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test: port existing tests over
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buschtoens committed May 12, 2019
1 parent bf747cf commit 9ac9430
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Showing 2 changed files with 337 additions and 13 deletions.
7 changes: 1 addition & 6 deletions ember-cli-build.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,12 +9,7 @@ module.exports = function(defaults) {

This build file specifies the options for the dummy test app of this
addon, located in `/tests/dummy`
This build file does *not* influence how the addon or the app using it
behave. You most likely want to be modifying `./index.js` or app's build file
app.import({ test: 'vendor/ember/ember-template-compiler.js' });

return app.toTree();
343 changes: 336 additions & 7 deletions tests/integration/helpers/on-test.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,17 +1,346 @@
import { module, test } from 'qunit';
import { module, test, skip } from 'qunit';
import { setupRenderingTest } from 'ember-qunit';
import { render } from '@ember/test-helpers';
import {
} from '@ember/test-helpers';
import hbs from 'htmlbars-inline-precompile';
import { set } from '@ember/object';
import { run } from '@ember/runloop';
import { gte } from 'ember-compatibility-helpers';
import { compileTemplate } from '@ember/template-compilation';

module('Integration | Helper | on', function(hooks) {
hooks.afterEach(() => resetOnerror());
hooks.beforeEach(function() {
this.testElement = document.createElement('button'); = 'test-element';

// Replace this with your real tests.
test('it renders', async function(assert) {
this.set('inputValue', '1234');
this.testParentElement = document.createElement('div');

test('it basically works', async function(assert) {

this.someMethod = function(event) {
this instanceof HTMLButtonElement && === 'test-element',
'this context is the element'
event instanceof MouseEvent,
'first argument is a `MouseEvent`'
'correct element tagName'
assert.dom('data-foo', 'test-element');

await render(hbs`{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod}}`);

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

test('it can accept the `once` option', async function(assert) {

let n = 0;
this.someMethod = () => n++;

await render(
hbs`{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod once=true}}`

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);
await click(this.testElement);

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

assert.strictEqual(n, 1, 'callback has only been called once');

test('unrelated property changes do not break the `once` option', async function(assert) {

let n = 0;
this.someMethod = () => n++;
this.someProp = 0;

await render(
hbs`{{this.someProp}}{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod once=true}}{{this.someProp}}`

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);
await click(this.testElement);

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

assert.strictEqual(n, 1, 'callback has only been called once');

run(() => set(this, 'someProp', 1));
await settled();
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.strictEqual(n, 1, 'callback has only been called once');

test('unrelated property changes do not cause the listener to re-register', async function(assert) {

this.someMethod = () => {};
this.someProp = 0;

await render(
hbs`{{this.someProp}}{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod}}{{this.someProp}}`
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

run(() => set(this, 'someProp', 1));
await settled();
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

test('it can accept the `capture` option', async function(assert) {

this.outerListener = () => assert.step('outer');
this.innerListener = () => assert.step('inner');

await render(hbs`
{{on this.testParentElement "click" this.outerListener capture=true}}
{{on this.testElement "click" this.innerListener}}

assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);

assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 0 });

['outer', 'inner'],
'outer capture listener was called first'

test('it can accept the `once` & `capture` option combined', async function(assert) {

this.outerListener = () => assert.step('outer');
this.innerListener = () => assert.step('inner');

await render(hbs`
{{on this.testParentElement "click" this.outerListener once=true capture=true}}
{{on this.testElement "click" this.innerListener}}

assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);
await click(this.testElement);

assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 0 });

