Releases: caltechmsc/site
Releases · caltechmsc/site
🚀 Features
Backend Crawler Enhancements
- HTML Publication Parsing: Improved the PaperCrawler to support HTML publication parsing and merge the results with JSON data.
- Merge Logic Refactoring: Refactored the mergePublications function to prioritize HTML data and enhance the merging logic.
Frontend Improvements
- Wiki Button: Added a wiki button in the header.
🩹 Fixes
Backend Crawler Fixes
- Regex Improvement: Improved the publisher extraction regex to handle additional formatting cases.
- Data Merging Logic Adjustment: Updated the publication data merging logic to prioritize JSON fields over HTML.
Frontend Improvements
- Navigation & Link Styling: Updated responsive design for navigation and improved link styling.
- Publication Titles Readability: Added word breaking to publication titles for better readability.
- @TKanX Lead Developer
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0
🩹 Fixes
- Frontend Improvements
- Member Profiles: Added position display with icons for better visualization.
- Responsive Design: Adjusted header logo size to improve visibility on smaller screens.
- @TKanX Lead Developer
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
🚀 Features
Public Website
- About MSC: Insights into the center, team biographies, and achievements.
- Research: Detailed information on research areas and projects.
- Publications: Access the latest papers, archives, and most cited works.
- Members: Browse through the MSC team and their respective profiles.
- Collaborators: Information on collaborators, their contributions, and an interactive world map with pins representing all collaborators along with detailed information.
- Events: View group photos, upcoming events, and a dynamic calendar.
Admin Dashboard
- Administrator Management: Manage the list of administrators.
- Member/Collaborator Management: Add, edit, or remove members and collaborators.
- Content Management: Update research overviews, member bios, and more with Quill.js.
- Publication Crawling: Fetch and display publications from the Caltech Library, monitor crawling status, and initiate re-crawling.
- Event Management: Upload and manage group photos.
- Google OAuth Support: Support for Google OAuth 2.0 authentication for admin login.
Technical Features
- Auto-crawling: Automatically fetch publications from external sources (Caltech Library).
- Responsive Design: Seamless user experience across devices.
- SEO Optimization: Improved visibility on search engines.
New Contributors
- @TKanX Lead Developer
Full Changelog: