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Releases: cesarParra/apexdocs


26 Mar 12:09
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What's Changed

Trigger parsing and documentation is now supported.

Full Changelog: v3.9.0...v3.10.0


11 Feb 18:34
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What's Changed

Which custom objects (and settings, metadata types, platform events appear) in the documentation can now be configured depending on their visibility (public, protected, or package protected in case of Custom Metadata Types).

Platform events documentation is now officially supported. For documented platform events, their Publish Behavior now also appears in the output document.

  • Custom Settings documentation is now officially supported.

  • All version 1 releases have now been deprecated.

Full Changelog: v3.8.0...v3.9.0


04 Feb 21:02
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What's Changed

Custom metadata type records are now included in the documentation generated for Custom Metadata Type objects

Full Changelog: v3.7.2...v3.8.0


09 Dec 12:08
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.7.1...v3.7.2


26 Nov 19:37
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What's Changed

  • Fixes issue when parsing a picklist custom field that has a single va… by @cesarParra in #222

Full Changelog: v3.7.0...v3.7.1


26 Nov 12:53
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v3.6.0...v3.7.0


15 Nov 11:17
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What's Changed

Custom field definitions in the object.meta.xml (metadata format as opposed to SFDX format where fields have their own XML file) are now included in the markdown documentation and changelog.

Standalone "extension" fields are now documented for both markdown and changelog commands. These are fields found in the source code without their parent object.meta-xml file. Usually these are fields that extend a Salesforce standard object or a custom object in another namespace not present in the source code.

  • New members include their descriptions in the changelog, if present by @cesarParra in #212

Changelogs now include the description for new type members (class fields, properties, methods, etc. or custom fields) if present.

  • Marking required fields when generating custom field documentation by @cesarParra in #213

Custom field documentation now includes if the field is required.

The changelog command now accepts a configuration hook from a config file (JS or TS): transformChangeLogPage. This hook allows you to provide a Frontmatter string or object to the generated changelog Markdown file.

The library has been upgraded to the latest (2.16.0) version of the Apex Reflection library, providing better support for switch statements.

Full Changelog: v.3.5...v3.6.0


05 Nov 12:18
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What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v3.4.0...v.3.5.0


20 Oct 13:05
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New Features

  • Custom Object documentation support. The ApexDocs tool now generates documentation for custom objects and fields.

Important Updates

ApexDocs now leverages the tool to locate Salesforce metadata (Apex classes, custom objects, and custom fields). This is the same tool that the sf CLI uses, which means that files will be located following the same rules (as defined here:

The major update this entails is that now the .forceignore file is respected. This can be turned off so I am open to providing a flag is anyone finds this behavior undesirable.

The other update is that now, to locate Apex classes (.cls files), they must be next to their corresponding cls-meta.xml file, whereas before it didn’t matter if the xml file did not exist. This should hopefully not make any difference as these are required in a Salesforce project anyways.

Known Limitations to be address in future releases

  • Custom Objects are not yet supported by the OpenApi or Changelog command.
    • Note that the OpenApi format will probably not be supported ever by this tool, as Salesforce already has tools to produce OpenApi specifications out of SObjects.
  • Salesforce supports specifying custom fields either within the object-meta.xml file (metadata format) or as a standalone file (field-meta.xml - SFDX format). This release only supports parsing standalone field-meta.xml fields.
  • “Extension” fields are not yet supported. These are field-meta.xml fields that extend an object that is not in the source code (either a Standard object, or an object coming from a different package). This will be addressed in a future release.

Examples Updates

  • The vitepress example was updated to show how to use hooks to generate different sidebars for Apex code or Custom Objects


10 Oct 01:21
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What's Changed

  • Upgrades to use the latest reflection library version
  • A new flag was introduced for the changelog command that allows you to skip/not skip whether or not to create the changelog file if there are no changes
  • When using a config file that specifies multiple configurations for different subcommands, a single subcommand can now be run when specified the subcommand name (previously you were prevented from doing this by the CLI and forced to run all commands configured)