers. |
DEV_OR_RELEASE_REGEX | `^develop$|^main$|^[0-9]+.[0-9]+$|^release/.+$ |^support/.+$ | Dev and release oriented jobs will be run based on this regex. |
JDK_SELECTOR | -PJDK=11 | Flag that specifies which Java version the installer should target. |
HTTP_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_MS | 30000 | HTTP connection timeout that gets applied to Gradle HTTP. Can be useful for things like large Gradle installer publishes. |
HTTP_SOCKET_TIMEOUT_MS | 60000 | HTTP socket timeout that gets applied to Gradle HTTP. Can be useful for things like large Gradle installer publishes. |
FLOAT: if no encryption ejt.ks auth file, FLOAT:,./ejt.ks if encryption ejt.ks auth file which requires EJT_LICENSE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_BASE64
EJT_LICENSE_ENCRYPTION_KEY_BASE64 | Base64 string of EJT license server ejt.ks binary file since Gitlab cannot store binary formatted files/strings as Gitlab CI variables. Can create using base64 --input ejt.ks --output encoded_file.txt
- remote:
The plugin release pipeline provides support for invoking a standard set of tasks on a gradle project that builds and
publishes a plugin to the Gradle Plugin Portal. The consuming project is expected to provide typical build/test tasks.
In addition, to support the actual release process, it must define a task named doRelease
which, when invoked along
with the project property -Prelease
, will build and publish the plugin to the portal.
Note that this pipeline will run tests on all feature branches, but it will only perform a release when invoked from the
GitLab web UI on the default branch of the repo and only if the RELEASE
variable is set to true
Variable | Default Value | Description |
DEFAULT_IMAGE | openjdk:8-jdk-slim | The base docker image used to run all included jobs. Jobs can also be further customized by specifying a different image for a specific job. |
STANDARD_GRADLE_FLAGS | -s --no-daemon -PnoMavenLocal --refresh-dependencies --console=plain $TASK_ARGUMENTS | Default Gradle flags that will be appended to all Gradle commands |
TASK_ARGUMENTS | Additional command line arguments and gradle tasks for this build. ex: "-Pforce -x updateReleaseVersion" These tasks will run on every job downstream. | |
RELEASE | 'false' | Determines if a 'release' build will be performed, which also publishes the plugin to the Gradle Plugin Portal. Use 'true' to perform a release build. |
GRADLE_PUBLISH_KEY | NONE | The Gradle plugin portal publishing key, must be set as an environment variable |
GRADLE_PUBLISH_SECRET | NONE | The Gradle plugin portal publishing secret, must be set as an environment variable |
- remote:
The standard Packer pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will format, validate, and deploy Packer VMs from a project.
- remote:
The standard Terraform pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will format, validate, security test, plan, apply, and destroy Terraform Infrastructure as Code (IaC) from a project. Can be used for any cloud environment (e.g., Azure, AWS, etc).
Variable | Description |
TF_ROOT | The root directory of your terraform project |
PLAN_FILE_NAME | The Terraform state file name |
TF_STATE_NAME | The Terraform State file name |
TF_CACHE_KEY | The Terraform cache key for Gitlab caching |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Adds a prefix to the Docker images used to run the Gitlab jobs. Useful for when using non Dockerhub repositories. |
DEFAULT_IMAGE | The Docker image used for most of the Terraform Gitlab pipeline's jobs |
DOCKER_REPO_NAME | Docker repository name (e.g., devsecops) |
TF_INIT_FLAGS | Any flags to add to the Gitlab job's terraform init call |
IS_TERRAFORM_MODULE | Set to "true" if your Gitlab repository is a Terraform module which tells the Gitlab pipeline's jobs to not deploy code but jut run some analysis jobs like formatting and security checks |
- remote:
The standard Docker pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will lint and apply Docker continuous deployments (CD) from a project.
