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ILO Integrated Roads Management Information System

Bemvindu! Let's get setup quickly!

  1. Clone this repository, making sure to use the --recurse-submodules flag.
  2. Clone the estrada-data-sources repository ( to get source shape files.
  3. Create a virtual environment with Python 3.6+.
  4. Install pip-tools.
  5. Install project requirements-dev with pip-tools.
  6. Install Yarn.
  7. Install all yarn-managed packages (yarn) and compile the JS/CSS files (yarn dev).
  8. Install the Google Protobuf compiler (for Mac OS, using Homebrew brew install protobuf is easiest).
  9. Install the POSTGIS extension for Postgresql (
  10. Get a copy of the Estrada DB from Production server ( and load the DB.
  11. Build local geometry files with Django management command collate_geometries.
  12. Setup cache tables with Django management command createcachetable.
  13. Run the server.

Extra Information and Details On Specific Management Commands & Project Technologies Used


When adding python dependencies, add them to requirements/, do not pin the version When adding python development dependencies, add them to requirements/, do not pin the version

Run pip-compile requirements/ to produce requirements/requirements.txt Run pip-compile requirements/ to produce requirements/requirements-dev.txt

Use pip-compile --upgrade to upgrade versions of libraries, then test the result!

Setting up the front-end

  1. Install Yarn.
  2. Navigate to the project's root directory and run yarn to install dependencies.
  3. You can compile SASS and JavaScript assets with yarn run dev.
  4. Yarn can detect changes in these assets and rebuild them automatically. Use yarn run watch.

How to import initial data from sources

The initial data for the estrada system is commited to the repository here Clone this repository before performing import. It's README contains information about the source of that data and the processes used to create it

Important This entire sequence must be performed to completion before users are allowed to edit the imported features (roads).

** Step 1 below has been temporarily disabled while we work on doing a more nuanced per file reimport process. ** ** Please use import_shapefile instead. Note that import_shapefile does not yet support deleting of any previous attempt at importing a file. It can only be used once. **

  1. ./ reimport_shapefiles ../../path/to/the/data-sources/repo/shapefiles <asset_type>
  • reimports the shapefile geometries and copies properties across where useful (note this does delete all existing assets for the <asset_type> being imported)
  • <asset_type> is one of "road", "bridge", "culvert", or "drift"
  • also calls set_municipalities and collate_geometries automatically
  1. ./ import_csv ../../path/to/the/data-sources/repo/csv
  • copies road attributes from the csv ( from program excel files )
  1. ./ set_structure_fields
  • determines the closest road to each structure (bridge, culvert, drift), and sets the road_id, road_code and asset_class to match

Additional Steps - these are automatically performed after reimport_shapefiles

A. ./ set_unknown_asset_codes - Fixes assets with missing road / structure codes , assigning these roads a unique XX_ road_code, XB_/XC_/XD_ structure_code.

B. ./ set_municipalities <optional: "all", "road", "bridge", "culvert" or "drift"> - Sets the administrative areas for each asset/structure, based the centroids of their respective geometries - Takes an optional argument to restrict the municipalities getting set to objects of a single type - If 'all' argument is given all of the assets/structures will have their municipalities set

C. ./ collate_geometries - you have imported / edited roads, bridges, culverts, drifts, so re-collate

Additional Step - this is automatically performed by the survey commands below

D. ./ set_unknown_link_codes - Fixes roads with bad link codes, and tries to set as many None link codes to the road's road code if there are no clashes.

Note: this is not performed by the `survey` commands below if their `--no-road-refresh` option is specified
  1. ./ make_road_surveys <optional: --no-road-refresh>
  • Refresh the calculated Road record geometry data and clean the link codes (unless you specify --no-road-refresh)
  • Then from those Road records recreate all of the 'programmatic' Surveys for Roads, and
  • Refresh all user entered Surveys for Roads

Note: Refreshing the programmatic Surveys relies on completeness of the Road record geometry data. Therefore it is recommended to not use the --no-road-refresh option unless you've literally just run make_road_surveys or import_traffic_surveys immediately before.

Note: This management command is SLOW. It has to work road_code by road_code so it runs a LOT of queries.

  1. ./ import_traffic_surveys ../../path/to/the/traffic/survey/csv <optional: --no-road-refresh>
  • Refresh the calculated Road record geometry data and clean the link codes (unless you specify --no-road-refresh)
  • Then recreate the programmatic traffic surveys from the csv file

Note: Refreshing the programmatic traffic Surveys relies on completeness of the Road record geometry data. Therefore it is recommended to not use the --no-road-refresh option unless you've literally just run make_road_surveys or import_traffic_surveys immediately before.

  1. ./ roughness_and_breakpoints
  • Create (if not existing) Roughness Surveys and...
  • Refresh the Roughness Survey aggregates & Breakpoint relationships

Note: Should ONLY be run after the appropriate topology load and import commands have been run as well: - loaddata /var/www/estrada/estrada-data-sources/topology/fixtures/topology.estradaroad.json - init_topology_functions - import_csv_source roughness /var/www/estrada/estrada-data-sources/csv/<file-path>.csv

Pre-Commit (Black formatter)

This repo has been setup with a pre-commit hook for Black formatter. This ensures that your code meets formatting standard prior to commiting to Git. You can read more about it go here:

If you want to enable it, run the following command in the repo folder, after having pip installed all dev requirements (requirements-dev.txt): pre-commit install


This project uses pytest-django To run tests cd to the django directory ( next to ) and type pytest To run tests with debugger breakpoint support use pytest -s To run tests then keep the db, and re-use it next time use pytest --reuse-db and the pytest --create-db when you have changed models and migrations To run tests that match a pattern use -k e.g. pytest -k api


We use for compressing GeoJson for transfer down the wire. ./ collate_geometries will group Road, Bridge, Culvert & Drift asset models and merge their geometries into a GeoJson FeatureCollection, then encode it into a geobuf file. The files are saved in the media root for access by the client.


We use google protobuf to compress road metadata for transfer down the wire. is the best resource I have found for learning about it. To make any message schema changes go here to find a suitable package for your OS and follow the instructions in the README. Make sure the protoc binary is available on your PATH. run yarn protoc to update the generated python and javascript code.

Django Reversion

We use the package django-reversion to allow us the ability to maintain a historic record of Road model changes, revert to previous states of records, and recovering deleted records. You can read more on it here:

If you're setting up from a new DB (ie. not copied from staging / production DB), after pip installing django-reversion and running migrations, you need to create the initial revision, for registered models in the project, with the following two commands:

./ createinitialrevisions assets.road --comment="Import from Shapefile" ./ createinitialrevisions


See the package.json file for useful commands to makemessages

  • yarn collect_gettext runs a python tool that looks for all places in riot tags where you have used gettext, and puts them in a generated collation file
  • yarn jsmessages runs the above command AND runs django makemessages with the correct parameters to make po files under the djangojs domain
  • yarn djangomessages runs django makemessages
  • yarn makemessages runs javascript and django messages

djangojs messages are delivered to the browser using riot4 tags should use window.gettext('') to access translations

Export Geojson

We've been asked for a simple geojson exports, the make_geojson management command is here to help It currently accepts a mandatory municipality name and outputs geojson on the standard out usage : ./ make_geojson ainaro > ainaro.json

Periodic / Conditional Tasks

Set Structure Fields

This command updates certain fields on the Bridge, Culvert and Drift models that relate to the road the bridge, culvert or drift is closest to. This is necessary as these models have a weak reference to a Road ID. This command does a nearest neighbour search and sets road_id, asset_class and road_code based on the nearest matching road.

./ set_structure_fields


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