Browser Based DNS Exfiltration
Disclaimer: This project is a proof of concept. We don't condone doing illegal activities with this code. Only use this example against targets that you own/control and have permission to target. Also, this code comes without any warranty, it might kills kittens so just don't.
The talk that explains these files is here:
Files: client_example.html - Code to run in the unsuspecting user's browser to extract text from and exfiltrate the contexts to
example_zone.txt - example DNS zone file that sets up the sud-domain delegation of - example DNS server in python. Copied from
get_ids - show ids collected from unsuspecting users
get_id <id_num> - show data collected
To run the server: python34 --port 53 --tcp --udp >> output.log
Once you collect traffic run:
809226 809227 809228 809229 809230 809231
["Turducken rump deserunt, excepteur laboris meatloaf capicola ut id shank bacon porchetta irure ad tri-tip. Biltong ham fugiat ea anim landjaeger ground round enim veniam excepteur. In quis cupim in chicken deserunt incididunt ground round t-bone ex. Chuck andouille porchetta proident. Tongue jowl esse, veniam pig burgdoggen in bacon biltong jerky chuck. Ut eu picanha shoulder sunt cupidatat. Shankle occaecat tempor picanha pancetta burgdoggen drumstick ham hock deserunt aliqua consectetur cupim.","Ullamco aute pig fatback kielbasa. Sed ex filet mignon salami velit. Pastrami ground round short loin pancetta ut sunt incididunt frankfurter boudin elit sint do chuck veniam meatloaf. Dolor pork loin in, velit biltong cow ut dolore. Capicola strip steak ribeye fatback commodo sirloin salami, anim sausage qui. Jerky flank leberkas filet mignon hamburger.","Porchetta enim dolore, ut pariatur ribeye sunt. Non cupim irure meatball labore ut. Id chuck prosciutto elit. Ad sausage frankfurter proident. Pastrami chicken salami, picanha eu pork officia ball tip aliqua. Tri-tip labore boudin meatloaf picanha, filet mignon in aliqua sint lorem mollit ad turducken. Hamburger ipsum kielbasa ribeye ad labore, eu flank swine porchetta.","Ut landjaeger porchetta spare ribs mollit qui beef. Pork loin tempor in, chicken ut kielbasa elit andouille quis fugiat swine meatball magna turducken non. In laboris mollit aliqua prosciutto picanha elit capicola. Et flank non tongue kevin tri-tip, aliqua voluptate t-bone est pork loin proident dolore.","Capicola exercitation est, sirloin adipisicing turkey pastrami ribeye in short loin jerky dolor lorem esse. Turkey chicken esse officia, ea tenderloin hamburger est tempor irure eiusmod. Dolore elit id, esse ullamco bacon ground round anim incididunt. Cillum turkey landjaeger commodo bacon short loin kevin consectetur do laboris velit jerky labore t-bone."]