Nutshell is a Chaumian Ecash wallet and mint for Bitcoin Lightning based on the Cashu protocol.
Disclaimer: The author is NOT a cryptographer and this work has not been reviewed. This means that there is very likely a fatal flaw somewhere. Cashu is still experimental and not production-ready.
Cashu is a free and open-source Ecash protocol based on David Wagner's variant of Chaumian blinding called Blind Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange scheme written down here.
Cashu protocol · Quick Install · Manual install · Configuration · Using Cashu · Run a mint
- Bitcoin Lightning support (LND, CLN, et al.)
- Full support for the Cashu protocol specifications
- Standalone CLI wallet and mint server
- Wallet and mint library you can include in other Python projects
- PostgreSQL and SQLite
- Wallet with builtin Tor
- Use multiple mints in a single wallet
- Deterministic wallet with seed phrase backup
- Programmable ecash: P2PK and HTLCs
- Wallet and mint support for keyset rotations
- DLEQ proofs for offline transactions
- Send and receive tokens on nostr
Different Cashu clients and mints use the same protocol to achieve interoperability. See the documentation page for more information on other projects. If you are interested in developing on your own Cashu project, please refer to the protocol specs protocol specs.
The easiest way to use Cashu is to install the package it via pip:
pip install cashu
To update Cashu, use pip install cashu -U
If you have problems running the command above on Ubuntu, run sudo apt install -y pip pkg-config
and pip install wheel
. On macOS, you might have to run pip install wheel
and brew install pkg-config
You can skip the entire next section about Poetry and jump right to Using Cashu.
The easiest way to get a mint running is through Docker.
You can build the image yourself by running the following command. Make sure to adjust the environment variables in docker-compose.yaml
docker compose up mint
Alternatively, you can use the pre-built Docker images, see Running a mint.
These steps help you install Python via pyenv and Poetry. If you already have Poetry running on your computer, you can skip this step and jump right to Install Cashu.
# on ubuntu:
sudo apt install -y build-essential pkg-config libffi-dev libpq-dev zlib1g-dev libssl-dev python3-dev libsqlite3-dev ncurses-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev lzma-dev liblzma-dev
# install python using pyenv
curl | bash
# !! follow the instructions of pyenv init to setup pyenv !!
pyenv init
# restart your shell (or source your .rc file), then install python:
pyenv install 3.10.4
# install poetry
curl -sSL | python3 - --version 1.8.5
echo export PATH=\"$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH\" >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
# install cashu
git clone cashu
cd cashu
git checkout <latest_tag>
pyenv local 3.10.4
poetry install
To update Cashu to the newest version enter
git pull && poetry install
Cashu should be now installed. To execute the following commands, activate your virtual Poetry environment via
poetry shell
If you don't activate your environment, just prepend poetry run
to all following commands.
mv .env.example .env
# edit .env file
vim .env
To use the wallet with the public test mint, you need to change the appropriate entries in the .env
Warning: this instance is just for demonstration purposes and development only. The satoshis are not real.
Change the appropriate .env
file settings to
cashu info
This command shows information about your wallet.
cashu balance
This command will return a Lightning invoice that you need to pay to mint new ecash tokens.
cashu invoice 420
The client will check every few seconds if the invoice has been paid. If you abort this step but still pay the invoice, you can use the command cashu invoice <amount> --id <id>
cashu pay lnbc120n1p3jfmdapp5r9jz...
To send tokens to another user, enter
cashu send 69
You should see the encoded token. Copy the token and send it to another user such as via email or a messenger. The token looks like this:
To receive tokens, another user enters:
cashu receive cashuAeyJwcm9vZnMiOiBbey...
Nutshell wallet can be used in daemon mode that can be controlled through a REST API:
cashu -d
You can find the API docs at http://localhost:4448/docs.
This command runs the mint on your local computer. Skip this step if you want to use the public test mint instead.
docker run -d -p 3338:3338 --name nutshell -e MINT_BACKEND_BOLT11_SAT=FakeWallet -e MINT_LISTEN_HOST= -e MINT_LISTEN_PORT=3338 -e MINT_PRIVATE_KEY=TEST_PRIVATE_KEY cashubtc/nutshell:0.16.5 poetry run mint
Before you can run your own mint, make sure to enable a Lightning backend in MINT_BACKEND_BOLT11_SAT
in your .env
poetry run mint
For testing, you can use Nutshell without a Lightning backend by setting MINT_BACKEND_BOLT11_SAT=FakeWallet
in the .env
To run the tests in this repository, first install the dev dependencies with
poetry install --with dev
Then, make sure to set up your mint's .env
file to use a fake Lightning backend and disable Tor:
You can run the tests with
poetry run pytest tests
Developers are invited to contribute to Nutshell. Please see the contribution guide.