This tool is to align and segmentate a dataset of audio files to prepare it for Kaldi ASR using Montreal Forced Alignment (MFA).
The purpose of this tool is to automatically generate aligned files using only the audio and metadata files. To make this, the toolkit can :
- create and use an acoustic model (using all the data) to align the data ; or
- use a pre-existing acoustic model to align the data.
This tool have others features :
- creating and saving a lexicon and a dictionary of all the words inside the dataset
- checking if the alignment has been correctly done for all the folders and proposes different options to the user It can also optionnaly create a pronunciation-probabilities dictionary.
- Preparation for Montreal Forced Alignment with Samromur dataset
- Table of Contents
- Requirements
- Run
- License
- Authors/Credit
- Acknowledgements
- Explanation of the toolkit
To run the toolkit, you will need the following packages and modules :
In Python :
- os, sys and json : included in python
- pandas
- alive-progress
Others :
The input is a folder with multiple speakers, for which there are one or several audio file. An audio file is made up of a sentence, spoke in Icelandic. To use this tool, the data has to be in this form :
├── id_user_1/
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_1.flac
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_2.flac
│ └── id_user_1-id_file_3.flac
├── id_user_2/
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_4.flac
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_5.flac
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_6.flac
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_7.flac
│ └── id_user_2-id_file_8.flac
├── id_user_3/
│ ├── id_user_3-id_file_9.flac
│ └── id_user_3-id_file_10.flac
├── id_user_4/
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_11.flac
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_12.flac
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_13.flac
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_14.flac
│ └── id_user_4-id_file_15.flac
├── ...
Another file is required to use this tool : a metadata file, containing the utterances said in the audio files. This file has to be in the shape of a table, so that python can read it as a Dataframe :
speaker_id filename sentence ... size user_agent status
id ...
2 1 000001-0000002.flac Því sést hún oft á helgimyndum með augu sín á ... ... 147918 NAN test
3 1 000001-0000003.flac Bettý er sjöunda bók Arnaldar Indriðasonar. ... 140238 NAN test
4 1 000001-0000004.flac Afar hafa sitt eigið tungumál og sérstaka menn... ... 147918 NAN test
6 2 000002-0000006.flac Fyrsta fullorðinstönnin kemur við sex ára aldu... ... 158456 NAN test
7 2 000002-0000007.flac Landið var þá kallað „Sviss Mið-Austurlanda“. ... 137976 NAN test
IMPORTANT : The data folder and the metadata file should be in the same folder, so that the program can read them.
All the information that can varies in the project are inside the info.json
file :
"path_to_data": "/PATH/TO/DATA/",
"data_folder": "audio/",
"metadata_file": {
"name": "metadata.tsv",
"columns_utt_name": "sentence_norm",
"sep": "\t",
"speaker_len": 7
"empty_audio_user": "empty_data",
"audio_extension": "flac",
"text_extension": "lab",
"lexicon_file": "lexicon.lex",
"dictionary_file": "dictionary.dict",
"MFA_model_name": "mfa_model",
"output_folder": "output"
It is necessary to adapt the informations inside it as your case, in order for all the files to work. We will list here the elements included in the files, with a description of them.
- path_to_data : the path to the input data (which contain the folder of audio files and the metadata file ;
- data_folder : the name of the folder containing the audio files ;
- metadata_file :
- name : name of the metadata file ;
- columns_utt_name : name of the columns that contains the normalized utterances of each audio files ;
- sep : separator of the data.
- empty_audio_user : the name of the folder which will eventually contain the audio files of the data that has not been segmented ;
- audio_extension : the extension of the audio files ;
- text_extension : the extension of the text files containing the utterances corresponding to each audio file ;
- lexicon_file : the name of the file which will contain the lexicon of the input data ;
- dictionary_file : name of the file which will contain the lexicon plus the phonemes of each word ;
- MFA_model_name* : name of the model created by the MFA ;
- output_folder : the name of the folder which will contain all the align and segmented files ;
Once you installed everything, and adapted the info.json
to your case, you can run the toolkit ! You simply need to write the folowing command on your terminal :
To get the informations about all the options, there is an option help
. To display it, you can write :
./ -h
./ --help
After running the toolkit once, it is designed to use the file created. This means, if it recognize files such as dictionary or lexicon, it won't make it again. To overwrite these files, you can add the -o
or --overwrite
option in the end of the command :
./ -o
./ --overwrite
To display less information; you can add -q
or --quiet
options after ./
./ -q
./ --quiet
You can align files using an acoustic model created during the run of the file, but you can choose to use another pre-existing model. To do this, you must put the following command, with the path to the acoustic model after.
./ --model PATH_TO_MODEL
By default, the tool create a dictionary and uses it to align files. But you can choose to use another pre-existing dictionary for this. To do this, you must put the following command, with the path to the dictionary after.
./ --dictionary PATH_TO_DICTIONARY
The Montreal Forced Aligner is a tool which can also create a dictionary adding the pronunciation probabilities. To do this, you must put the following command, with the path to the new dictionary (containing the probabilities) after, and optionally the acoustic model it will use to make the probabilities. By default, it will use the model created before in the run.
The toolkit contain basic errors handling. Indeed, for each steps of the program, there is a corresponding .log
file, located in the logs
If an error occur during the run, the program will stop and a message will be displayed explaining where the error happened, and will ask to see the corresponding log file.
All the files created will be located in the output_folder
folder. You will find the following files :
- lexicon
- dictionary
- acoustic model (.zip file) and a folder containing the TextGrid files of each audio file.
