Project to rebuild Mac using ansible scripts. Inspired by this blog post. and forked from his project.
I use it to quickly rebuild a vmware install of a dev machine. I didn't have any background in ansbile so I needed a little more explanation on how it all worked...
After everything is setup:
to execute
ansible-playbook playbook.yml
which calls the local_mac role, (modeled after adam_mac setup)
(Original from before fork, still needs to be updated)
- Install homebrew with the command from the site
brew install pyenv
pyenv install <latest_python_version>
(Check playbook up to date)- Make sure pyenv's python on path (it will be after my shell settings are in place from playbook)
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install ansible
(always the best way to install Ansible)- Then
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