- Mega Linter
- Kaniko Docker Image Publishing
- Secrets Detection
- Container Scanning
- Trivy SBOM
- Checkov IaC SAST
- Gitlab Release
Variable | Description |
USE_DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG | Defaults to "true", "true" is for using a DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG for Kaniko authentication, use "false" to authenticate with DOCKER_REPO_HOSTNAME , DOCKER_REPO_USERNAME , and DOCKER_REPO_PASSWORD |
DOCKER_DIRECTORY | Optional variable to set the directory where the Dockerfile is located |
DOCKERFILE | Optional variable to set the name of the Dockerfile (e.g., Dockerfile.mine) |
DOCKER_REPO_USERNAME | Username to publish the Docker image |
DOCKER_REPO_PASSWORD | Password to publish the Docker image |
DOCKER_REPO_HOSTNAME | Docker repository hostname (e.g., |
DOCKER_REPO_NAME | Docker repository name (e.g., devsecops) |
APP_NAME | Docker image app name (e.g., MyCustomKafka) |
VERSION | Docker image version (e.g., latest) |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Adds a prefix to the Docker images used to run the Gitlab jobs. Useful for when using non Dockerhub repositories. |
- remote:
The standard Helm pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will lint and apply Helm continuous deployments (CD) from a project.
Variable | Description |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Used to add an image prefix at the beginning of an image used by a Gitlab pipeline job. |
- remote:
The standard Ansible pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will lint and apply Ansible continuous deployments (CD) from a project. Can be used for any virtual machine host (e.g., Azure VMs, AWS VMs, local VMs, etc).
- remote:
The standard Bash pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will lint and apply Bash continuous deployments (CD) from a project.
- remote:
The standard Python pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will lint and apply Python continuous deployments (CD) from a project.
Variable | Description |
PYTHON_PIPELINE_IMAGE_PREFIX | Used to add an image prefix at the beginning of an image used by a Gitlab pipeline job. |
PYTHON_PIPELINE_DEFAULT_IMAGE | The base docker image used to run all included jobs. Jobs can also be further customized by specifying a different image for a specific job. |
PYTHON_ROOT | The directory that is the root of the Python component used by a Gitlab pipeline job. |
PYTHON_MODULE | The python module(s) that should be invoked by the pytest Gitlab job, relative to PYTHON_ROOT, can be multiple modules. |
PYTEST_MODULE | The test module(s) that should be invoked by the pytest Gitlab job, relative to PYTHON_ROOT, can be multiple modules. |
MICROMAMBA_VERSION | The docker image base for micromamba that should be used by the pytest Gitlab job. |
MICROMAMBA_ENVIRONMENT_FILE | The environment definition file that should be used by the pytest Gitlab job. |
- remote:
The standard NPM pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will install, build, test, and provide test results and coverage reports on both merge requests and gitlab pages.
The pipeline expects a package.json
script called test:ci
. It's recommended to follow the below setup to ensure this
pipeline works as expected.
Install dependencies
npm install --save-dev jest jest-junit
or yarn add --dev jest jest-junit
Add script to package.json
"scripts": {
"test:ci": "jest --config ./jest.config.js --collectCoverage --coverageDirectory=\"./coverage\" --ci --reporters=default --reporters=jest-junit --watchAll=false",
Include this configuration in jest.config.js
module.exports = {
collectCoverageFrom: ['src/**/*.{js,jsx,ts,tsx}'],
coverageReporters: ['html', 'text', 'text-summary', 'cobertura'],
Variable | Description |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Used to add an image prefix at the beginning of an image used by a Gitlab pipeline job. |
NODE_IMAGE | The base node image used to run all jobs. (e.g. node:16) |
TEST_ARGS | Optional additional arguments or flags to add to the npm test:ci script. |
- remote:
The standard NPM pipeline is the simplest way to get up and running quickly. It provides a full pipeline configuration that will install, build, test, and provide test results and coverage reports on both merge requests and gitlab pages.
The pipeline has this repo's NpmJestCoveragePipeline
as an included dependency. It is necessary to follow the
requirements from that pipeline in order to use this one.
Variable | Description |
TAK_EMAIL | A valid email account with access to WebTAK artifacts on the TAK Artifactory. |
TAK_API_TOKEN | An API token generated using the same email as above. |
- remote:
Enables caching in GitLab to reuse the gradle wrapper between jobs and gives the gradle wrapper executable file permissions.
- remote:
Runs tests through Gradle commands and publishes the results as an artifact to GitLab. These test result artifacts can be viewed by going to your project's CI pipelines page and then selecting the context menu on the right hand of the test job.
- Tests results found in the build/test-results/test/ directory. This is the default location for JUnit test results.
