This is an approximate logic synthesis flow that automatically generates approximate circuits under a user-specified error constraint.
For more details, you can refer to the following paper: Chang Meng, Alan Mishchenko, Weikang Qian, and Giovanni De Micheli, "Efficient Resubstitution-Based Approximate Logic Synthesis," in IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems (TCAD), 2024.
Reference environment, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with the following tools and libraries:
Tools: gcc 10.3.0 & g++ 10.3.0 & cmake 3.16.3
You can install these tools with the following command:
sudo apt install gcc-10 sudo apt install g++-10 sudo apt install cmake
You also need to check whether the default versions of gcc and g++ are 10.3.0:
gcc --version g++ --version
If the default versions of gcc and g++ are not 10.3.0, please change them to 10.3.0.
Libraries: libboost 1.74.0, libreadline 8.0-4
You can install these libraries with the following command:
sudo apt install libboost1.74-all-dev sudo apt install libreadline-dev
Other tool: yosys
sudo apt install yosys
Alternatively, we prepare a docker image containing the dependencies:
This project contains a submodule: open-source logic synthesis and verification tool abc
To download the project:
git clone --recursive
Please do add the parameter "--recursive", or the submodule will not be downloaded
- To build, go to the root directory of the project, and then execute:
mkdir build
cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cd ..
If you compile successfully, you will obtain the following executable program:
- To clean up, go to the root directory of the project, and then execute:
rm -rf build
To seek help, you can run:
./resubals.out -h
You will get the following illustration:
usage: ./resubals.out --accCirc=string [options] ...
--accCirc path to accurate circuit (string)
--standCell path to standard cell library (string [=./input/standard-cell/nangate_45nm_typ.lib])
--outpPath path to approximate circuits (string [=tmp])
--metrType error metric type: ER, MED, NMED, MSE, MHD, NMHD (string [=NMED])
--distrType error distribution type: UNIF, ENUM (string [=UNIF])
--seed seed for randomness (unsigned int [=0])
--errUppBound error upper bound (double [=0.15])
--nFrame #Monte Carlo samples, nFrame should be an integer multiple of 64 (int [=102400])
--nFrame4ResubGen #patterns for AppResub Generation (int [=64])
--maxCandResub max #candidate AppResubs (int [=100000])
--nThread number of threads (int [=4])
--enableFastErrEst when this option is enabled, the program performs faster approximate error estimation;
otherwise, the program performs slower accurate error estimation
--enableMeasureMode when this option is enabled, the program measures the quality of the circuit specified by `appCirc' option;
otherwise, the program performs approximate logic synthesis
--appCirc path to approximate circuit,
this option is only used in the case when the `enableMeasureMode' option is active (string [=])
-h, --help print this message
Example command 1
./resubals.out --accCirc ./input/benchmark/iscas/c880.blif --standCell ./input/standard-cell/nangate_45nm_typ.lib --outpPath ./tmp/ --metrType ER --errUppBound 0.05 --nThread 4
In this example,
- The original circuit is "./input/benchmark/iscas/c880.blif"
- The stand cell library is "./input/standard-cell/nangate_45nm_typ.lib"
- The approximate circuits will be outputed to "./tmp/"
- The error metric is error rate (ER)
- The error upper bound is 0.05
- The applied CPU threads are 4