srt is a tiny but featureful Python library for parsing, modifying, and composing SRT files. Take a look at the quickstart for a basic overview of the library. Detailed API documentation is also available.
Want to see some examples of its use? Take a look at the tools shipped with the library. This library is also used internally by projects like subsync, NVIDIA RAD-TTS, manim, kinobot, bw_plex, and many more.
- Can parse many broken SRT files which other SRT libraries cannot, and fix them
- Extremely lightweight, ~200 lines of code excluding docstrings
- Simple, intuitive API
- High quality test suite using Hypothesis
- 100% test coverage (including branches)
- Well documented API, at both a high and low level
- ~30% faster than pysrt on typical workloads
- Full support for PyPy
- No dependencies outside of the standard library
- Tolerant of many common errors found in real-world SRT files
- Support for Asian-style SRT formats (ie. "fullwidth" SRT format)
- Completely Unicode compliant
- Released under a highly permissive license (MIT)
- Real world tested — used in production to process thousands of SRT files every day
- Portable — runs on Linux, OSX, and Windows
- Tools included — contains lightweight tools to perform generic tasks with the library
There are a number of tools shipped with the library to manipulate, process, and fix SRT files. Here's an example using hanzidentifier to strip out non-Chinese lines:
$ cat 1 00:00:33,843 --> 00:00:38,097 Only 3% of the water on our planet is fresh. 地球上只有3%的水是淡水 2 00:00:40,641 --> 00:00:44,687 Yet, these precious waters are rich with surprise. 可是这些珍贵的淡水中却充满了惊奇 $ srt lines-matching -m hanzidentifier -f hanzidentifier.has_chinese -i 1 00:00:33,843 --> 00:00:38,097 地球上只有3%的水是淡水 2 00:00:40,641 --> 00:00:44,687 可是这些珍贵的淡水中却充满了惊奇
These tools are easy to chain together, for example, say you have one subtitle with Chinese and English, and other with French, but you want Chinese and French only. Oh, and the Chinese one is 5 seconds later than it should be. That's easy enough to sort out:
$ srt lines-matching -m hanzidentifier -f hanzidentifier.has_chinese -i | > srt fixed-timeshift --seconds -5 | > srt mux --input - --input
See the srt_tools/ directory for more information.
Detailed API documentation is available, but here are the basics.
Here's how you convert SRT input to Subtitle objects which you can manipulate:
>>> data = '''\
00:00:33,843 --> 00:00:38,097
00:00:40,641 --> 00:00:44,687
00:00:57,908 --> 00:01:03,414
>>> for sub in srt.parse(data):
... print(sub)
Subtitle(index=1, start=datetime.timedelta(seconds=33, microseconds=843000), end=datetime.timedelta(seconds=38, microseconds=97000), content='地球上只有3%的水是淡水', proprietary='')
Subtitle(index=2, start=datetime.timedelta(seconds=40, microseconds=641000), end=datetime.timedelta(seconds=44, microseconds=687000), content='可是这些珍贵的淡水中却充满了惊奇', proprietary='')
Subtitle(index=3, start=datetime.timedelta(seconds=57, microseconds=908000), end=datetime.timedelta(seconds=63, microseconds=414000), content='所有陆地生命归根结底都依赖於淡水', proprietary='')
And here's how you go back from Subtitle objects to SRT output:
>>> subs = list(srt.parse(data))
>>> subs[1].content = "Changing subtitle data is easy!"
>>> print(srt.compose(subs))
00:00:33,843 --> 00:00:38,097
00:00:40,641 --> 00:00:44,687
Changing subtitle data is easy!
00:00:57,908 --> 00:01:03,414
To install the latest stable version from PyPi:
pip install -U srt
To install the latest development version directly from GitHub:
pip install -U git+