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FireCloud Orchestration Service

IntelliJ Setup

  • IntelliJ IDEA can be downloaded here : . It is an 'Intelligent Java IDE'
  • Configure the SBT plugin. "IntelliJ IDEA" -> "Preferences" -> "Plugins" can be used to do so (download, install)
  • After running IntelliJ, open this source directory with File -> Open
  • In the Import Project dialog, check "Create directories for empty content roots automatically" and set your Project SDK to 11


  • spray-routing
  • spray-json
  • sbt-assembly
  • sbt-revolver
  • mock-server

Development Notes

  • Configuration is excluded from the build package:
    • When running via sbt, start sbt with the config file sbt -Dconfig.file=src/main/resources/application.conf and the run command will pick up your local configuration.
    • Alternatively, add an .sbotopts file to the root directory of the project with the first line being -Dconfig.file=src/main/resources/application.conf or pointing to whichever config file you prefer to use.
    • When running via sbt/revolver (i.e. using the re-start command), you can just run in sbt normally - the config is preset for you in build.sbt.
  • We push new features to a feature-branch and make pull requests against master.
  • New paths to external endpoints should be added to src/main/resources/configurations.conf. Existing endpoint URLs are configured in application.conf and test.conf

Building and Running

See for directions on running locally within Broad's DSDE environment.

Run the assembly task to build a fat jar:

> assembly
java -Dconfig.file=src/main/resources/application.conf \
  -jar $(ls target/scala-2.12/FireCloud-Orchestration-assembly-* | tail -n 1)

For development, you can have sbt recompile and restart the server whenever a file changes on disk:

> ~ reStart


sbt test

Integration Testing

Start an Elasticsearch server in a docker container:

./docker/ start

Run integration tests. You can re-run tests multiple times against the same running Elasticsearch container.

sbt it:test

Stop the Elasticsearch server once you are done with your tests:

./docker/ stop

If you find that ./docker/ start fails silently, fails mysteriously, or fails while attempting to pre-populate data, you may be running into RAM limits where the Elasticsearh image cannot get enough memory to run. Try increasing Docker's RAM allocation.


To build the orch jar with docker, and then build the orch docker image, run:

./script/ jar -d build 


Remote debugging is enabled for firecloud-orchestration on port 5051.


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  • Scala 99.0%
  • Other 1.0%