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bxt committed Feb 25, 2016
1 parent 18d48f4 commit ada4ffd
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Showing 4 changed files with 89 additions and 29 deletions.
20 changes: 20 additions & 0 deletions unilectures.hs/Nim/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
module Base where

data Player = CliPlayer String | Idiot | CpuPlayer deriving Show

type Heap = Int

type Heaps = [Heap]

data Game = Game { heaps :: Heaps, players :: [Player] }

player :: Game -> Player
player = head . players

nextPlayer :: Game -> Game
nextPlayer g = g { players = rotate $ players g } where
rotate (x:xs) = xs ++ [x]

type Move = ( Int -- ^ heap from which to take the pieces
, Int -- ^ amount of pieces to take away
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions unilectures.hs/Nim/CpuPlayer.hs
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@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
module CpuPlayer (runCpuPlayer) where

import Data.Bits (xor)
import Data.List (findIndices)
import Base

-- | A list of pissbilbe winning moves in a game of Nim
-- >>> runCpuPlayer [3,4,5]
-- [(1,2)]
runCpuPlayer :: Heaps -> [Move]
runCpuPlayer hs = filter ((>0) . snd) $ zip [1..] $ map aux hs
aux h = h - (h `xor` s)
s = foldr1 xor hs
75 changes: 47 additions & 28 deletions unilectures.hs/Nim/Nim.hs
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@@ -1,29 +1,29 @@
module Nim where

import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Except
import System.Random (randomRIO)

import Utils
import Base
import CpuPlayer

data Player = Player1 | Player2 deriving Show
randomPickIO :: [a] -> IO a
randomPickIO xs = fmap (xs !!) $ randomRIO (0, pred $ length xs)

otherPlyer :: Player -> Player
otherPlyer Player1 = Player2
otherPlyer Player2 = Player1
newGame :: [Player] -> Game
newGame ps = Game { heaps = [1,3,5,7], players = ps }

data Game = Game { heaps :: [Int], player :: Player }
showHeaps :: Heaps -> String
showHeaps hs = concatMap aux $ zip [1..] $ hs where
aux (i,h) = show i ++ " " ++ padTo ' ' m (replicate h '|') ++ "\n"
m = maximum hs

newGame :: Game
newGame = Game { heaps = [1,3,5,7], player = Player1 }
possibleMoves :: Heaps -> [Move]
possibleMoves hs = concatMap aux $ zip [1..] hs where
aux (i,h) = [(i,a) | a <- [1..h] ]

instance Show Game where
show g = concatMap aux (zip [1..] $ heaps g) ++ show (player g) where
aux (i,a) = show i ++ " " ++ padTo ' ' m (replicate a '|') ++ "\n"
m = maximum $ heaps g

move :: Int -> Int -> Game -> Either String Game
move h a g = do
let hs = heaps g
runMove :: Move -> Heaps -> Either String Heaps
runMove (h,a) hs = do
when (h > length hs)
$ Left "Heap number too high"
when (h <= 0)
Expand All @@ -32,23 +32,42 @@ move h a g = do
$ Left "Must take at least one piece"
when (a > (hs !! pred h))
$ Left $ "Can only take " ++ show (hs !! h) ++ " pieces"
return g { heaps = filter (/=0) $ adjust (subtract a) (pred h) hs }
return $ filter (/=0) $ adjust (subtract a) (pred h) hs

nim :: Game -> IO()
nim g = do
putStr "\n" >> print g
runPlayer :: Player -> Heaps -> IO Move
runPlayer (CliPlayer name) hs = do
putStrLn name
h <- readLnWith " enter a heap: "
a <- readLnWith " and enter an amount: "
let eg = move h a g
case eg of (Left e) -> print e >> nim g
(Right g') -> winCheck g'
return (h,a)
runPlayer Idiot hs = do
putStrLn "Idiot player takes away first piece..."
return (1,1)
runPlayer CpuPlayer hs = do
putStrLn "CPU player takes their move..."
let opts = runCpuPlayer $ hs
randomPickIO $ if null opts then possibleMoves hs else opts

nim :: Game -> IO()
nim g = do
putStr "\n"
putStr $ showHeaps $ heaps g
m <- runPlayer (player g) (heaps g)
let eg = runMove m (heaps g)
case eg of (Left e ) -> print e >> nim g
(Right hs) -> if null hs
then winning (player g)
else nextTurn g { heaps = hs }
winCheck g = if null (heaps g) then winning (player g) else nextTurn g
winning p = putStr $ "\n +++ Congratulations, you won " ++ show p ++ "! +++\n"
nextTurn g = nim $ g { player = otherPlyer (player g) }
readLnWith s = putStr s >> (readLn `catchError` const (readLnWith s))
nextTurn = nim . nextPlayer

winning :: Player -> IO()
winning (CliPlayer name) = putStr $ "\n +++ Congratulations, you won " ++ name ++ "! +++\n"
winning Idiot = putStr "\n +++ Wow, you lost. +++\n"
winning CpuPlayer = putStr "\n +++ Game over! +++\n"

main :: IO()
main = do
putStrLn "\n +++ Welcome to NIM +++"
nim newGame
putStrLn " (try to take the last piece)"
nim $ newGame [CpuPlayer, CliPlayer "Bernhard"]
8 changes: 7 additions & 1 deletion unilectures.hs/Nim/Utils.hs
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@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
module Utils where
module Utils (adjust, padTo, readLnWith) where

import Control.Monad.Except (catchError)

-- | Update a value at a specific index with the result of the provided function.
-- When the indext is out of bounds, the original list is returned.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,3 +37,7 @@ padTo with to xs = replicate a with ++ xs ++ replicate b with where
l = length xs
a = (to-l) `div` 2
b = to - l - a

-- | Ask repeatadly for user input until read succeeds.
readLnWith :: Read a => String -> IO a
readLnWith s = putStr s >> (readLn `catchError` const (readLnWith s))

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