A simple hierarchical models collection to describe Health services facilities and sub-facilities, with optional GIS location support. Depends on catalpainternational/simple_locations
- Version 1.3.5
- fix fields.W340 warning
- Version 1.3.4
- fix HealthFacility children inlining (code was doing something... unrelated that was breaking saves)
- Version 1.3.3
- quality of life improvents in admin view, add HealthFacility children inline
- Version 1.3.2
- fix MANIFEST.in so that it'll include templates and other files
- Version 1.3.1
- fix admin interface by removing old code and using django_extensions' ForeignKeyAutocompleteAdmin if available
- override aforementioned ForeignKeyAutocompleteAdmin template avoid broken and repeated icon in Django 1.11
- Version 1.3.0
- Compatibility with Django 1.11
- Version 1.2.1
- Change the related_name for HealthFacility->Area so that it creates a backward relation in the ORM
- Add LICENSE file
- Bump
to a new version - Create a git tag for this version:
git tag <version_number>
- Push the tag to github
git push origin <version_number>
- Upload the new version to PyPi:
python setup.py sdist upload