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v1.1.0 - 2022-12-24

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@cbouy cbouy released this 24 Dec 16:25
· 67 commits to master since this release


  • Predefined JavaScript callbacks in the mols2grid.callbacks module. Those can be
    extensively configured:
    • info: displays a bigger image alongside some common descriptors for the molecule
    • show_3d: displays the molecule in 3D
    • external_link: opens a new tab. By default, opens
      using the SMILES of the molecule.
  • Support for tuple of molecules in display and save.


  • The "click" event is now automatically removed from tooltip_trigger when
    specifying a callback.


  • Issue #34: text searches containing any of the following regex characters
    -[]{}()*+?.,\^$|# would automatically return an empty grid, preventing searching
    for CAS numbers and any other identifier or text containing the above characters. This
    has been temporarily patched until a proper fix is released in the underlying
    list.js library.
  • The link to the KNIME component on the corresponding badges has been fixed.