Variable | Description |
EXTRA_GRADLE_TEST_FLAGS | Flags that will be appended to the gradle test command |
- remote:
Publishes a SNAPSHOT jar whenever a feature branch is merged into the project's default branch and publishes release jars when a GitLab pipeline is manually triggered with the "RELEASE" environment variable defined (values described below). After performing a release build, the project's version is automatically updated and the change is committed to the repo. Javadocs are also published with releases.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
STANDARD_GRADLE_FLAGS | -s --no-daemon -PnoMavenLocal --refresh-dependencies --console=plain (-PsafeTest) | Default Gradle flags that will be appended to all Gradle commands |
PUBLISH_SNAPSHOT_GRADLE_FLAGS | Gradle flags for customizing the snapshot & release publish tasks | |
RELEASE_GRADLE_FLAGS | -x updateReleaseVersion -x tagRelease | Flags passed to the gradle command used to publish release jars. |
GIT_TASKS_ENABLED | true | Determines whether any gradle tasks that perform Git operations with be included in the pipeline. If disabled a project's version will not be automatically updated following a release build |
DEV_OR_RELEASE_REGEX | '^develop$|^v3-develop$|^v2-develop$|^main$|^[0-9]+.[0-9]+$|^release/.+$' | Branch(es) SNAPSHOT builds will be published from when new commits are made. For example, if it's desired to build SNAPSHOTs from v2-develop and v3-develop branches, this variable can be set to '^v3-develop|$^v2-develop$'
SAFE_TEST | false | Boolean on whether to run the build pipeline as a test before actually deploying, when set to "true" the build will not publish or deploy and artifacts. |
TASK_ARGUMENTS | Additional command line arguments and gradle tasks for this build. ex: "-Pforce -x updateReleaseVersion" These tasks will run on every job downstream. | |
RELEASE | The name that will be appended to release build artifacts. By default a release candidate will be created from this unless the value "final" is used |
- remote:
Publishes Gitlab Pages such as JavaDocs, coverage, quality, licenses, and vulnerabilities.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
FORCE_PUBLISH_PAGES | True to force publishing of pages. | |
PUBLISH_JAVADOCS_DISABLED | True to disable JavaDoc publishing. |
- remote:
Gradle job to detect secrets and put into a report.
- remote:
Gradle job to scan quality and put into a report.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
QUALITY_CHECK_DISABLED | True to disable quality reporting. |
- remote:
Jobs to scan dependency vulnerabilities of Gradle projects and put into a report.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
MAVEN_DETECTION_DISABLED | True to disable dependency scanning. | |
EXCLUDED_VULNERABILITY_PACKAGES | A comma delimited list of packages (e.g., "dom4j/dom4j,org.apache.shiro/shiro-web") to exclude from dependency vulnerability scanning |
- remote:
Static Application Security Testing (SAST) scanning and reports for a Gradle project.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
SAST_DISABLED | True to disable the jobs. | |
EXCLUDED_SAST_VULNERABILITY_FILES | A comma delimited list of files (e.g., ",") to exclude from SAST vulnerability scanning |
- remote:
Jobs to scan licenses of Gradle projects and put into a report.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
DEPENDENCY_LICENSE_SCANNING_DISABLED | True to disable license scanning. |
- remote:
Creates AsciiDoc using a Gradle job using the AsciiDoc Generator Gradle Plugin.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
ASCIIDOC_GRADLE_TASKS | The AsciiDoc Gradle tasks. |
- remote:
Runs Android Instrumentation Tests against an Android device/emulator using a Gradle job.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
ANDROID_SDK_ROOT | "/sdk" | Android SDK root location. |
ADB_EXECUTABLE | $ANDROID_SDK_ROOT/platform-tools/adb | ADB executable location. |
BUILD_TARGETS | connectedDebugAndroidTest | The Gradle command to run the Android instrumentation test, can give multiple Gradle commands for multiple Android flavors. |
ANDROID_EMULATOR_IP | IP address of emulator for instrumentation tests. Recommend to mask the IP as a Gitlab CI/CD variable. | |
ANDROID_EMULATOR_ADB_PORT | 5555 | ADB port of emulator for instrumentation tests. |
APP_PACKAGE_NAMES_TO_FORCE_UNINSTALL | Name of your app's packages in case to force uninstall before running instrumentation tests. |
- remote:
Uses the gradle Kaniko Docker image to build and publish docker images.
