A pure Javascript validator form replace Jquery Validation.
It allows you to:
- Validate input fields with pre-existing or custom rules
- Retrieve validation errors
- Display validation errors below unvalidated fields
- Support multiple languages for error messages
- Add validation errors under input not validated
- To consider the language
Download the script file clicking here
Include the following in your HTML:
<link href="./src/style.css" rel="stylesheet">
<form id="form-id">
<input type="text" name="firstName" placeholder="First name">
<input type="email" name="email" placeholder="[email protected]">
<textarea name="textarea" placeholder="Message" rows="10"></textarea>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Send</button>
<script src="./src/app.js" type="module" async></script>
Create an instance of FormValidator and configure it as follows:
import { FormValidator } from "./modules/form-validator.js";
class App {
constructor() {
this.form = document.querySelector('#form-id');
this.validator = new FormValidator({
form: this.form,
validationRules: {
firstName: "required|match:/^[A-z]{1}[a-z]+$/",
lastName: "required",
email: 'required|email',
textarea: 'required|min:2|max:5'
local: "fr", // Options: "en", "fr"
observeOnInput: true
init() {
this.form.addEventListener('submit', (event) => {
if (this.validator.isValide()) {
const data = this.validator.getData();
// Send data to server
} else {
const errors = this.validator.getErrors();
const myApp = new App();
The FormValidator
constructor accepts an options object with the following properties:
form: HTMLElement The form element to be validated. This is a required option.
: Object An object defining the validation rules for each form field. Each key corresponds to a field name, and the value is a string with validation rules separated by pipes (|). Supported rules include: -
: Field must not be empty -
: Field must be a valid email address -
: Field must have at least n characters -
: Field must have at most n characters -
: Field value must match the given regular expression pattern -
: String The language for error messages. Supported values are "en" for English and "fr" for French. You can add another language by modifying the local.js file in the modules folder.en
: Englishfr
: FrenchobserveOnInput
: Boolean If true, the validator will validate fields on input events. If false, it will only validate on submit events. Default is false.
Validation rules are defined in the validationRules option, following this format:
validationRules : {
fieldName : "ruleName|RuleName:option|RuleName:option|...",
fieldName : "ruleName|ruleName|..."
Available Validation Rules
Rule Name | Rule option | Description |
required |
- | Ensures the field is not empty |
email |
- | Validates email forma |
max:int |
integer [number] | Maximum length of characters |
min:int |
integer [number] | Minimum length of characters |
match:pattern |
string [patern] | Costum rule validation |
validationRules : {
firstName : "match:/^[A-z]{1}[a-z]+$/", // match:preg_match
email : "required|email", // required and email
textarea : "required|min:2|max:5" // required and min:2 character and max:5 characters
Name: isValide
After a submit, the isValide() method returns true or false if error variable is empty or not.
Name: setErrors
After a submit, the setErrors() method displays the error messages below the unvalidated fields.
Name: getErrors
After a submit the getErrors() method returns an object with each unvalidated field.
"firstName": {
"required": "Please enter a message",
"match": "The value is not valid"
"email": {
"required": "Please enter a message",
"email": "The email is not valid"
"textarea": {
"required": "Please enter a message",
"min": "This field must contain at least 2 characters"
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Simple Form Validator</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="./src/style.css">
<script src="./src/app.js" type="module" async></script>
<form method="GET" action="#" class="form" id="form-id">
<h1>JavaScript - Form Validator</h1>
<label for="firstName">First name</label>
<input type="text" name="firstName" id="firstName" placeholder="First name">
<label for="lastName">Last name</label>
<input type="text" name="lastName" id="lastName" placeholder="Last name">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="text" name="email" placeholder="[email protected]" id="email">
<label for="textarea">Message</label>
<textarea name="textarea" placeholder="Message" rows="10" id="textarea"></textarea>
<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">Send</button>
<script src="./src/app.js" type="module" async></script>
Feel free to contribute by submitting issues and pull requests. For more detailed documentation, see the source code or contact the maintainers.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.