At the end of the process - after the files had been align - a program will check if the segmentation had been a success for every audio files and will display the percentage of audio files having an error. If a text file corresponding to an audio file doesn't exist, a folder containing the speaker's audio files and a file with the id of the "missing speakers" will be created.
Reykjavik University
Thomas Mestrou [email protected]
This project was funded by the Language Technology Programme for Icelandic 2019-2023. The programme, which is managed and coordinated by Almannarómur, is funded by the Icelandic Ministry of Education, Science and Culture.
The toolkit is globally divided in 6 sections. Each of them has a spceific role in a specific order.
- Preparing the folders
A condition of the Montreal Forced Alignment is, for each audio file, to have a text file having the utterance said in the corresponding audio file. Moreover, this .txt file has to be in the same place and to have the same name as the audio file. In the end, the 'data_folder' looks like this :
├── id_user_1/
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_1.flac
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_1.txt
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_2.flac
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_2.txt
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_3.flac
│ └── id_user_1-id_file_3.txt
├── id_user_2/
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_4.flac
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_4.txt
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_5.flac
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_5.txt
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_6.flac
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_6.txt
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_7.flac
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_7.txt
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_8.flac
│ └── id_user_2-id_file_8.txt
├── ...
- Making the lexicon
Another file needed for the MFA is the dictionary. But before that, we need to make a lexicon with every word said in the audio files. This is the role of this section. The program will take every utterances contained in the metadata file and will output a file under this format :
- Making the dictionary
The dictionary is a lexicon, with the phoneme traduction of each word. To do this, we use a g2p (grapheme-to-phoneme) converter, with a pre-trained model : ipd_clean_slt2018.mdl. The result of it is the following :
augu œyː ɣ ʏ
arnaldar a r t n a l t a r
afar aː v a r
aldurinn a l t ʏ r ɪ n
austurlanda œy s t ʏ r l a n t a
af aː v
alþýðuflokks a l θ i ð ʏ f l ɔ h k s
alþýðubandalags a l θ i ð ʏ p a n t a l a x s
alheimsins aː l h ei m s ɪ n s
austur œy s t ʏ r
afríku aː f r i k ʏ
algengt a l c ei ŋ̊ t
að aː ð
aðrar a ð r a r
adolf aː t ɔ l v
alls a l s
allar a t l a r
alspeglun a l s p ei k l ʏ n
- Validating the data
Before creating and training the acoustic model, we need to make sure all the data is ready for it. We then use the validate
command from mfa module to do it
- Creating and Training the acoustic model
Here we are ! Once every step we saw before has been done, we can finally create and train the acoustic model. This will create a .zip
file, containing the model and a folder containing the segmentation of every audio file. This folder will be in ythe same shape as the input data folder :
├── id_user_1/
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_1.TextGrid
│ ├── id_user_1-id_file_2.TextGrid
│ └── id_user_1-id_file_3.TextGrid
├── id_user_2/
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_4.TextGrid
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_5.TextGrid
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_6.TextGrid
│ ├── id_user_2-id_file_7.TextGrid
│ └── id_user_2-id_file_8.TextGrid
├── id_user_3/
│ ├── id_user_3-id_file_9.TextGrid
│ └── id_user_3-id_file_10.TextGrid
├── id_user_4/
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_11.TextGrid
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_12.TextGrid
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_13.TextGrid
│ ├── id_user_4-id_file_14.TextGrid
│ └── id_user_4-id_file_15.TextGrid
├── ...
- Segmentation checking
See the Segmentation checking section
- Train the dictionary
The final step of this toolkit will create a dictionary containing a dictionary with the pronunciation probabilities of each words. The file will finaly looks like this :
að 0.99 0.16 0.81 1.06 aː ð
aftur 0.99 0.35 0.79 1.07 a f t ʏ r
aldri 0.99 0.5 0.7 1.11 a l t r ɪ
aðalstrætis 0.99 0.52 0.89 1.09 aː ð a l s t r aiː t ɪ s
askja 0.99 0.31 2.29 0.41 a s c a
akranes 0.99 0.14 0.85 1.1 aː k r a n ɛː s
auðvitað 0.99 0.24 3.55 0.47 œy ð v ɪ t a ð
annarra 0.99 0.23 0.67 1.15 a n a r a
aukaverkanir 0.99 0.64 1.48 0.61 œyː k a v ɛ r̥ k a n ɪ r
aðrir 0.99 0.28 2.67 0.6 a ð r ɪ r
anna 0.99 0.32 2.96 0.49 a n a
ameríski 0.99 0.19 1.49 0.67 aː m ɛ r i s c ɪ
ameríku 0.99 0.59 1.11 0.96 aː m ɛ r i k ʏ
ameríka 0.99 0.26 0.99 1.01 aː m ɛ r i k a
af 0.99 0.25 1.37 0.86 aː v
annars 0.99 0.2 3.39 0.54 a n a r̥ s
aðferðin 0.99 0.19 1.55 0.81 a ð f ɛ r ð ɪ n
aðeins 0.99 0.28 1.89 0.74 aː ð ei n s
anatólíu 0.99 0.52 0.93 1.05 aː n a t ou l i j ʏ
algengar 0.99 0.32 0.5 1.22 a l c ei ŋ k a r
annesjum 0.99 0.19 0.89 1.09 a n ɛ s j ʏ m
alltaf 0.99 0.3 1.43 0.89 a l̥ t a v