This is a small collection of classical graph algorithms on digraphs in Nim.
The core abstractions representing a graph are some kind of not necessarily dense integer-like address space, some nodes iterator on the graph and some edges(graph, node) iterator on the kids of a node/destinations of arcs.
It also contains (also at the top level) gaPrioQ.nim
since the shortest path
algorithm made famous by Dijkstra needs a priority queue that can efficiently
edit entry priorities and std/heapqueue
does not allow this. has demos/tests of most of these algorithms, but a quick list is:
- arc/edge reversal
- topological sorting/testing for DAG/cyclicity
- transitive closure
- shortest path from beginning to end via BFS
- shortest path from beginning to end via Dijkstra
- components when viewed as an undirected graph
- min cost spanning tree of weighted, undirected graph
Should probably grow Max Flow, and weak strong components algorithms.