Responsive fullstack ecommerce application for fictious mountain bike business. You can add mountain bikes to cart. Create a login/profile. Select shipping, payment and checkout
Live demo here
- Create-React-App that connects to a NodeJS and Express backend. Communicates data from Mongo Atlas database.
- Uses bcrypt for login and sign up
- Uses react-router-dom to link to different pages
- Uses react-router-hash-link to link to section of page
- Add to cart feature with max inventory handling
- state stored in local storage for cart and shipping form
- error handling with all forms
- React
- Hooks
- MongodDB
- NodeJS
- ExpressJS
- React Bootstrap
- Landing page with link to collection, cart, log in/sign up.
- can view details of individual bike product
- Shopping cart - can add and subtract items or delete all together
- proceed to check out - if not logged in will direct you to sign in / sign up page
- shipping page holds state in local storage
- payment method option
- checkout page with all shopping details
Install dependencies
npm install
- cd frontend
- npm start
- cd backend
- npm start
Created by @cfrancisco726 - feel free to contact me!