This project contains materials for Perfect Storms lessons:
module 01:
- lesson 5 "Conditional statements: if-if, if-else, ternaty operator";
- lesson 9 "String, StringBuilder and StringBuffer (description and main methods)";
module 02:
- lesson 4 "Access modifiers and the order of the initialization";
- lesson 8 "Aggregation and Composition";
- lesson 12 "Generalized types and Wildcards";
module 03:
- lesson 25 "List interface: ArrayList and LinkedList";
- lesson 33 "Structural patterns: Adapter, Composite, Decorator, Facade";
module 04:
- lesson 35 "Input/output streams";
- lesson 40 "Threads: creation, methods, dead lock";
- lesson 41 "Daemon threads: creation, synchronized, volatile, data race";
- lesson 45 "Behavioral patterns: Command, Interpreter, Mediator, State";