This package provides the ability for the robot DoRIS to answer previously known questions.
You will need:
- ROS Noetic
- pip
To install the dependencies you will need to run the with super user pemission
chmod +x
sudo ./
The dependencies will be installed.
We develop a node to receive and find the question in a questions file.
The butia_quiz_node is a ROS Service that receives the question in text form. From there, this question is searched in the questions file and returns the corresponding answer. This search is performed using two-word comparison methods, such as the Levenshtein method. After finding the answer, it is sent using the same ROS Service.
We created a service to make possible the communication between ours packages.
- ButiaQuizComm.srv receives a question as string and returns a answer as string.
The first use of the node may take a while as the models are being downloaded.
To start the node you must run:
roslaunch butia_quiz.launch
This launch will to load the config file and run the butia_quiz_node.
If you find this package useful, consider citing it using:
title={Butia Quiz Package},
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