THIS IS OUT OF DATE -- This is intended for internal use atm. If you find this and wish to use it feel free, but it is significantly altered from it's original form, and serves a particular function and as such is unlikely to be maintained for anything other than that function. If you would like to make alterations, please feel free to reach out.
Apache Cordova / PhoneGap Plugin to detect when a physical device performs a shake gesture.
This is based on a standalone JavaScript implementation I wrote last year (gist).
Requires Cordova v5.0.0 or above.
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-shake
cordova plugin add
You do not need to reference any JavaScript, the Cordova plugin architecture will add a shake object to your root automatically when you build.
NB: There is no native component to this plugin but it depends on the device motion plugin (added when this plugin is added).
var onShake = function () {
// Fired when a shake is detected
var onError = function () {
// Fired when there is an accelerometer error (optional)
// Start watching for shake gestures and call "onShake"
// with a shake sensitivity of 40 (optional, default 30)
shake.startWatch(onShake, 40 /*, onError */);
// Stop watching for shake gestures