Official Guidance SDK package for accessing the rich categories of output data from Guidance via USB and UART, and configure your Guidance all by your demand.
Build a Visual Tracking Project
- demo: demo applications using Guidance SDK
- doc: documentations
- examples: examples for USB and UART
- include: Header file of Guidance SDK
- lib: Library files for Windows
- so: Library files for Linux
Also notice that, to enable fast download for ROS users, we have a separate ROS repo with much smaller size: Guidance-SDK-ROS.
Examples of USB and UART can be found in examples/usb_example, examples/uart_example, including Visual Studio projects which is ready to compile. Remember to copy the corresponding DJI_guidance.dll file to the same directory where the output binary locates.
Examples of USB and UART can be found in examples/usb_example, examples/uart_example, including Makefile which is ready to compile. Remember to copy the corresponding file to the same directory where the output binary locates.
Notice that, reading and writing Guidance USB port in Linux requires root authority. To save the trouble of typing sudo
every time running Guidance SDK applications, it is suggested to add a rule to /etc/udev/rules.d
directory, which can be found in doc/51-guidance.rules. Or typing from terminal the following line
sudo sh -c 'echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"fff0\", ATTR{idProduct}==\"d009\", MODE=\"0666\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/51-guidance.rules'
Guidance SDK可以让开发者通过Guidance的USB口和串口来获取丰富的传感器数据,以及按照自己的需要来灵活配置Guidance。
- demo: 用Guidance SDK实现的示例应用
- doc: 文档
- examples: USB和串口的简单示例程序
- include: Guidance SDK头文件
- lib: Windows下的库文件
- so: Linux下的库文件
USB和串口的示例代码可以在 examples/usb_example 和 examples/uart_example中找到,其中包含了可直接编译运行的Visual Studio工程。需要将对应的dll文件复制到exe所在目录或Windows系统目录。
USB和串口的示例代码可以在同样的目录(examples/usb_example 和 examples/uart_example)中找到,其中包含了可直接编译的Makefile文件。
注意,在Linux下读写Guidance的USB口需要root权限。为了省去每次运行Guidance SDK程序都要输入sudo
的麻烦,建设在 /etc/udev/rules.d
下添加一个规则文件,即 doc/51-guidance.rules. 或者也可以从终端输入下面的这行:
sudo sh -c 'echo "SUBSYSTEM==\"usb\", ATTR{idVendor}==\"fff0\", ATTR{idProduct}==\"d009\", MODE=\"0666\"" > /etc/udev/rules.d/51-guidance.rules'