This is a WebRTC test application running on node.js and express.js
- Install node.js if not installed (
- Clone and install
$ cd webrtc-demoapp/
$ npm install
- Set environment variables:
Environment variables to run the demo application
- port: server port to run the demo application
- SSL: boolean to decide if SSL should be enabled
- APPID: callstats app ID from your dashboard
- APPSECRET: callstats secret key from your dashboard, necessary if no JWT is used (see here)
- KEYID: callstats key ID for JWT authentication (see here)
- JWT: boolean if JWT authentication should be used
- CSJSURL: callstats.js URL
- EXTENSION_URL: chrome extension download link. If extension is not installed where to get the extention
- ADDONID: chrome extension id. When given application will try to use this extension to screen cast
Example :
Run from command line given that we have environment variable set in .env file
# run development mode
npm run dev
# run production mode
npm run build
npm start
# run prettier
npm run prettier
# run lint
npm run lint
Single command line expression to run from terminal for development mode
port=4040 \
SSL=true \
JWT=false \
KEYID=callstatsKeyID \
APPID='change_here_to_your_callstats_app_id' \
APPSECRET='change_here_to your_callstats_app_secret' \
EXTENSION_URL='https://change_here_to_your_chrome_extension_download_link' \
ADDONID= 'change here to your chrome extension id' \
npm run dev
Try the app locally by opening http://localhost:4040/ or https://localhost:4040/, depending on if SSL is enabled or not (there is NO redirect!)
- If you want to use SSL, generate SSL certificates to webrtc-demoapp/ssl/ folder (see below)
- If you want to use JWT authentication, generate EC key to webrtc-demoapp/ssl/ (see below)
Needs ca.crt, server.crt, server.key:
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -days 365 -nodes -x509 -keyout server.key -out server.crt -passin pass:v2ZIZj2jKUap -subj '/CN=localhost/O=Local/C=FI'
cp server.crt ca.crt
Needs ecpriv.key, ecpubkey.pem:
openssl ecparam -name prime256v1 -genkey > ecpriv.key
openssl ec -in ecpriv.key -pubout -out ecpubkey.pem