#FTC Scouter
Uses React, Webpack, Material-Ui, and Firebase to create descriptive and predictive analytics from crowdsourced data in real time to create a detailed scouting protfolio of all teams.
- Collaborate with the FTC community to collect detailed scouting data.
- View and Scout matches under the Matches tab.
- Change your competition under the Competitions tab to see data on that competition.
- View statistics on the whole season and look at specific team's data under the Statistics tab.
- Predict future matches and see predicted detailed scores under the Match Predictor tab.
- Create an account to add your own scouting data.
- This account is used only to pair a user name to a scouting entry so that we can get more accurate data. Your email will be used as your username.
- The more you scout, the more accurate and detailed the data can get, allowing match results moments after a match ends!
Share this website with other FTC community members and revolutionize scouting.