['outer', 'inner', 'inner'],
'outer capture listener was called first and was then unregistered'

test('it raises an assertion when calling `event.preventDefault()` on a `passive` event', async function(assert) {

this.handler = event => {
() => event.preventDefault(),
`ember-on-helper: You marked this listener as 'passive', meaning that you must not call 'event.preventDefault()'.`

await render(
hbs`{{on this.testElement "click" this.handler passive=true}}`

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);

assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

(gte('3.0.0') // I have no clue how to catch the error in Ember 2.13
? test
: skip)('it raises an assertion if an invalid event option is passed in', async function(assert) {

setupOnerror(function(error) {
"Assertion Failed: ember-on-helper: Provided invalid event options ('nope', 'foo') to 'click' event listener. Only these options are valid: 'capture', 'once', 'passive'",
'error is thrown'

await render(
hbs`{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod nope=true foo=false}}`

assert.counts({ adds: 0, removes: 0 });

(gte('3.0.0') // I have no clue how to catch the error in Ember 2.13
? test
: skip)('it raises an assertion if an invalid event name or callback is passed in', async function(assert) {
// There is a bug in Glimmer when rendering helpers that throw an error
error => error.message.includes('lastNode') || assert.step(error.message)

const testExpression = async expression => {
await render(
{{#if this.runTest}}
// If this was true initially, Glimmer would fail and could not recover
// from it.
run(() => set(this, 'runTest', true));
await settled();
run(() => set(this, 'runTest', false));

await testExpression(`{{on this.testElement "click" 10}}`);
await testExpression(`{{on this.testElement "click"}}`);
await testExpression(`{{on this.testElement "" undefined}}`);
await testExpression(`{{on this.testElement 10 undefined}}`);
await testExpression(`{{on}}`);

assert.counts({ adds: 0, removes: 0 });

"Assertion Failed: ember-on-helper: '10' is not a valid callback. Provide a function.",
"Assertion Failed: ember-on-helper: 'undefined' is not a valid callback. Provide a function.",
"Assertion Failed: ember-on-helper: '' is not a valid event name. It has to be a string with a minimum length of 1 character.",
"Assertion Failed: ember-on-helper: '10' is not a valid event name. It has to be a string with a minimum length of 1 character.",
"Assertion Failed: ember-on-helper: 'undefined' is not a valid event name. It has to be a string with a minimum length of 1 character."

(gte('3.0.0') // I have no clue how to catch the error in Ember 2.13
? test
: skip)('it recovers after updating to incorrect parameters', async function(assert) {

const errors = [];
setupOnerror(error => errors.push(error));

let n = 0;
this.someMethod = () => n++;

await render(hbs`{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod}}`);
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.strictEqual(n, 1);
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

run(() => set(this, 'someMethod', undefined));
await settled();
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 1 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.strictEqual(n, 1);
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 1 });

run(() => set(this, 'someMethod', () => n++));
await settled();
assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 2 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.strictEqual(n, 2);
assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 2 });

test('it is re-registered, when the callback changes', async function(assert) {

let a = 0;
this.someMethod = () => a++;

await render(hbs`{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod}}`);
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

let b = 0;
run(() => set(this, 'someMethod', () => b++));
await settled();
assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 1 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 1 });

assert.strictEqual(a, 1);
assert.strictEqual(b, 1);

test('it is re-registered, when the callback changes and `capture` is used', async function(assert) {

let a = 0;
this.someMethod = () => a++;
this.capture = true;

await render(
hbs`{{on this.testElement "click" this.someMethod capture=this.capture}}`
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.counts({ adds: 1, removes: 0 });

let b = 0;
run(() => set(this, 'someMethod', () => b++));
await settled();
assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 1 });

await click(this.testElement);
assert.counts({ adds: 2, removes: 1 });

let c = 0;
run(() => {
set(this, 'someMethod', () => c++);
set(this, 'capture', false);
await settled();
assert.counts({ adds: 3, removes: 2 });

await render(hbs`{{on inputValue}}`);
await click(this.testElement);
assert.counts({ adds: 3, removes: 2 });

assert.equal(this.element.textContent.trim(), '1234');
assert.strictEqual(a, 1);
assert.strictEqual(b, 1);
assert.strictEqual(c, 1);

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