Supplementary movies for dissertation "Elastic Turbulence in 3D Porous Media"
Movie Captions.
% ----------- Chapter 3 movies ----------- % Movies 3.1-3.5 are previously published under: Christopher Browne and Sujit Datta, "Elastic turbulence generates anomalous flow resistance in porous media." Science Advances, Vol 7, Issue 45, 2021.
Movie 3.1: Velocity field of example pore (pore B) just below onset of instability (
Movie 3.2: Velocity field of example pore (pore B) above onset of instability (
Movie 3.3: Fluctuating velocity field of example pore (pore B) near cusp of instability (
Movie 3.4: Fluctuating velocity field of example pore (pore B) well above onset of instability (
Movie 3.5: Fluctuating velocity field of example pore (pore B) well above onset of instability (
% ----------- Chapter 4 movies ----------- %
Movie 4.1: Scalar transport visualized with step change in dye. Polymer solution formulation B injected at
Movie 4.2: Scalar transport visualized with step change in dye. Pure solvent of formulation B (no polymer) injected at
Movie 4.3: Scalar transport visualized with step change in dye. Polymer solution formulation B injected at
Movie 4.4: Scalar transport visualized with step change in dye. Polymer solution formulation B injected at
Movie 4.5: Streamlines of flow in stratified medium (
Movie 4.6: Streamlines of flow in stratified medium (
Movie 4.7: Streamline of flow in an example pore in fine homogeneous medium (
Movie 4.8: Streamline of flow in an example pore in fine homogeneous medium (