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Docker Deployment

ReactX edited this page Mar 12, 2025 · 1 revision

🐳 Docker Deployment

You can deploy the server locally using Docker with our docker-compose file.

Important: This docker-compose deployment is intended for testing and local development. Do NOT use the docker-compose.yml file as is for production. It is not considered stable yet.

Deployment Components

The deployment includes the following containers:

  • 🎮 Game Server: Runs a web server based on a custom Docker image built from server/Dockerfile.
  • 💿 MariaDB: Provides the database backend.
  • 💿 Redis: Provides the caching backend
  • 📄 phpMyAdmin: Allows you to manage and inspect the database.

Setting It Up

  1. Install Docker
  2. Navigate to the cloned repository in your terminal
  3. Create your .env environment file from docker-example.env
cp docker-example.env .env

The .env file is populated with default values. Again, these are NOT safe to use in production.

If you wish to customize your installation, change the values in your .env file and note the descriptions above each entry.

  1. Start the deployment:
docker compose up
  1. Verify that services are running (values may differ if customized):
  • Game Server: Visit http://localhost:3001 to confirm the API is online.
  • phpMyAdmin: Access http://localhost:8080. Use the default credentials (username: bymr, password: bymr) or update them in docker-compose.yml.
  1. Connect to the server: Use the latest release of the SWF file or compile it manually (instructions provided below).