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CAMELS dataset in NetCDF/Feather formats


The CAMELS datasets are not provided in an ideal format and takes a bit of data processing to convert them to useful and convenient forms for geospatial analyses. So, I decided to use the beloved netcdf and feather formats to make the dataset more accessible while taking care of some small annoyances! The generated files are hosted on Hydroshare.


First make sure that h5netcdf, geopandas, xarray, and requests Python packages are installed, then load the files directly like so:

import io

import geopandas as gpd
import requests
import xarray as xr

r = requests.get("")
attrs = gpd.read_feather(io.BytesIO(r.content))

r = requests.get("")
qobs = xr.open_dataset(io.BytesIO(r.content), engine="h5netcdf")


This repo contains the code that I used to generate the datasets. Three data sources are available from the CAMELS dataset:

The generates two files:

  • camels_attributes_v2.0.feather: Includes basin geometries and 60 basin-level attributes that are available in CAMELS.
  • Includes observed flows for all 671 stations, as well as the 60 basin-level attributes. It has two dimensions (station_id and time) and 60 data variables.

Additionally, the script takes care of some small annoyances:

  • Station names didn't have a consistent format and there were some missing commas and extra periods! Now, the names have a consistent format (title) and there is comma before the states.
  • Station IDs and HUC 02 are strings with leading zeros if needed.

You can recreate the generated files locally using mambaforge (or conda) like so:

git clone
cd camels_netcdf
mamba env create -f environment.yml
conda activate camels
chmod +x ./

Example Plots

Snow fraction using camels_attributes_v2.0.feather: camels_snow_fraction

The dataset dataset

Streamflow observations for USGS-01013500: qobs_01013500


Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to open an issue/PR if you have any suggestions that can improve the database.