An analysis of Riemannian geometry based methods for classfication in SSVEP-based BCI. The algorithms are tested on data available at
- Matlab 7 or later versions
- Biosig toolbox:
- Barachant Covariance toolbox:
The code is tested on data available here. For for a quick run of the code, the data should be placed in the /data folder
plot all figurestables.m
Draw main results tablesClassProb_3class.m
Online evaluation of class probabilities probability threshold used in online algorithm. For 3 classes and 4 classes (SSVEP classes + resting class) respectivelyoffline_basic_potato_3class.m
An offline analysis of the MDRD with and without riemannian potato applied for outliers removal. Classification on epoch taken from cue-onset t0. Only SSVEP classes are being usedoffline_opt_potato_3class
Similar to offline_basic_potato_3class.m, but epochs are taken from t0+2 seconline_cum_3class.m
Implementation of the online algorithm not including the curve criterion. The classifier output is the class whose probability is beyond the probability threshold. For 3c lasses and 4 classes (SSVEP classes + resting class) respectivelyonline_curve_3class.m
Implementation of the full online algorithm For 3c lasses and 4 classes (SSVEP classes + resting class) respectivelyonline_curve_potato_3class.m
Implementation of the full online algorithm. Training data filtered with Riemannian potato form ouliers removal. For 3c lasses and 4 classes (SSVEP classes + resting class) respectively.online_curve_tLen_3class.m
Evaluation of the window size, a hyper-parameter in the online algorith. For 3c lasses and 4 classes (SSVEP classes + resting class) respectively 10.riemannian_classification_path.m
produces the path taken by covariance matrices during experiment and how they are being classified.
Thiese files are in the CCA folder.
Implementation of the CCA algorithm for SSVEP recognition proposed by Lin.Nakanishi2014.m
Implementation of the CCA-based algorithm proposed by Nakanishi.
- E. Kalunga, S. Chevallier, and Q. Barthelemy, Research Report: Using Riemannian geometry for SSVEP-based Brain Computer Interface,
- A. Barachant, S. Bonnet, M. Congedo, C. Jutten, Multiclass brain-computer interface classication by Riemannian geometry, TBME, 2010, 2927-2935
- Z. Lin, C. Zhang, W. Wu, X. Gao, Frequency recognition based on canonical correlation analysis for SSVEP-based BCIs, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 53 (12) (2006) 2610–2614.
- M. Nakanishi, Y. Wang, Y.-T. Wang, Y. Mitsukura, T.-P. Jung, A high-speed brain speller using steady-state visual evoked potentials, International journal of neural systems 24 (06) (2014) 1450019.