A relaxing vacation for those who want to view sorted, grouped multivariate data.
Resort supports:
- custom color scales
- configurable layouts
- predefined DOM
- event attachment to row labels
View the example demo in action here.
Resort currently requires d3 and underscore. Resort works with AMD, CommonJS or in a global context. Just be sure that d3 and underscore are available prior to loading resort.js. For instance:
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://d3js.org/d3.v3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="//cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/underscore.js/1.6.0/underscore-min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/resort.js"></script>
Include/Insert a Target Parent Dom Element
<div id="vis-panel">
<div class="vis"></div>
Declare the heatmap instance variable
var resort;
Create a set of rows within the parent element. One for each row of data. Two columns (divs): one for the label, one for the heatmap.
var resortRows = d3
.append('div').attr('class', 'data-row');
Format the data (excluding row labels) as a two dimensional array. If row labels are in the data, remove them before initializing Resort.
var raw_input = [
[ "Row 1", 1, 2],
[ "Row 2", 3, 4]
var rowlabels = raw_input.map(function(row) { return row[0]; });
var data = raw_input.map(funtion(row) { return row.slice(1); });
Insert the row label text into each row's label column
d3.selectAll('.data-row .label')
.on('click', function(val) {
return false;
.html(function(val) { return val; })
Initialize Resort and draw.
resort = new Resort({
"row_labels": rowlabels,
"columns_labels": columnlabels,
"bar_width": bar_width,
"bar_height": bar_height,
"bar_padding": bar_padding,
"group_padding": group_padding,
"row_selector": ".resort-row",
"enable_hover": true
var parentEl = d3.select('.vis').node();
resort.draw(parentEl, heatmapData);
Note the "row_selector" option. The class resort-row is the default value. Be sure to set this selector to the class name assigned to each heatmap column DOM element within each data row DOM element.
Click events on row labels Attach a listener to the row label in whatever fashion you choose. For instance, during the creation of the row labels
d3.selectAll('.data-row .label')
.on('click', function(val) {
return false;
.html(function(val) { return val; })
The method groupByRow is called when the row label is clicked.
rowIdentifier is an informal type that can be either the index of a row of the data or the corresponding row label in the data.
colorDefinition is a valid text or RGB color Definition. Text ("green"), Hex RGB ( "#00FF00" ).
Configuration object properties
bar_height: integer ( pixels )
bar_width: integer ( pixels ),
bar_padding: integer ( pixels ),
group_padding : integer ( pixels ),
plot_width: integer/null ( pixels ),
row_labels: [row1Label, row2Label, ...],
colorscale: [color1Definition, color2Definition, ...],
colormap : { {dataValue1: value1Color}, {dataValue2: value2Color}, ...},
highlight: {
bar_height: integer ( pixels),
fill: colorDefinition
row_selector : elementSelector
enable_select : Boolean,
enable_hover : Boolean
Example using a colorbrewer color map, a predefined order of data values
var resort = new Resort( {
"colormap": {
"EVEN": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][0],
"ODD": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][1],
"4": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][2],
"5": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][3],
"6": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][4],
"7": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][5],
"8": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][6],
"9": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][7],
"10": colorbrewer['Set3'][12][8]
"value_order": [4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, "EVEN", "ODD"],
"row_labels": rowlabels,
"column_labels": columnlabels,
"bar_width": bar_width,
"bar_height": bar_height,
"bar_padding": bar_padding,
"group_padding": group_padding,
"row_selector": ".resort-row",
"enable_hover": true
The constructor returns an instance of Resort. The following functions are instance methods.
resort.draw(parentDOMElement, aataMatrix)
parentDOMElement: The DOM Element in the current document that contains the row elements to be rendered on.
dataMatrix: Two dimensional data array. Each array contains only data to be plotted
resort.groupByRows([rowIdentifier1, rowIdentifier2, ...])