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With the rise in usage of microservices, Making http requests is essential job of most devs. For these, there are multiple options like curl, insomnia postman. My Ideal choice is to use curl but problems with it is, having no history and no easy way to save and rerun. Postman solves that problem, but once user logs in(earlier it used to be optional, now its mandatory), it stores all request metadata(body/headers/urls/credentails) to their servers although it helps solve using it across multiple devices, backup but it could be potential security loop hole if they can access it. (now a days, postman desktop is super slow also).

This project aims to solve save&reuse requests, maintaining history and no sync in proprietery servers (although you can achive sync via commiting http files into git).


dothttp will provide simple, cleaner architecture for making http requests. It uses xtext (eclipse developed dsl) to build a custom dsl.


More information or docs can be cound at

Go through this example for better understanding. for babysteps click here

# users.http

#!/usr/bin/env /home/prasanth/cedric05/dothttp/dist/dothttp-cli

var name=adam; // this is how variable is created;
var username='username'; 
var password='password';

# this is comment

// this is also a comment

   this is multi line

# http file can have multiple requests, name tag/annotation is used to identify
@name("fetch 100 users, skip first 50")

# makes are get request, with url ``

# below is an header example
"Authorization": "Basic dXNlcm5hbWU6cGFzc3dvcmQ="

# below is how you set url params '?' --> signifies url quary param
? ("fetch", "100") #
? ("skip", "50")
? projection, name
? projection, org
? projection, location

# makes are post request, with url ``

basicauth('username', 'password')
   below defines payload for the post request.
   json --> signifies payload is json data
    "name": "{{name}}", # name is templated, if spcified via env or property, it will be replaced
    "org": "dothttp",
    "location": "Hyderabad",
    # "interests": ["exploring", "listening to music"],

# makes put request, with url ``

# define headers in .dothttp.json with env
basicauth("{{username}}, "{{password}}")

# posts with urlencoded
    "name": "Adam A",
    "org": "dothttp",
    "location": "Hyderabad",
    "interests": ["exploring", "listening to music"],

// or use below one
// data('name=Adam+A&org=dothttp&location=Hyderabad&interests=%5B%27exploring%27%2C+%27listening+to+music%27%5D')


From pypi

pip install dothttp-req==0.0.10

From source

git clone [email protected]:cedric05/dothttp.git
cd dothttp

python3 -m pip install pipenv
pipenv install


python3 -m dothttp examples/dothttpazure.http


docker build -t dothttp .
docker run -it --rm dothttp


docker run -it --rm dothttp


  1. easy and cleaner http syntax
  2. variable substitution with property file
  3. generates curl from http for easy sharing
docker build -t dothttp .
whalebrew install dothttp
dothttp examples/dothttpazure.http

First DotHttpRequest and more

GET "http://localhost:8000/get"

dothttp get.http or python -m dothttp get.http


dothttp simple.http


  "args": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept-Encoding": "identity",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "python-urllib3/1.26.3",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-6022266a-20fb552e530ba3d90c75be6d"
  "origin": "",
  "url": "http://localhost:8000/get"

POST request

POST "http://localhost:8000/post"
  "args": {},
  "data": "",
  "files": {},
  "form": {},
  "headers": {
    "Accept-Encoding": "identity",
    "Content-Length": "0",
    "Host": "",
    "User-Agent": "python-urllib3/1.26.3",
    "X-Amzn-Trace-Id": "Root=1-602228fa-3c3ed5213b6d8c2d2a223148"
  "json": null,
  "origin": "",
  "url": "http://localhost:8000/post"

similarly, other methodsGET, POST, OPTIONS, DELETE, CONNECT, PUT, HEAD, TRACE support is available.


query params can be added to request by specifying query ( "key", "value") ? "key", "value" ? "key": "value" ? "key"= "value" all four are accepted. going with query("hi", "hi2) is more readable. ?"key"= "value" is more concise


user can specify payload by mentioning below four forms (for various scenarios).

  • data("ram")

    user can also mention its content-type with data("ram", "text/plain")

  • data({"key": "value"}) for form input.

  • json({"key": "value"}) for json payload.

  • fileinput("path/to/file", "type") uploads file as payload (type is optional).

  • files(("photo", "path/to/file/photo.jpg", "image/jpeg"), ("photo details", '{"name":"prasanth"}', "application/json") )

    for multipart upload dothttp will figure out content type by going through file/data, when type is not mentioned.


dothttp will use # for commenting entire line.

  1. // line comment. follows java, javascript
  2. # line comment. follows python's comment style
  3. /* */ multi line comment. follows java/javascript style


POST 'http://localhost:8000/post'
? ("{{key}}", "{{value}}")
data('{"{{key}}" :"{{value}}"}', 'application/json')
  • specify variable values through property file (sample.json).
    • user can define environments and can activate multiple environments at a time

    • dothttp by default will read variables from "*" section

    • for example dothttp --property-file path/to/file.json --env ram chandra

      will activate * section properties, ram section properties and chandra section properties dothttp --env ram chandra will activate * section properties, ram section properties and chandra section properties from .dothttp.json in httpfile name space

  • through command line dothttp --property key=ram value=ranga will replace {{ram}} to ranga from the file
  • through file itself. (will be helpful for default properties)
POST 'https://{{}}/post'


User can define headers in below three formats

  1. header('content-type', 'application/json') readable
  2. 'content-type': 'application/json' concise
  3. property file headers section from property-file can also be used. in most scenarios, headers section will be common for a host. having them in property file would ease them.



basicauth('username','password')' --> will compute add respective headers.


digestauth('username','password')' --> will compute add respective headers.


ntlmauth('username','password')' --> will compute add respective headers.

Property file

  "*": {
    "host": ""
  "headers": {
    "content-type": "plain/text"
  "preprod": {
    "host": ""

Special sections in property file

  1. * section in property file will be activated once user specifies property file if user didn't specifiy file and .dothttp.json exists, it will be activated
  2. headers once a property file is activated. headers from property file will be added to request by default without user having to specify in .http file

Formatter (experimental phase)

dothttp can format a http file using below command dothttp -fmt examples/dothttpazure.http --experimental or dothttp --format examples/dothttpazure.http --experimental

to print to command line

dothttp --format examples/dothttpazure.http --experimental --stdout

Editor support

syntax highlighting for visual studio code is supported via dothttp-code

Command line options

usage: dothttp [-h] [--curl] [--property-file PROPERTY_FILE] [--no-cookie] [--env ENV [ENV ...]] [--debug] [--info] [--format] [--stdout]
               [--property PROPERTY [PROPERTY ...]]

http requests for humans

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

  --curl                generates curl script
  --no-cookie, -nc      cookie storage is disabled
  --debug, -d           debug will enable logs and exceptions
  --info, -i            more information
  file                  http file

  --property-file PROPERTY_FILE, -p PROPERTY_FILE
                        property file
  --env ENV [ENV ...], -e ENV [ENV ...]
                        environment to select in property file. properties will be enabled on FIFO
  --property PROPERTY [PROPERTY ...]
                        list of property's

  --format, -fmt        formatter
  --stdout              print to commandline

checkout examples

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