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Here are the steps I used to configure the project. Everything mentioned in this installation process has already been done/configured. This text is purely to document the process...I'll probably just move it to a blogpost once I'm finished.


New project

  • create the application
$ rails new baccroad-web -d mysql
  • generate the database
$ rake db:create db:migrate

Install Piggybak

  • add the following gems to the Gemfile
gem 'piggybak'
gem 'cancan'
  • install the bundle and and install piggybak from the command prompt
$ bundle install
$ piggybak install

RailsAdmin and Devise are both installed with the Piggybak installation. I'm using CanCan for authorization so I added that gem to the Gemfile as well.

Configure the Devise Mailer

Devise uses a mailer as a part of the authentication process. default_url_options needs to be set appropriately for the different environments. I added the following line for my development environment in config/environments/development.rb:

config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { host: 'localhost:3000' }

Generate a devise user

$ rails generate devise user

Rails creates a user model and configures it with Devise modules. It also creates a migration file located in db/migrate/devise_create_users.rb.

$ rake db:migrate

This tells rails to create a table called users.

  • install piggybak migrations
$ rake piggybak:install:migrations
$ rake db:migrate

Uncomment the following lines in config/initializers/rails_admin.rb

config.authenticate_with do
    warden.authenticate! scope: :user

**WARNING: There may be an existing add_devise_to_users.rb migration. I deleted this as it looked like a duplicate to devise_create_users.rb

**WARNING: I ran into an error where piggybak_line_item table does not exist. I found the add_price_to_line_item.rb migration and added this bit of code...

Piggybak::LineItem.class_eval do
      self.table_name = 'line_items'

**WARNING: There is a migration for a rearchitecture of the line_item. It's unclear to me why both the rearchitecture migration and original line_item migration are both in place, unless the creator is just unaware that the rearchitecture migration causes errors when it tries to recreate the created_at and updated_at columns in the table. To get past this error I commented out the following in the line_item_rearchitecture.piggybak.rb file

    change_table(:line_items) do |t|

Verify sign-up pages

By default, devise created the following pages:



Add login links to the landing page

I created a partial file app/views/layouts/_login.html.erb with following content:

<% if signed_in? %>
    Logged in as <%= %>.
    <%= link_to "Logout", destroy_user_session_path, method: :delete %>
    | <%= link_to "Admin", '/admin' %>
<% else %>
    <%= link_to "Login", new_user_session_path %> | <%= link_to "Sign up now!", new_user_registration_path %>
<% end %>

To add it to my other views, I added the following to app/views/layouts/application.html.erb:

<%= render partial: 'layouts/login' %>

Add role to User model

$ rails g migration add_role_to_users role:string

The following was output to the terminal:

	invoke  active_record
	create    db/migrate/20140531165029_add_role_to_users.rb

I added the following to the migration created above:

class AddRoleToUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration
    def change
        add_column :users, :role, :string
        User.create! do |u|
       = '[email protected]'
            u.password    = 'admin123'
            u.role = 'administrator'

I excuted the migration to create an example administrator user with email [email protected] and password admin123.

$ rake db:migrate

To access this role, I added the following method to app/models/user.rb

def role?(r)
    role.include? r.to_s

Add Devise Views

Devise comes with some views OOTB that I can use for customization. Here is the line to generate them:

$ rails generate devise:views

Create the Landing Page

$ rails generate controller home index

Then added this line to config/routes.rb

root 'home#index'

Add Flash Messages

I added the tags for flash messages to app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

<p class="notice"><%= notice %></p>
<p class="alert"><%= alert %></p>

Configure CanCan

At this point anyone should be able to access the administration portion of the site at


At this point I locked down that portion of the website so that only site adminstrators can access it.

For authorization I used the cancan gem. The permissions are driven through an ability class that can be generated from the command line as follows:

$ rails generate cancan:ability

I had to edit the ability class at app/models/ability.rb

def initialize(user)

    if user && user.role?(:administrator)
      can :dashboard
      can :access, :rails_admin
      can :manage, [User]
      can :manage,
      Piggybak.config.extra_abilities.each do |extra_ability|
        can extra_ability[:abilities], extra_ability[:class_name].constantize

I also had to edit the rails_admin configuration at config/initializers/rails_admin.rb to tell my app to use cancan with rails_admin.

RailsAdmin.config do |config|
  config.authorize_with :cancan

Integrating with Piggybak

How to make use of the most basic of integration points with the piggybak gem (how to sell an item), is outlined pretty well in the [](piggybak integration points documentation).

acts_as_orderer and acts_as_sellable are the two most rudimentary integration points. Our user model will act as the orderer, and I needed to create a product (or item) model to have something to sell.

user model now looks like...

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  # Include default devise modules. Others available are:
  # :confirmable, :lockable, :timeoutable and :omniauthable
  devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable

  def role?(r)
    role.include? r.to_s

then i generated a product model...

$ rails generate model product name:string description:text

after adding the piggybak integration, product looks like...

class Product < ActiveRecord::Base

run db migrations to create the new products table

$ rake db:migrate

we'd like to be able to add and remove products from the rails_admin console, so I needed to update cancan's ability class with the proper permissions

can :manage, [Product]

after restarting the server, you should now be able to see the Products model in the rails_admin console

Now, to get the attributes that come with piggybak's sellable models there is no longer a need to add attr_accessible :piggybak_sellable_attributes to the model class. This will no longer work for the mass copy of attributes in rails 4. What's needed is to add the following to rails_admin.rb:

config.model Product do
    list do
      field :name
      field :piggybak_sellable
    edit do
      field :name
      field :piggybak_sellable

You actually have to mount the piggybak engine. This may be common sense to experienced rails developers, but it took me a few hours to figure out why the tags like 'add_cart' weren't working. Add the following ot routes.rb

mount Piggybak::Engine => '/checkout', :as => 'piggybak'


  • Add variant support

Project Details

User Accounts

username: [email protected] password: 'admin123' role: administrator

username: [email protected] password: 'customer123' role: customer


Online store for BACCROAD Apparel






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