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Airbrake Plugin for Grails

This is the notifier plugin for integrating grails apps with Airbrake.

When an uncaught exception occurs, Airbrake will POST the relevant data to the Airbrake server specified in your environment.

Installation & Configuration

Add the following to your BuildConfig.groovy

compile ":airbrake:0.8"

Once the plugin is installed, you need to provide your Api Key in Config.groovy file:

grails.plugins.airbrake.apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'


Once you have installed and configured the plugin there is nothing else to do. Uncaught exceptions will be logged by log4j and those errors will be reported to Airbrake. However, the plugin also exposes a few other ways to send errors to airbrake.

Logging Erorrs with Exceptions

Manually logging messages at the error level and including an Exception triggers an error notification to airbrake:

class SomeController
	def someAction() {
		try {
		} catch(e) {
			log.error('An error occured', e)

(See the section below on configuring the plugin to including errors without exceptions.)


The plugin also exposes an airbrakeService which can be dependency injected into your Grails classes. The service allows you to send error notifications directly to Airbrake without logging anything to log4j. It has a single notify method that takes a String error message and an optional Throwable parameter. The next example shows both in use:

class SomeController
	def airbrakeService
	def someAction() {
		try {
		} catch(e) {
			airbrakeService.notify('An error occurred', e)

	def anotherAction() {
		if (somethingWentWrong()) {
			airbrakeService.notify('Something went wrong')

Advanced Configuration

The Api Key is the minimum requirement to report errors to Airbrake. However, the plugin supports several other configuration options. The full list of configuration options is:


Enabling/Disabling notifications

By default all errors are sent to Airbrake. However, you can disable error notifications (essentially disabling the plugin) by setting grails.plugins.airbrake.enabled = false. For example to disable error notificaitons in development and test environments you might have the following in Config.groovy:

grails.plugins.airbrake.apiKey = 'YOUR_API_KEY'
environments {
	development {
		grails.plugins.airbrake.enabled = false
	test {
		grails.plugins.airbrake.enabled = false

Setting the Environment

By default, the environment name used in Airbrake will match that of the current Grails environment. To change this default, set the env property:

grails.plugins.airbrake.env =[0..0] // Airbrake env name changed from default value of Development/Test/Production to D/T/P

Including all events logged at the Error level

By default only uncaught errors or errors logged with an exception are reported to Airbrake. It is often convenient to loosen that restriction so that all messages logged at the Error level are reported to Airbrake. This often most useful in src/java or src/groovy classes that can more easily have a log4j logger than get accees to the dependency injected airbrakeService.

With the following line in Config.groovy:

grails.plugins.airbrake.includeEventsWithoutExceptions = true

then logged errors get reported to Airbrake:

class SomeGroovyClass {
	def doSomething() {
		if (somethingWentWrong()) {
			log.error('Something went wrong')

Note: It might be reasonable to have this setting true by default but for backwards compatibility with previous versions of te plugin the default is false.

Filtering Parameters

Custom Airbrake Host, Port and Scheme

Supplying User Data

Adding Custom Data to Error Notifications


This plugin is compatible with Grails version 2.0 or greater.


  • Support stacktrace filtering


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


Most of the source code has been written by Phuong LeCong (


Airbrake Client for Grails






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