This repository contains a detailed sample application that uses MVP as its presentation layer pattern. The app aims to be extremely flexible to creating variants for automated and manual testing. Also, the project implements and follows the guidelines presented in Google Sample MVP+dagger2+dagger-android.
Essential dependencies are Dagger2 with Dagger-android, RxJava2 with RxAndroid, Room, Retrofit and Espresso. Other noteworthy dependencies would be Mockito, Chrome CustomTabs, Picasso and Guava.
Mr. News is an app that displays news headlines from all around the world. A fixed number of headlines are continuously being fetched realtime. If offline, the app displays the most recent loaded headlines and offers the possibility of saving headlines for further reading when back online.
MVP pattern is used to facilitate automated testing and improve the separation of concerns in presentation logic.
As shown in the below diagram, the View layer is as passive as possible. The Presenter handles most of the logic, cancelling any dependancy between the View Layer and the Model Layer - at the cost of having a relation between the Presenter
and its corresponding View
through the use of Contracts
. The model layer is completely isolated and centralized through the repository pattern.
The model layer is structured on repository pattern so that the presenter has no clue on the origins of the data.
The repository handles data interactions and transactions from two main data sources - local and remote:
defined by a REST API consumed with RetrofitNewsLocalDataSource
defined by a SQL database consumed with Room
There are two main use-cases, online and offline. In the online use-case data is first being fetched from the NewsRemoteDataSource
and the repository data is refreshed. In case of failure, NewsLocalDataSource
is queried. As for the offline use-case, NewsLocalDataSource
has priority.
When data is being retrieved (from any source), every response is propagated through callbacks all the way to the NewsPresenter
that handles them accordingly.
The same way as the Presenter-View relation depends entirely on interfaces defined in NewsContract
, decoupling is reinforced within the Model layer (entirely consisted by NewsRepository
). Therefore, lower level components (which are the data sources: NewsRemoteDataSource
and NewsLocalDatasource
) are decoupled through NewsDataSource
interface. Also, through their dependence on the same interface, these data sources are interchangeable.
In this manner, the project respects the DIP (Dependency Inversion Principle) as both low and high level modules depend on abstractions.
It is extremely important to note that this project has a low level of reactiveness, it might barely dream to the possibilities of a effective reactive approach. Nevertheless, the app was intended to have a flexible and efficient testing capability, rather than a fully reactive build.
Even in this case, you will be able to notice RxJava's benefits when data is being retrieved by NewsRemoteDataSource
from the REST client (News API):
- Threading is much easier, with no need for the dreaded
. - Error handling is straightforward and comfortable.
- Any reactive process is immediately stopped in certain situations of the apps' life cycle with the help of
Dagger2 is used to externalize the creation of dependencies from the classes that use them. Android specific helpers are provided by Dagger-Android
and the most significant advantage is that they generate a subcomponent for each Activity
through a new code generator.
Such subcomponent is:
@ContributesAndroidInjector(modules = NewsModule.class)
abstract NewsActivity newsActivity();
The below diagram illustrates the most significant relations between components and modules. You can also get a quick glance on how annotations help us define custom Scopes in order to properly handle classes instantiation.
Note: The above diagram might help you understand how Dagger-android works. Also, only essential components/modules/objects are included here, this is suggested by the "…"
The apps' components are easy to test due to the project's structure and also due to DI achieved through Dagger. Unit tests are conducted with the help of Mockito and Instrumentation tests with the help of Espresso.
In order to synchronize the background tasks with the testing environment provided by Espresso, a custom implementation of IdlingResource
has been integrated into the app. I have given more details on this topic in this medium article.
- Possess high flexibility to create variants for automated and manual testing.
- Possess lightweight structure due to its presentation layer pattern.
- Is scalable and easy to expand.
- Maintenance effort could be lower and scalability could be better - even though the app has a solid structure and complies to some of the SOLID principles, it cannot be considered as part of Clean Architecture, mainly because the Presenter contains most of the logic, therefore substituting Interactors (use-cases).
- Decoupling level could be higher - even though MVP presentation pattern reduces coupling, the relation between
and its correspondingView
still remains through the use ofContracts
. - Possess medium complexity - other approaches might lower complexity and increase efficiency.
- The app is not a polished ready-to-publish product, it acts as a boilerplate project or as a starting point for android enthusiasts out there.
- Using this project as your starting point and expanding it is also encouraged, as at this point it is very easy to add new modules.