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v0.1.0 - 2021/10/11

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@cbouy cbouy released this 10 Oct 22:41
· 136 commits to master since this release


  • The grid can be filtered using pandas DataFrame's query and loc logic (mostly
    useful to combine with ipywidgets) with MolGrid.filter_by_index and MolGrid.filter.
  • Selections can now be modified (select and unselect all, or invert) and exported (to
    clipboard or a SMILES file) even without a notebook kernel. Fixes: Issue #16.
  • The grid can be sorted according to the selection status and to values in the tooltips.
  • Added tracking the selection in multiple grids at the same time (i.e. it's not a
    global object that get's overwritten anymore).
  • Added support for executing custom JavaScript code or Python function when clicking on
    a molecule's image through the callback argument.
  • Added the mols2grid.make_popup_callback helper function to create a popup-like window
    as a JavaScript callback.
  • Added styling for the whole cell through style={"__all__": userfunction}.
  • Added mols2grid.get_selection() allowing users to specify which grid selection should
    be returned. Without argument, the most recently updated grid is returned.
  • Added mols2grid.list_grids() to return a list of grid names available.
  • Added the mols2grid.sdf_to_dataframe function to easily convert an SDF file to a
    pandas DataFrame.
  • Added the custom_css argument to pass custom CSS for the HTML document.
  • Added the sort_by argument to change how the grid elements are ordered


  • The functions in style and transform are now also applied to tooltips.
  • The sizing of the iframe displaying the grid is now fully automated and more precise.
  • Reorganized the code to separate the JS, CSS and HTML templates.


  • Fixed that returned an error about missing the output argument.
  • The tooltip is now compatible with the "focus" mode: tooltip_trigger="focus".
  • Fixed rendering SVG images in tooltips.


  • Deprecated mols2grid.selection in favor of mols2grid.get_selection().
  • Deprecated mapping in favor of rename in the MolGrid class and mols2grid.display.