VACSEM is used to formally verify the average error (e.g., error rate and mean error distance) of approximate circuits.
Its overall flow is shown below:
It has two phases:
Phase 1 inputs an approximate circuit and an exact circuit (both in BLIF format).
Then, it converts the average error verification problem into the model counting (also call #SAT) problem. Specifically, it builds an approximation miter to represent the deviation between the approximate and exact circuits, and converts the miter into multiple CNF files. Each CNF file represents a model counting (#SAT) problem to to solved.
It outputs the CNF files.
Phase 2 is an efficient simulation-enhanced #SAT solver. It inputs the CNF file from Phase 1. It outputs the solution to the #SAT problem.
After solving the #SAT problems from Phase 1, we can combine the solutions and obtain average error.
For more details, you can refer to the following paper:
There are two important folders in the root directory of VACSEM project:
Circuit2Cnf: This folder contains the first sub-project of VACSEM, which corresponds to Phase 1 in the above figure, i.e., circuit-aware construction of #SAT problems
SimSharpSat: This folder contains the second sub-project of VACSEM, which corresponds to Phase 2 in the above figure, i.e., simulation-enhanced model counting.
The sub-project "SimSharpSat" is developed based on the open-source #SAT tool GANAK. We are deeply grateful to authors of GANAK for their clear and easy-to-use code!
Note that in our paper, we are comparing to the GANAK with the git commit ID "9b20008ea07c6be9f7be6ca40384ff01cc026413", released on July 9, 2023, which works on a single CPU thread.
Reference environment, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the following tools and libraries:
Tools: gcc 10.3.0 & g++ 10.3.0 & cmake 3.16.3
You can install these tools with the following command:
sudo apt install gcc-10 sudo apt install g++-10 sudo apt install cmake
You also need to check whether the default versions of gcc and g++ are 10.3.0:
gcc --version g++ --version
If the default versions of gcc and g++ are not 10.3.0, please change them to 10.3.0.
Libraries: libboost 1.74.0, libreadline 8.0-4, libgmp, libmpfr, libmpc
You can install these libraries with the following command:
sudo apt install libboost1.74-all-dev sudo apt install libreadline-dev sudo apt install libgmp-dev sudo apt-get install libmpfr-dev sudo apt-get install libmpc-dev
Optionally, to build the "Deviation Function
$F(\vec y,\vec y')$ " unit in the above figure, you need Yosys & abcYou can install the tools using the following command:
sudo apt install yosys sudo apt install berkeley-abc
Optionally, to run the baseline method GANAK, you can download it from this git repository
Again, in our paper, we are comparing to the GANAK with the git commit ID "9b20008ea07c6be9f7be6ca40384ff01cc026413", released on July 9, 2023, which works on a single CPU thread.
Alternatively, we prepare a docker image containing the dependencies:
VACSEM contains a submodule: open-source logic synthesis and verification tool abc
There are two ways of downloading VACSEM:
- Clone the VACSEM project, and then update the submodules:
git clone
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Alternatively, clone the VACSEM project as well as the submodules:
git clone --recursive
- To build, go to the root directory of the project, and then execute:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cd ..
If you compile successfully, you will obtain the following two executable programs:
- Circuit2Cnf.out, corresponding to Phase 1 (converting circuit to CNF) in the above figure.
- SimSharpSat.out, corresponding to Phase 2 (#SAT solving) in the above figure.
- To clean up, go to the root directory of the project, and then execute:
rm -r build
Example command 1 for error rate metric:
./Circuit2Cnf.out -t ER -e ./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/mult15.blif -a ./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_size_1696_depth_40.blif -o ./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366.cnf
In this example,
- The program inputs an exact circuit "./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/mult15.blif"
- It inputs an approximate circuit "./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_size_1696_depth_40.blif"
- It builds an approximation miter (as shown in the above figure) for the error rate (ER) metric
- It outputs a CNF file "./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366.cnf", converted from the approximation miter
Example command 2 for the mean error distance metric:
./Circuit2Cnf.out -t MED -e ./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/mult15.blif -a ./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_size_1696_depth_40.blif -d ./Circuit2Cnf/input/deviation-function/width_30_absolute_error.blif -o ./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366.cnf
In this example,
The program inputs an exact circuit "./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/mult15.blif"
It inputs an approximate circuit "./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_size_1696_depth_40.blif"
It builds an approximation miter (as shown in the above figure) for the mean error distance (MED) metric
To build the approximation miter, the program needs a "Deviation Function
$F(\vec y,\vec y')$ " unit in the above figure. This unit is specified as "./Circuit2Cnf/input/mult15/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_size_1696_depth_40.blif"To create the deviation-function circuits, you can refer to the script "./Circuit2Cnf/script/"
As shown in the above figure, the program splits the approximation miter into
$m$ single-output sub-miters, where$m$ is the number of primary outputs. Each sub-miter encodes the #SAT problem for each primary output.The CNF files for these sub-miters are named "./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_0.cnf", "./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_1.cnf", ..., "./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366_{m-1}.cnf"
If a sub-miter outputs a constant 0/1, then the CNF file name will end with "_const0" or "_const1". In this case, the solution of the #SAT problem is trivial.
Example command
./SimSharpSat.out -t 14400 ./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366.cnf
In this example,
- The time limit is set as 14400s
- The input CNF file is "./tmp/22_mult15_err_0.0944366.cnf"