This is a project with new functionality based on PA03. It allows users to select courses, make schedule, rate and comment on the selected course.
First, you need to signup and login as usual.
Then, you can do search by course name feature, just type in the keyword in the course name.
You can also search courses by subject or instructor.
You can add course to schedule just as before.
You can rate the course on the schedule on a 1 to 5 scale and also add specific comments, then just click Save.
All comments would be presented in the comment list after clicking Comment at the Navigation Bar.
You can choose to sort by rating from highest to lowest by clicking Sort in Rating Descending Order.
You can also delete the comment by clicking Delete button.
Download the project from github and download nodejs and npm from and cd into the folder
Install the packages with
npm install
Start the project with
node app.js
or install nodemon (the node monitoring app) with
npm install -g nodemon
and start the project with