ThatSong is platform created by Carl Corsini that enables soundcloud users to store timestamps from tracks on soundcloud with a click of a button. ThatSong utilizes a React-App (ThatSong) and Chrome Extension in conjunction with a Node.js Rest API.
- React-App - ThatSong
- ThatSong - Chrome Extension
- For instructions on how to use ThatSong please check out this short YouTube Tutorial.
- Save a timestamp to your profile with a click of a button.
- Add a note to organize your timestamps into groups.
- Navigate your timestamp collection, sort, organize and filter.
- Follow other users to see their tracks.
ThatSong uses a number of open source projects to work properly:
- Semantic UI React - Great CSS framework for React with awesome docs
- node.js - evented I/O for the backend
- Express - fast node.js network app framework [@tjholowaychuk]
- ReactJs - all hail React
- Multiple tables for better organization
- Paginated API and front-end
- Oauth
- Mobile App with React Native
- Integration for other sites