Caution: This release has some improvements to the Coordinate system code
that may cause incompatibility with user-written code.
Kin.forward_kinematics() and Kin.J_angles_to_xyz() have been returning the negative value of what Joint 1 should be.
This is not an issue unless there is a conversion back and forth from xyz to joint angles.
For example code that saves an xyz locations as joint angles to be used later as xyzs will break.
However, it is possible that code like the above will be fixed by this update.
This bug fix will not affect the following:
To install DDE on your computer,
Click on the file for your operating system:
For Windows: .exe
For Mac: .dmg
For Linux: .AppImage
The clicked file will be copied to your downloads folder.
For Windows and Mac, you may have to click on it to complete installation, or that might start automatically.
For Linux, you will have to make the file executable like so:
$ chmod +x dexter_dev_env.AppImage
in order to run it.
These install files are not "signed" so you may need to click right on them,
or disable virus protection to install them.
Release notes
or see the in-app release notes in the Doc pane.