Variable | Description |
DOCKER_DIRECTORY | Root directory of a Dockerfile |
DOCKERFILE | Name of the Dockerfile to build and publish |
DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG | A config with the repo, username, and password, see for more details of config format |
DOCKER_REPO_HOSTNAME | Only needed if not using DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG. URL to docker repository, i.e. |
DOCKER_REPO_USERNAME | Only needed if not using DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG. Username for that repository |
DOCKER_REPO_PASSWORD | Only needed if not using DOCKER_AUTH_CONFIG. Password for that repository |
OVERWRITABLE_TAG_REGEX | Regex of Docker image tags to not overwrite in a Docker repository |
DOCKER_BUILD_ARGS | Docker build arguments spaced delimited |
- remote:
Uses the gradle JIB Gradle plugin to build
and publish docker images. The
job will attempt to use your credentials stored in the $HOME/.docker/config.json
file on the Gitlab instance running
the pipeline. If the HOME
is not set or the credentials are not present on your system, use the username and password variables detailed below.
Note: Be sure NOT to save credentials directly to your code repository.
Note: This job will only run when code is committed to the repository's default branch, i.e. it will not run in merge requests, and will instead run after the request is merged.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
STANDARD_GRADLE_FLAGS | -s --no-daemon -PnoMavenLocal --refresh-dependencies --console=plain | Default Gradle flags that will be appended to all Gradle commands |
JIB_FLAGS | -DsendCredentialsOverHttp=true | Gradle flags used to customize the JIB task. The default value enables publishing docker images to insecure registries |
DOCKER_REPO_HOSTNAME | URL to docker repository, i.e. |
DOCKER_REPO_USERNAME | Username for that repository | |
DOCKER_REPO_PASSWORD | Password for that repository | |
PUBLISH_DOCKER | Flag to manually publish a docker image from a GitLab pipeline on a non-default branch |
- remote:
Uses the IMG toolchain to build and publish docker images from a dockerfile. IMG is used in place of the standard Docker toolchain to circumvent security restrictions within GitLab pipelines.
Variable | Description |
DOCKER_DIRECTORY | Declares the directory where the dockerfile is located. If not specified then the project's root directory will be searched |
DOCKER_REPO_USERNAME | Username credentials for authentication used for the Docker registry that the image will be published to |
DOCKER_REPO_PASSWORD | Password credentials for authentication used for the Docker registry that the image will be published to |
DOCKER_REPO_HOSTNAME | The docker registry host to authenticate with. |
APP_NAME | The unique identify that will be used as the tag for the docker image being built |
APP_VERSION | The version used to tag the docker image being built |
PUBLISH_DOCKER | Flag to manually publish a docker image from a GitLab pipeline on a non-default branch |
- remote:
Deploys an Ansible Playbook.
Variable | Default Value | Description |
ANSIBLE_ROOT | ${CI_PROJECT_DIR} | The root directory of the Ansible project |
ANSIBLE_PLAYBOOK | playbook.yml | The Ansible Playbook .yml file |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Used to add an image prefix at the beginning of an image used by a Gitlab pipeline job. | |
DEFAULT_IMAGE | "python:3.11-rc-alpine" | The base docker image used to run all included jobs. Jobs can also be further customized by specifying a different image for a specific job. |
ANSIBLE_CONFIG | ./ansible.cfg | The Ansible .cfg file |
ANSIBLE_LOG_PATH | ~/ansible.log | The Ansible .log file path |
ANSIBLE_DEBUG | "False" | True to turn on Ansible debug |
BASE64_ENCODED_SSH_PRIVATE_KEY | The base 64 encoded SSH private key so Ansible can interact with the VM and it can be Gitlab masked | |
SSH_PRIVATE_KEY_FILENAME | The SSH private key filename so that Ansible can interact with the VM | |
SERVER_HOST_IPS | Known host IPs of the Azure VMs |
- remote:
Uses the Checkov to create an Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Static Application Security Testing (SAST) report.
Variable | Description |
CHECKOV_OUTPUT_FILE | The name of file to output the Checkov IaC SAST report to |
CHECKOV_COMMAND | The command to generate the Checkov IaC SAST report |
CHECKOV_IAC_SAST_DISABLED | Used to disable the Checkov IaC SAST job from running |
- remote:
Uses the Trivy to create a SBOM report.
