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Issues: buildit/gravity-ui-web

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Add SASS unit tests good first issue INVITATION: Indicates a good issue for first-time contributors infrastructure CATEGORY: Infrastructure related - e.g. updates to build process, tests, tooling, etc. 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests
#362 opened Oct 30, 2019 by james-nash
Ability to disable dark mode cycle-7-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the Cycle 7 website. 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#357 opened Oct 16, 2019 by james-nash
Move pattern libraries to HTTP/2 💡 idea TYPE: Indicates that this is an idea. These may end up spinning out into a separate projects. infrastructure CATEGORY: Infrastructure related - e.g. updates to build process, tests, tooling, etc.
#355 opened Sep 25, 2019 by james-nash
Improve CDN listing page(s) 💡 idea TYPE: Indicates that this is an idea. These may end up spinning out into a separate projects. docs CATEGORY: Anything related to documentation infrastructure CATEGORY: Infrastructure related - e.g. updates to build process, tests, tooling, etc.
#354 opened Sep 25, 2019 by james-nash
Publish SASS API docs docs CATEGORY: Anything related to documentation help wanted INVITATION: Indicates that a maintainer wants help on an issue or pull request infrastructure CATEGORY: Infrastructure related - e.g. updates to build process, tests, tooling, etc. 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests
#353 opened Sep 25, 2019 by james-nash
Re-organise pattern library 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#309 opened Jun 11, 2019 by james-nash
Investigate supporting Brotli compression on Pattern Library & CDN help wanted INVITATION: Indicates that a maintainer wants help on an issue or pull request infrastructure CATEGORY: Infrastructure related - e.g. updates to build process, tests, tooling, etc. 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests
#288 opened May 30, 2019 by james-nash
Add example content "components" to pattern library 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#277 opened May 21, 2019 by james-nash
Remove section "component" ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#276 opened May 21, 2019 by james-nash
Publish Nunjucks templates to NPM buildit-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the Buildit website infrastructure CATEGORY: Infrastructure related - e.g. updates to build process, tests, tooling, etc. 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests
#265 opened May 19, 2019 by james-nash
Add tests! infrastructure CATEGORY: Infrastructure related - e.g. updates to build process, tests, tooling, etc. 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests
#240 opened Apr 29, 2019 by james-nash
WTFM (Write the fucking manual!) docs CATEGORY: Anything related to documentation 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests
#180 opened Jan 25, 2019 by james-nash
Search-related UI components architecture-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the architecture microsite 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#179 opened Jan 25, 2019 by james-nash
Add components for article meta-data architecture-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the architecture microsite buildit-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the Buildit website 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#178 opened Jan 25, 2019 by james-nash
Add components/styles for dividing up complex pages architecture-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the architecture microsite 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#177 opened Jan 25, 2019 by james-nash
Add navigation tree component(s) architecture-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the architecture microsite 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#176 opened Jan 25, 2019 by james-nash
Add pagination component(s) architecture-website CONSUMER: Indicates that this is required by the architecture microsite 🌟 enhancement TYPE: Indicates new feature requests ui CATEGORY: Anything related to the design or implementation of UI components and styles
#175 opened Jan 25, 2019 by james-nash
Paper prototype generator for Gravity 💡 idea TYPE: Indicates that this is an idea. These may end up spinning out into a separate projects.
#125 opened May 9, 2018 by james-nash
ProTip! Follow long discussions with comments:>50.