Variable | Description |
TRIVY_USERNAME | The Docker registry username |
TRIVY_PASSWORD | The Docker registry password |
TRIVY_AUTH_URL | The Docker registry url |
TRIVY_SBOM_FLAGS | Flags to call with trivy |
TRIVY_SBOM_FORMAT | Format of trivy sbom |
TRIVY_SBOM_TARGET | Target for trivy to scan such as a Docker image or directory |
TRIVY_SBOM_OUTPUT | Trivy sbom output file |
TRIVY_SBOM_COMMAND | Trivy command |
TRIVY_SBOM_DISABLED | Used to disable the Trivy SBOM job from running |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Used to add an image prefix at the beginning of an image used by a Gitlab pipeline job. |
- remote:
Uses Fortify to performance a security scan.
Variable | Description |
JAVA_SRC_VERSION | The java source version to scan |
PACKAGE_ENTRY_POINT | Entry point to the Java package |
DEFAULT_FORTIFY_IMAGE | Fortify docker image |
FORTIFY_EXCLUDE_FLAGS | Source to exclude |
FORTIFY_RULES_FLAGS | rules flags |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Used to add an image prefix at the beginning of an image used by a Gitlab pipeline job. |
- remote:
Runs SonarQube gradle tasks to analyze a repo and publish generated reports to a SonarQube instance.
Variable | Description |
SONAR_PROJECT_KEY | The unique identifier of the project generated in SonarQube |
SONAR_HOST_URL | The base SonarQube URL where analysis results are published |
SONAR_LOGIN_TOKEN | An authentication token generated by SonarQube |
- remote:
Uses the Mega Linter toolchain to lint a repo.
Variable | Description |
ENABLE | The types of lints to enable |
FILTER_REGEX_EXCLUDE | Files to exclude from linting |
MEGA_LINTER_DISABLED | Used to disable the mega-linter job from running |
IMAGE_PREFIX | Used to add an image prefix at the beginning of an image used by a Gitlab pipeline job. |
- remote:
Runs a lint check to validate the integrity of the project's helm chart and subsequently publishes the helm chart to a registry
Variables | Description |
PUBLISH_HELM_CHARTS_IMAGE | The docker image used to build and publish the helm chart |
HELM_CHART_DIR | The path of the directory containing the helm chart |
CHART_PROJECT_NAME | The name that the helm chart will appear under in the chart registry |
CHART_REPO_URL | The base URL of the chart registry excluding the group and project specific identifiers |
HELM_CHART_GPG_SIGN_KEY | The GPG sign key name to sign the helm chart with during packaging |
HELM_CHART_GPG_PASSPHRASE | The passphrase for the GPG key to sign the helm chart with during packaging |
HELM_CHART_GPG_PASSPHRASE_FILE | The file to write the passphrase to to then sign the helm chart with during packaging |
CHART_REPO_USERNAME | Username for the chart repository to push to |
CHART_REPO_PASSWORD | Password for the chart repository to push to |
CHART_REPO_OCI | Set to "true" if using an OCI registry for Helm like Harbor 2.7 or later |
OCI_CHART_ROOT | The project's root path to push helm charts to for a Helm |
- remote:
Runs Trufflehog to detect secrets in a Gitlab repository.
Variables | Description |
TRUFFLEHOG_COMMAND | The Trufflehog command you want to execute, see for details |
- remote:
Creates a Gitlab Release that is viewable in a Gitlab repository's UI on the Release page that can include zipped source code, asset links, and more. See
Variables | Description |
GITLAB_RELEASE_TOKEN | This is REQUIRED, needs to be set to a Gitlab access token with at least api permissions |
GITLAB_RELEASE_CLI_FLAGS | The Gitlab Release CLI tool flags, see for details |
GITLAB_RELEASE_CLI_FLAGS_EXTRA_DYNAMIC | Extra dynamic flags variable, not typical immutable Gitlab variable, for the Gitlab Release CLI tool that can be used to dynamically set things like assets-links using a previous Gitlab job with artifacts -> reports -> dotenv: variables.env, see for example |
GITLAB_RELEASE_DISABLED | Disabled by default, please set to "false" to enable the Gitlab Release job to run |
- remote:
Current Gitlab version required is unknown, but one day we'll find out.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.